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  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
    Thanks BolianAdmiral!! :D

    Here is just a test with Bananas:
  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
    High res:
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    Is he really that small, or are those some frakin' huge bananas? Given his size relative to the twinkies he feeds his cockroach pal, I'd guess the bananas should be about half that size relative to him.
  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
    hehe indeed, the bananas are huge ;)
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Wall looks great, but I am loving those bananas.
  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
    Cheers Freak, those are made by a good friend, Herve
    You can get them here:
  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
    Finally Wall-e's head is connected to his neck

  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
  • BasillBasill172 Posts: 0Member
    Wow, he's a treasure. :D
  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
    Thanks Basil!!! :D
  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
    Just testing, but a working Solar charge level display:



  • Randy TjangRandy Tjang0 Posts: 0Member
    nico-r44 wrote: »
    a working Solar charge level display:
    3D models actually have batteries, consume power and are capable of having a fully functional (is able to change depending on whatever) charge level display?
  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
    Is that a rhetorical question ?
  • Randy TjangRandy Tjang0 Posts: 0Member
    nico-r44 wrote: »
    Is that a rhetorical question ?
    dw, just pointing out how it seemed like you said that it actually worked...
  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
    ah :-) well, it does, but in the virtual world ;)
  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
    Something new now, I wanted to model those electrical wires on the back of his head, and still be able to move his eyes to set his mood.
    And it worked out, I'm now able to update the assembly and have the wires reset to the correct position

    Have a look:

    so happy!! 8)

  • DCBDCB331 Posts: 0Member
    Hrmm...can't keep them anchored in that position the whole time? Although I guess it doesn't matter if you aren't planning on doing animations.
  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
    Don't forget these are NURBS/CAD and not just Meshes DBC, that's a whole other ball game :cool:

    I am thinking of porting my model to 3d studio btw, but than it must be 100% finished.
    Some things I still have to do are

    * Modeling the solar panels
    * Mechanics for the tracks and connecting them to the body
    * Interior Mechanics and back side
  • DCBDCB331 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah I know. SolidWorks right? I thought it was set up to handle articulation and such for testing and the like?
  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
    Yeah, you can do some animation with it, also with gravity and stuff, but it's meant to do research on usability and durability, not for animations like this

    Normally I use Solid Works for product design like this:
    and in the little free time I have I model things like Wall-E ;-)
  • GlazyGlazy333 Posts: 0Member
    Really amazing work !!!
  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
    Cheers Glazy!!

    Here is a test just to see how a larger render would work out:
    3000x2319 pixels
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    I'm put in mind of the Leonard Cohen song, "I'm Your Man," with the word "Droid" subbed in. :cool:
  • Darth ZiggyDarth Ziggy0 Posts: 0Member
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    great work mate, really do the little fella justice! :)
  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
    Big thanks friends! and great song Jennifer!! :cool:
  • ChrisGFXChrisGFX362 GermanyPosts: 607Member
    how cute :)

    Great Work!
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Wall E coming along nicely.

    Love the that filght sim.
  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
    Thanks guys!!!
  • nico-r44nico-r44179 Posts: 157Member
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