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2DUSS Gemini "Boards" (TOS)

BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1115 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,567Member
edited August 2010 in Work in Progress #1
Okay... after seeing Joe's incredible graphic (on, I decided to make a series of "boards" for the USS Gemini. There will be maybe three or four boards, including a "Joe's version", with a picture of the ship, a version with just the warp nacelles, and a true TOS screen version. My thinking is to take an idea from the old industrial IBM computers of the 1960's, and adapt it to TOS Trek. The idea is that in much the same way as you used to have to insert actual program "cards" into an old IBM mainframe, to get it to carry out a specific task, so would you be able to swap out various "boards" on the ship, to monitor specific ship functions, when you need expanded or focused functionality.

Anyway, here is where I am now... I am taking my time with these... there's a lot of detail to be made...




More updates to come! You can also track this project at!

- BolianAdmiral
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