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3DFirst Thread, be gentle - Star Trek TMP Era - Scharnhorst Class Destroyer

Anubis71490Anubis714900 Posts: 0Member
edited April 2011 in Work in Progress #1

Still obviously WIP, but thoughts?
Post edited by Anubis71490 on


  • LockeFPLockeFP171 Posts: 0Member
    Hey! That's pretty dang good so far. New and old ideas meshing very well, here. Although what is that coming out the bottom of the torpedo pod?

    I really like what you've got. Although those impulse engines seem oddly large considering the size of the ship. However, that's not a big deal. Keep it up!
  • Anubis71490Anubis714900 Posts: 0Member
    It's the continuation of the 'neck', comes down to a small fin. It looks odd at the only angle I rendered it at, but it looks fine from most other angles.

    As for the Impulse Engine size, it's sort designed as a fast attack ship. Fast enough to keep up with it's prey, Frigates, and fast enough to run from cruisers, or conversely, allowing them to pick away at cruisers.

    Also, I've completely rebuilt the bridge module from scratch, I'll post a new render soon.
  • SanderleeSanderlee1 Posts: 0Member
    That is seriously cool!
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    I really like your take on TMP-era nacelles... :)
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice job here, I like that ship.
  • Anubis71490Anubis714900 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for the comments. I've finished the geometry and have started mapping it for texturing. hopefully i'll have a finished product by the end of the week.
  • LockeFPLockeFP171 Posts: 0Member
    But . . . but . . . what about some new shots?
  • Anubis71490Anubis714900 Posts: 0Member
    Finished mapping. Starting texture tomorrow. Sleepy time.
  • Anubis71490Anubis714900 Posts: 0Member
    Started on the Saucer
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice, though I think the curvature from the rim to the bridge is a bit too much. Try flattening it a tad.
  • Anubis71490Anubis714900 Posts: 0Member
  • JayruJayru1466 UKPosts: 771Member
    Hey Anubis71490,

    Nice design on the ship – having looked at your thoughts about it, and your current renders, some thoughts (constructive of course);

    The original wip picture is really nice – the lines are clean, and the design is easy on the eye. In terms of sitting in the TMP ethos it works very well. My one problem would be that the shield grid had too many lines… HOWever, given you stated this was to be a frigate/support vessel that would make a lot of sense (given you’d want decent shielding). I would seriously consider going back to that version ;)

    The name on top of the hull should follow the same curve as the reg number – but that’s an aesthetics thing, but if you’re keeping to the TMP look than it would be the way to go with it.

    Nice work on the bridge – the TMP/Enterprise refit one can be a pain to get right, lol. Believe me when I say I know on that score. Given the role you have in mind for the ship, have you considered going with a different design? Maybe something akin to what the Akyazi/Akula has?

    Again, nice work – keep going with it :thumb:
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • Polaris 004Polaris 004199 Posts: 752Member
    I like this a lot. Looks fast and no-nonsense. Can't wait to see more. If you are interested in following the Roddenberry "rules" then I think the nacelles need to have line-of sight clearance with one another. So you would have to either drop them down lower or bend them up the other way. I like the LOOK of where they are now though...
  • LockeFPLockeFP171 Posts: 0Member
    I like the way the cutout at the front was from the first image. It had a certain appeal, similar to the Akyazi class. The new version with the angled cut is much less aesthetically pleasing. It seems too "addon" instead of purposefully placed. How about some full renders? I'm curious about the development of the rest of the mesh!
  • Capt DaveCapt Dave0 Posts: 0Member
    Interesting concept.
  • Anubis71490Anubis714900 Posts: 0Member

    Now, be nice. This is the first time I've textured ANYTHING. I know it's pretty basic, and I plan on improving it.
  • LockeFPLockeFP171 Posts: 0Member
    Well, you are off to a great start, there. Nice crisp lines, the reg is exactly the type we know and love (which font are you using?) and the areas are laid out with the idea of the design-flow in mind. What program are you using to texture?
  • sojournersojourner0 Posts: 0Member
    Cool ship! Nice work. One thing, is there a part of the model missing between the struts for the nacelles or are the struts really attached to the ship with just those tiny little pieces?
  • Capt DaveCapt Dave0 Posts: 0Member
    A few Questions about the Concept.

    1. How many decks?
    2. About how many crew?
    3. About what year did it enter service?
    4. What is its role in the fleet?
  • Anubis71490Anubis714900 Posts: 0Member
    Capt Dave wrote: »
    A few Questions about the Concept.

    1. How many decks?
    2. About how many crew?
    3. About what year did it enter service?
    4. What is its role in the fleet?

    1. 10 Decks in the Saucer Section, 4 Decks, 1 multideck Main Engineering, and lots of crawlspaces and service compartments in the engineering section.
    2. ~ 220 Officers and Enlisted
    3. Haven't thought that far yet
    4. Fleet Escort/Destroyer Leader
    LockeFP wrote: »
    Well, you are off to a great start, there. Nice crisp lines, the reg is exactly the type we know and love (which font are you using?) and the areas are laid out with the idea of the design-flow in mind. What program are you using to texture?

    I used FederationBold. It's a trek font I got specifically for this purpose. It's the little things that matter, and I had to get that right. After that, I just gave the text a proper red outer glow and there ya go, TMP Era Registry and Name.

    I used Photoshop CS5 for the texture.
  • Anubis71490Anubis714900 Posts: 0Member


    12842 polygons.
  • LockeFPLockeFP171 Posts: 0Member
    The pylon structure does seem fairly fragile, when compared with other vessels of the era. Maybe some support pylons connected to the saucer? It would seem to be more stable . . .
  • sojournersojourner0 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah, as I pointed out earlier. that tiny bar holding the nacelles on is just too small to look realistic.
  • BasillBasill172 Posts: 0Member
    That's a very interesting design. I really like this overall configuration, but I have to agree with the others about the skimpy pylon joint. It looks dangerously "Achilles heel," as if it could snap like a twig just breaking out of standard orbit. The pylons themselves look robust and excellent by comparison. I can see the aesthetic appeal of having the "cut" there in the pylon mount, but I think it's a little harsh done to this extent. With such large, robust pylons and such a tiny little structure mounting it to the ship's hull, It looks a little like pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey.

    Don't forget, the pylons aren't just props, but deliver the primary energy used by the nacelles themselves, so there are not only structural concerns to think about, but internal configurations that must be considered. That pylon joint assembly just doesn't look like it could envelope a plasma intermix shaft and be structurally fit to drag all that mass its towing.

    I love the larger impulse engines as well, but wonder if the impulse deflection crystal doesn't look a little dinky given the increased scale you've gone for. That's not a big deal however. Again, I really like where you are going with this.
  • Anubis71490Anubis714900 Posts: 0Member
  • libertyliberty0 Posts: 0Member
    The only idea's I have are this.........
    I think that the Torpedo Bay could be mounted on top of the "Roll Bar/Nacelle Support. And the Deflector Array relocated to that space. Your work is very good and I hope to see much more.
  • Capt DaveCapt Dave0 Posts: 0Member
    I have to agree with the Pylon issue. They do look a bit flimsy.

    Also not a fan of deflectors on the leading edge of the saucer. I'd go with Liberty's suggestion. It would give you a larger area to attach the pylons too as well.
  • FalinFalin0 Posts: 0Member
    Hmm... Since it's TMP era, I would have gone with the Reliant deflector system. Basically the front extrusion on the lower sensor array is the main deflector (secondary in the Enterprise), this would allow the Torpedo's to be moved to the leading edge.
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