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2DStar Wars Galactic Combat Spacecraft Magazine Covers

Viper AviatorViper Aviator0 Posts: 0Member
edited September 2010 in Finished Work #1
Hello All, It's been a while since I last posted here, but know I'm trying to make up for lost time. I was recently reading a copy of Military Combat Aircraft Magazine, and I thought to myself, "why don't I do something like this for the Star Wars universe. So I designed covers for a publication that I call Galactic Combat Spacecraft. I hope that you like them, and I would appreciate any feedback that you fine people would have to offer. There are more to come in the near future! ENJOY!
Post edited by Viper Aviator on


  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    pretty sweet!
  • Viper AviatorViper Aviator0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks homerpalooza67 it's much appreciated! Now here's an issue of Galactic Combat Spacecraft with the B-Wing taking the cover and the lead story.
  • Viper AviatorViper Aviator0 Posts: 0Member
    Well, here's another cover for Galactic Combat Spacecraft, with this one the lead story and cover goes to the TIE Interceptor. I'm thinking about making this a full magazine in .pdf format. Please let me know what you think of this idea.
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Those are really great ! :thumb: I would like to see an entire issue made :D If anything, I would just try to get some hi-res images because the X-wing and ARC don't look on par with the rest of the print. Other than that, great job !
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    Just remember - the A-Wing was developed by General Dodonna prior to his capture, and saw limited production until Incom acquired the plans and mass produced them :)

  • Viper AviatorViper Aviator0 Posts: 0Member
    Those are really great ! :thumb: I would like to see an entire issue made :D If anything, I would just try to get some hi-res images because the X-wing and ARC don't look on par with the rest of the print. Other than that, great job !

    Thanks somacruz145, I have to agree with about the X-Wing, I plan on redoing that one in the near future, as for the ARC, well that was just a simple screen cap. I plan on modifying that one as well. Thanks for the compliments and the input. I really means a lot!
  • Viper AviatorViper Aviator0 Posts: 0Member
    Just remember - the A-Wing was developed by General Dodonna prior to his capture, and saw limited production until Incom acquired the plans and mass produced them :)


    You are perfectly correct sir! The A-Wing was designed by General Jan General Jan Dodonna and former K.S.E. Engineer Walex Blissex (who designed the Delta 7 and Alpha 3 Light Interceptors during the Clone Wars) They based the design on the Tammuz-an Space Navy's R-22 Spearhead. It was originally manufactured in limited production by Alliance Underground Engineering, before going into mass production, like you stated by Incom. Please correct me if any of this info might be in error.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    Nope! You got it all (except for the repeat of the good ol' General's name :))
    And the A-wings do not have astromech droids, which greatly reduces their hyperspace navigational capabilities. :p
  • Viper AviatorViper Aviator0 Posts: 0Member
    Nope! You got it all (except for the repeat of the good ol' General's name :))
    And the A-wings do not have astromech droids, which greatly reduces their hyperspace navigational capabilities. :p

    DoH!!!! Frackin' typos LOL great call on the Astromech I totally forgot about that! That's why the A-Wing is only limited to 2 jumps I believe. I could be wrong about that though.
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