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omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
edited October 2010 in Work in Progress #1
A short wip i decided to share with you all as it has been well recieved elsewhere.
Post edited by omnipotent on


  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Looks like your off to a good start.
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    Really nice work so far, omnipotent. Are you basing this guy off any particular movie? The design seems to have subtly evolved over the years...
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    Freak wrote: »
    Looks like your off to a good start.
    indeed its getting there.
    Comco wrote: »
    Really nice work so far, omnipotent. Are you basing this guy off any particular movie? The design seems to have subtly evolved over the years...
    thank you. and yes the design is inspired by the predator in alien vs predator but with my own spice added to it.

    changed out/cleaned up most of the armor and im well on my way to finalizing this thing.
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  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    cool, are you just doing the mask or will you do the face underneath?
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    IRML wrote: »
    cool, are you just doing the mask or will you do the face underneath?
    Thank you!
    for now it will only be the helmet/mask ;)
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    omnipotent wrote: »
    ...the design is inspired by the predator in alien vs predator but with my own spice added to it.

    Looking great. A few suggestions...I understand you're adding your own flavour to the design so feel free to take or leave any of these -

    * The armour in most of the movies looks far less shiny than what you currently have. It's closer to an unpolished/lightly polished iron - although it's obviously stronger than that. See my attachments to see what I mean.

    * The eyes do look high-tech as you have them now, but they look a lot more intimidating when they are not lit at all and are mostly in shadow. Most of the masks you see have a more pronounced eyebrow ridge to make them look meaner...
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    Comco wrote: »
    Looking great. A few suggestions...I understand you're adding your own flavour to the design so feel free to take or leave any of these -

    * The armour in most of the movies looks far less shiny than what you currently have. It's closer to an unpolished/lightly polished iron - although it's obviously stronger than that. See my attachments to see what I mean.

    * The eyes do look high-tech as you have them now, but they look a lot more intimidating when they are not lit at all and are mostly in shadow. Most of the masks you see have a more pronounced eyebrow ridge to make them look meaner...

    thank you! yes all suggestions are welcome.

    oh yes i am well aware how the armor looks in all of the movies as before i started this thing i spent several hours gathering refference pics ;) and currently all textures are place holders (simply BC i hate clay renders) ;)

    and yes the eyes are lit for now as in the movies the sometimes flash a green/blue white color while the pred is cloaked.
    as for the mask im quite happy with it as is.

    thanks for commenting and making some suggestions ;)

    Made and mounted the plasma cannon, it apears small in this render but i have since enlarged it ;)
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    Quick scene test to check how the model and subpatch/subdivide would behave and react in lightwave.

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    and imo so far so good..

    (jungle backdrop from random google search)
  • HundredHundred268 Posts: 1,021Member
    Comco wrote: »
    Really nice work so far, omnipotent. Are you basing this guy off any particular movie? The design seems to have subtly evolved over the years...

    I don't think it's as much evolution as it is different "styles" in... haberdashery. :lol: I you remember from AVP (the first one), the Predators pyramid design on Earth, had influence and was reflected in three completely different human cultures. And even on their own world (briefly seen in AVPR), the buildings (pyramids and other structures), were somewhat diverse.

    Great work omnipotent, keep it up. :thumb:
  • HundredHundred268 Posts: 1,021Member
    Comco wrote: »
    Really nice work so far, omnipotent. Are you basing this guy off any particular movie? The design seems to have subtly evolved over the years...

    I don't think it's as much evolution as it is different "styles" in... haberdashery. :lol: If you remember from AVP (the first one), the Predators pyramid design on Earth, had influence and was reflected in three completely different human cultures. And even on their own world (briefly seen in AVPR), the buildings (pyramids and other structures), were somewhat diverse.

    Great work omnipotent, keep it up. :thumb::thumb:
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    Hundred wrote: »
    Great work omnipotent, keep it up. :thumb::thumb:
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Coming alone nicely.

    Will you be doing more work on the body. At the moment the hands looks a bit to human. While the Pred's have more like a "claw" fingers.
    There hands are also a bit more beefier than our own.
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    Freak wrote: »
    Coming alone nicely.

    Will you be doing more work on the body. At the moment the hands looks a bit to human. While the Pred's have more like a "claw" fingers.
    There hands are also a bit more beefier than our own.
    Thank you.
    and yes i am aware ;)
    and ive already adressed it to some point.

    Update time.

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  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    for now anyway.

    Attachment not found.Attachment not found.Attachment not found.

    everything is pretty much done including bone rig (excluding weightmapping as i dont know where to begin)
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Looking good. The hands looks better, but as you said, still needs work.
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    Freak wrote: »
    Looking good. The hands looks better, but as you said, still needs work.
    thanks. umm were did i say that? i like it the way it is myself.

    Quick anim tester.

  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Nice Animation, though the unclocking still needs a bit more work.
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    Freak wrote: »
    Nice Animation, though the unclocking still needs a bit more work.
    if i ever figure out a way to add the sparky electricty arcs to it i will ;)
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    Predator, otherwise known as the "Yautja" or "Hiss".
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    Hellsgate wrote: »
    Predator, otherwise known as the "Yautja" or "Hiss".

    and the point of that pointless fact was?
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    Hellsgate wrote: »
    Predator, otherwise known as the "Yautja" or "Hiss".

    yes in the novel universe that i dont considder cannon i dont considder AVP as cannon either.
    pred 1 &2 and predators is cannon the rest is well imo crap, fun but crap
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    I'm not a Predator specialist so I don't know about the novels etc but the model is looking really good. The model is very solid and the animation will be great with a few quick tweaks. Maybe you can make the Predator move around a bit (turn its shoulders for example) to make it more "lively". Anyway, looking forward to seeing more :thumb:
  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    I'm not a Predator specialist so I don't know about the novels etc but the model is looking really good. The model is very solid and the animation will be great with a few quick tweaks. Maybe you can make the Predator move around a bit (turn its shoulders for example) to make it more "lively". Anyway, looking forward to seeing more :thumb:

    just spent the night reading up on and getting somewhat of a grasp on weight mapping so i should be well on my way to being able to animate characters in a more realistic way.

    glad ya like the model.
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