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3Dspace 1999 re-imagined

teknomancer2008teknomancer2008336 Posts: 145Member
edited September 2010 in Work in Progress #1
basically, i was taking a look at jeff wrights' thread (which is excellent, by the way!) and decided to ask what if? as in, what if space 1999 had been different? so, i thought i'd have a go... and whipped this up in about two or three hours, just for fun. there's still a lot to do, but i think you get the idea. i was thinking of calling it the gecko,....because it looks like a lizard to me, lol. but whatever, let me know what you think, guys!
Post edited by teknomancer2008 on


  • publiusrpubliusr561 Posts: 1,763Member
    I would call that beast a heavy lifter.
  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    Definitely a heavy lift / cargo transport, which would be very practical.... I had thought about doing a series of crafts based on my re-design, along with a heavy lift cargo ship, but the idea I had was more along the lines of the Aries from 2001 or a Corellian freighter... your design is very cool, cant wait to see it develop! And thanks, man, I appreciate the compliment.
  • teknomancer2008teknomancer2008336 Posts: 145Member
    JWWright wrote: »
    Definitely a heavy lift / cargo transport, which would be very practical.... I had thought about doing a series of crafts based on my re-design, along with a heavy lift cargo ship, but the idea I had was more along the lines of the Aries from 2001 or a Corellian freighter... your design is very cool, cant wait to see it develop! And thanks, man, I appreciate the compliment.

    welcome, mate. i had similar thoughts myself, wasn't really sure, though. it just sort of grew out of the front end, so to speak. will be working on it again over the next couple of days. looking forward to seeing this one get finished myself. lol.
  • teknomancer2008teknomancer2008336 Posts: 145Member
    damned files got corrupted by a power outage here, so i lost almost all of the model, i was ablt to recover the 'beak section, and am trying to re-build the rest as i go, so don't be surprised if the model doesn't quite look the same as the first attempt, guys. wish i had more to say, but i don't feeling kind of despondant at the moment, kind of lost. :( will get this back if it's the last thing i do! hate to lose a model.
  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    NoOoOooOoOoOo! I hate it when that happens...

    But, it is a new opportunity to improve on your first go... lemons & lemonade!
  • teknomancer2008teknomancer2008336 Posts: 145Member
    i know, and i will go for it very soon, gotta sort a few files out before i can go for it again. just had another that crashed a couple of files for windows, seems like i have a faulty fusebox! damn! gotta get that fixed!
  • teknomancer2008teknomancer2008336 Posts: 145Member
    ok, here we go again. i have re-built the main body, improving slightly where i can, i haven't gotten too far yet, but i am working slower this time, making backups where i can. no more power outages this time. that troublesome fusebox has been sorted at last! also, i just learned that the gecko can hold a lot of weight for their size, so i guess the name is perfect for a heavy lifting vessel, so the name will stick ;) :lol: hope these pics are good enough to make out, not really checked them yet, so here goes...
  • hagar2007hagar2007331 Posts: 0Member
    How many times have I told you... Always make backups of everything! Looks good. But how's it coming along?
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