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3DSaving capsule of Terrestrial Russia


  • IronscytheIronscythe0 Posts: 0Member
    That doesn't seem large enough to hold 18 people. Even if they were in stasis pods around the inner wall, it might hold 10 or 12 at most.
  • TaidremTaidrem67 Posts: 279Member

    I simply yet have not created internal design, but in a capsule Is located 18 persons, in the novel heroes of a non-existence the legend 1 awakening of a chasm. During destruction spaice the ship in a capsule 22 persons were located.
  • IronscytheIronscythe0 Posts: 0Member
    I see. Your earlier image was of a markedly different scale, with the man standing next to the pod.

    I also don't quite understand what you're referencing here. Is this a novel that you yourself are writing?
  • TaidremTaidrem67 Posts: 279Member
    This book to you is not known it is issued in russia,

    Cutting from the book. Words can be not exact because I use the translator.

    Andrey Bulgakov.

    They those who decide destinies of the whole worlds! They on what the destiny of all universe depends! On the single they anybody, but each of them, brings the contribution! They as if the drop of a rain rushing from heavens! One drop will make nothing, but when it is a lot of them, they washes off any obstacle from the way! For they!!!

    Heroes of the Non-existence. The legend I. Chasm awakening.

    The world and the Universe is something incomprehensible both not clear. And this world varies in due course. Something comes also something leaves. But even in such global changes, much remains invariable. In all our universe exists, set of other worlds, and all of them as if a huge web are weaved into the uniform thread, shrouding all our universe, as if a huge ball. And all these worlds as if dust particles, are dispelled on all thread. But all of them are interconnected, with each other, by two basic worlds. The Universe of life and, a non-existence. Our Universe it? Life?, at us begins a way all and everything, in reasons of people of the Universe of life are born, great streams of a life which are printed in other worlds, in the form of various embodiments. And all these prints go through a web of other worlds, and all that could not be printed settles in the non-existence Universe. So in one of the parallel worlds there can be Elfy, in other world they are not present. In one of the Universes there are demons from our nightmares, in their other Universe are not present. But it is precisely possible to tell, what in the Universe? A non-existence?, there is everything, what has been engendered in reasons of inhabitants of the Universe? Lives?. Here all a collar on выворот. And it is difficult to understand, where kindly, and where angrily. They as if two curve mirrors, reflect a life essence.

    The first chapter. Mysterious vision.

    The world will change? I know it, but on what road it will go, anybody to us will tell. The world for us is the Universe, it is infinite, and there is no at it an end and if and there is at it an end it is covered by a gloom. Fourteen thousand years ago, there were the great events which have cleared the way to the dark future. My name is lady Beshan, I will tell you history about the end, and the human race beginning, how their fire has died away. Still I will tell to your story about one person which it was expensive to me very strongly, him called Andrey, all life he wandered on boundless open spaces of a great non-existence when all was silent, and the war centre yet did not burn, its reason was in darkness. It was lonely, aspiring to learn who it is such, he has forgotten about meaning of the life, and being in the dark, being in a gloom and a cold it all time repeated?

    - Who I!? Has silently whispered, a mysterious voice in darkness. - that I, what for I live in this world. What for I exist? Here two hundred forty one year, I suffer the existence. I cannot die, for I not the live? Already! But I live, and I exist. Many times me killed, but I rose from dead, many times I killed myself, but it turned out nothing. I as if am bewitched by malicious force which wishes me to exhaust. It is a lot of, many time I felt a pain which devoured me from within. I dream to die, but I can not, my destiny all time to live, in outer darkness, and therefrom to observe of people. Which have house, a family, and pleasure in a life? The darkness has vanished, and Andrey Fitisov has appeared in the middle of a green field leaving far for horizon. By sight to it was years twenty five, big shoulders, a sad face, in appearance it reminded the usual guy, but its sight was other, they showed huge years, and senile weariness. He has looked on the parties, and has stood pending, something especial. On the person it had surprise, and serenity. It has lifted the eyelids, and tired blue eyes, has looked at horizon which slowly it began to be filled, bright beams of a rising sun. Andrey has blinked eyes, and its eyes have seen, how someone's silhouette has heaved in sight, and slowly began to go to it on a meeting. - Again vision? Fitisov has silently said. - Is not present, not vision, but time it not vision, then that? In process of approach of a mysterious physiognomy, it became obvious that it was the woman. The more close it approached to it, the it was visible its clothes better. The grey long raincoat which is hanging down to the earth, the person covered a long hood. He/she is the man, or the woman? No, it is the woman!? He has thought about itself(himself). - I feel it, how it goes. And it is valid, this stranger did not go, it as лодочка floated on the silent river. Andrey it saw also all understood, he has smiled and began to wait, when she will approach to it. The stranger has quietly approached to Andrey, and has stopped on outstretched arm distance. - TH I wait for you, my lovely friend.? Beautiful, gentle, and a pleasant voice on hearing, the stranger has told. - TH I do not understand, the lovely maiden? - Has with astonishment asked Andrey.? Why you wait for me? But the stranger in the answer only has laughed.
  • IronscytheIronscythe0 Posts: 0Member
    Whatever translation service you're using is not doing a good job of producing understandable English. That whole passage is unreadable.
  • TaidremTaidrem67 Posts: 279Member
    I am not guilty that many Russian words are not subject to transfer, in one language of the world. I as and have translated a smog. Though I have the most expensive translation system promt. And still from English on Russian it well translates and here from Russian on English, alas, badly very much!!!
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Lol! It could be a result of the prose style in use on that publication - I understood your other posts well enough, so the translator can't be that bad overall! :D
  • TaidremTaidrem67 Posts: 279Member
    Well then I here am powerless, I communicate with the help of the translator. That I do not know English. A maximum the Greek and Russian and also bad Russian)))
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Don't worry - like I said, we can understand what you are posting well (just that the book you quoted does not lend itself to translation easily). ;)
  • TaidremTaidrem67 Posts: 279Member
    It is not a pity that you can understand in full my book, by the way I on a life the writer and the designer. I work as the photographer in a photo salon, and at leisure the designer in magazine "burgui". Also I write books, it already 3 my book. In russia it has not bad popularity).
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