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3DCarina Class Explorer

backsteptbackstept2270 Posts: 954Member
edited September 2016 in Work in Progress #1
it's not 3D but here's something I'm working on


[edit 2] and here's the horrible sketch that started it all
it began as a riff on the Nebula class, but it's progressed beyond being a refit
no concrete class name picked out yet, but it's Carina Class at the moment

also can't decide on nacelle placement

and here's a shuttle I'm working on
based on a design by Warped9 from TrekBBS and comissioned by BolianAdmiral


happy funtimes with mesherrors!
Post edited by backstept on


  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    When I first saw the pic DL, I though it was a refit Nebula, but I like the dierection you going with. What era do you see this in?

    nice work on the shuttle.
  • backsteptbackstept2270 Posts: 954Member
    thanks :thumb:

    I see the ship as being post nemesis but before STO
    so . . . pretty much a contemporary of the Luna class
  • backsteptbackstept2270 Posts: 954Member
    here's the latest

  • Lee80Lee80193 Posts: 458Member
    nice going Andy :)
  • backsteptbackstept2270 Posts: 954Member
  • backsteptbackstept2270 Posts: 954Member
    I've nailed down a size: L 570m, W 394m, H 106m
    I wanted it to be between Galaxy and Nebula size, but I wasn't exactly sure how large it would be
    if I kept the same saucer size as the Gal and Nebby it would be quite a bit larger than both

    so in terms of where it fits role-wise, it does overlap with the Galaxy, Nebula, Luna, and Vesta
    but it's not a new technology testbed like the Vesta class, or Luna class
    It doesn't have many significant advances over the Galaxy class save for the sensor and science packages
  • backsteptbackstept2270 Posts: 954Member
    decided I'd break this off from my 3D thread :D
  • IronscytheIronscythe0 Posts: 0Member
    I like this. It has the feeling of a design parallel to or directly following the Nebula, and comfortably so. It's the same feeling I had when I first saw the USS Voyager. It just feels right somehow.
  • backsteptbackstept2270 Posts: 954Member
    yeah, the Enterprise D is a ship I literally grew up with and this is my counter argument to all those post-Nemesis fan designs . . .
    you know the ones . . . long, spindly, pointy, overpowered warships, daggers with red and blue bits on it :D
  • backsteptbackstept2270 Posts: 954Member
    started on the saucer details, and the main impulse exhaust
    still to do are the escape pods, main shuttle bay and cargo bays, various hull details like emitters and windows and and and . . .
    if you look close you can see the observation lounge windows just below the bridge on the bow
  • StarshipStarship472 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    SheA’s taking an interesting shape. :)
  • IronscytheIronscythe0 Posts: 0Member
    Starting to remind me a lot of the "Nova Class" concepts from the TNG technical manual or whatever it was. Whatever, it's awesomely TNG and I'm sticking to the previous statement that it just feels right.
  • backsteptbackstept2270 Posts: 954Member
    it's been a long time since I've seen the Nova 'Pathfinder' pics . . . I wish I had the tech manuals :(
  • Tochiro76Tochiro760 Posts: 0Member
    Those nacelles are kinda big in the back, looks like the ship could float on water or something, maybe you are trying not to use the same nacelles as the galaxy class?
  • backsteptbackstept2270 Posts: 954Member
    floating, no
    different nacelles, yes
  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member
    Hi, Its been a while since Ive seen an original Trek ship design. I to like where this design is going. Keep up the good work and keep the updates coming on this project.
  • Fre'dniFre'dni0 Posts: 0Member
    Rugged design. Is it a destroyer?
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    Love this one. I could see her as a Heavy Frigate than a destroyer as she doesn't look like she's bristling with weaponry or got a lot of places it could be fitted with the TNG equivalents of the TOS/TMP-era bulky sensor units, phaser canons, etc.

    But she looks like she means business, she's there to replace the Oberth-Class and Miranda-Class, in addition to both of their internet subclass variants available at ShipSchematics.Net

    I'd love to see the Carina's floor plans, stats, etc. Though I'd love to know if this one will have a Captain's Yacht or just a small handful of "Delta Flyer" style multi-purpose auxiliary craft.
  • backsteptbackstept2270 Posts: 954Member
    Here's the latest:


    just fleshing out with some details . . . got they pylons all figured out
    you'll notice the large door on the top. that's for the shuttlebay which extends to the rear, so it's got an entry in the top and to the back
    it can fit up to a 50x25m shuttle/small ship, not sure of the height . . . maybe 15 meters?
    the little dot thingy by the bridge is a standard 6m shuttle

    it's most definitely not a destroyer and it's larger than Oberth and Miranda at 570 meters in length
    it has the same armaments as the Galaxy class, and as is plainly stated in the thread title it's an explorer
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice work here, I love it.
  • backsteptbackstept2270 Posts: 954Member
    many thanks :D
  • backsteptbackstept2270 Posts: 954Member
    here's the latest:
    got a rough rear view in there, and also put in a Galaxy for scale . . . so yeah . . . mahoosive nacelles
    they were big anyway, but next to the Galaxy they're huge
    should I scale the ship down some? or should I use some handwavium to explain why they're big? . . . maybe something simple like it uses 20% less energy to get to warp 7 and 5% less to warp 9? hey they're Energy Star certified :D

    [edit] just noticed where the nacelle pylons meet the neck isn't in the right spot . . .
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Maybe you need the huge nacelles to propell all that stuff into warp easier...
    I mean it's not like the nifty and steamlined Galaxy. It's tightly packed, so it is comparatively heavier to move around in subspace.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    I think personally I'd scale it down, so it's only one deck in the saucer rim, ala Intrepid-class. Otherwise those nacelles look a bit too "chunky" for their current size.

    IMO, of course... ;)
  • backsteptbackstept2270 Posts: 954Member
    ok . . . I did resize it to 87.7% of its original size
    now 500 instead of 570 meters
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    backstept wrote: »
    ok . . . I did resize it to 87.7% of its original size
    now 500 instead of 570 meters

    Are you missing an image there? Wasn't sure if you meant you've already downscaled it previously...
  • backsteptbackstept2270 Posts: 954Member
    the most recent pic shows the 570m length
    I haven't posted a pic of the resized version yet because I didn't change any of the details :P
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Ah, that makes more sense ;)
  • backsteptbackstept2270 Posts: 954Member
    here's the resized pic with a little bit of work on the saucer details
    I think the generally accepted length of the Gal is 642m which is what I'm using
    I also put in an approximation of a type 6 shuttle and a runabout
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice work. Now the nacelles are more believable.
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