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3DEonyn WIP Thread

HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
edited September 2011 in Work in Progress #1
Ok... so like many others I'm creating my own Scifi universe. It is called Eonyn. Website with database is in the works. I've been working on this universe for a few years. I'm also writing a novel in ths universe. I plan to write several.

Now, I'm making my first ship. Meet the Baraqu class Beam Cruiser. It's gonna be used by a alien race, to slay... terrans... ofcourse and other inhabitants of the galaxy ;)

So far I've got the main beam cannon and two smaller pulse beam cannons installed. I still need to add more greeblings and finish up the hull, but the basic shape is here. Some might notice dreamwa1ker has been a inspiration for me...

Also, the textures aint what they should be, although it captures the idea :)

Anyway, let me know what you think :)
Post edited by Haturod on


  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    Ahh yes, lightning on the front view is messed up... sorry bout that :)
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Interesting! is this the whole ship or just the nose?? Good either way!

    love to hear a brief synopsis on the plot.. would make critqueing your build a bit easier if we know a few details like what the ship is for ( beam cruizer on this one) what type of sub light drive it has? is it FTL cappable? and if so by what means? ( warp, hyperspace, wormhole etc) and what it uses to make it possible? (warp naccelles, jump engines, special nose piece etc) just thoughts going through my head.. love reading others concepts of how to transverse space!

    good luck on the books, and the modeling.. Giganitic task! wish you luck and patience!
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for the reply :)

    Well, this is prolly gonna take me a few decades more ;) Which is ok I'm gonna take my time with this.

    The story sets of in 3245. Mankind has encountered one alien species by then which is rather paecefull. Without going in to to much detail at this time, Sips will FTL travel in Jump Point style. Flows of energy come together at a point in space. If one builds a device to channel them correctly, a warp effect between point A and point B. For larger vessels it is possible to get a drive installed smaller vessels at that time can't summon enough energy.

    Mankind has seperated in to the 2 factions. The Earth Republic who holds most of the human systems and the Aquarian Alliance which was founded by a company who found a few star systems un-naturally rich is raw exotic materials. At first they kept their discovery a secrete and exploited their find. It came out eventually and the company got its own soverenty.

    Then steps in the bad species, which names I won't mention yet cause I've changed it two time allready and prolly will a few times more :P They came from a planet involving 3 sentient species. One the Rakh, which are physically the strongest of the 3 and have demon like appearance, the Shar which have some great intellect at their disposal, and the Narf whom really don't have any significant point in comparison with the other 2.

    Back to the ship at hand, the antenna's(see new render) in front are their to channel the energies needed to create a jump point. I will have to change those as I'm not entirely happy with them. Just added those turrets which will also change probally but at the moment serve as placeholders. The ship is about 1.2 km long, so don't get the impression that the beam cannon has a small beamt to fire ;) Need to add more detailing to support that lenght though :)

    That's it for now :)
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    cool!.. Thanks!

    yeah.. some details to show the size of the ship would be good :)

    good luck!
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    I'm currently redoing the armored pieces as it is messed up on the inside of the ship. I also think I should make the nose a bit sharper and less rounded. The antenna's will have to go as well and I need to add some other thing to allign them energies. Any ideas would be welcome :)

    Also, I'm gonna add a bridge/command tower section to the side of the ship. Probally somewere were the under the extended hull parts :)
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    Next is a concept. The Principes Human Heavy Destroyer. Most notable, 2 massive ion cannons and multiple torpedo tubes for rapid fire Anti-Capship weapons. It needs more detailing, but pretty satisfied with the overall shape of the thing
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    And the basic outline of a helmet!
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    You know, if it's your own universe, you don't have to follow Star Trek and put the bridge in an exposed place. Bury it deep inside the most secure part of the hull possible.
  • Kalic-VadekKalic-Vadek0 Posts: 0Member
    Jenny wrote: »
    You know, if it's your own universe, you don't have to follow Star Trek and put the bridge in an exposed place. Bury it deep inside the most secure part of the hull possible.
    Well As long as your bridge isn't your CiC it's fine.
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    Aye, all ships have combat information centers :) The bridge is more of an Aestatic choice :)
  • F9thCenturusF9thCenturus331 Posts: 5Member
    Beautiful work.
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    Small updates on my principes class destroyer.

    You'll spot some smoothing errors along with low poly place holders :) just planning out the design before going on to detailing the... details :) You'll see the bridge, 2 points defense turrets and some escape pods(hatches in front) to the left and right of the bridge section.
  • Cata_bRcCata_bRc0 Posts: 0Member
    Nice looking spaceship ... I like them very much
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    Cheers :)
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    Moving on to the next ship, it's a resdesign of my Velites fighter that I posted in the other thread. It's a scout fighter. You can see a advanced sensor pack on the top of the plane (not really looking as I hoped so will fix that) 2x 4 medium missiles pods below (missing missiles atm).
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    Update on the Velites.

    Added thrusters, redid the cannons and top sensor pod and added some small detailing.

    Comment and Constructive Feedback appreciated :)
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    Some minor updates, fixed some issues with the cockpit, and made a quick textured version :)
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    More updates and applied some procedural shaders to the Velites :) Shadows are off and reflections are not to nice here still unfinished parts, but I think she's shaping up nicely :)

    what do you think? :)
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    Test flyby and a test for my new background(still WIP)
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    Also did some changes in the Baraqu design :)
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    Fooling around a bit with UV's and textures :) Also did some remodelling as some stuff looked(and still looks) awefull :)
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    Ok, I've been silent for a while, been busy moving and more other lively stuff :)

    Here's what I'm working on at the moment :)
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    looked like a cannon at first :) looks great sir!
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    looked like a cannon at first :) looks great sir!

    funny you mention, it's gonna be a beam cruiser :)
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