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3DSci-fi briefing room WIP - need help badly

biggest_kidbiggest_kid0 Posts: 0Member
edited August 2010 in Work in Progress #1
Hey guys i am making a level in the UDK to use as my game's main menu, and was looking for some advice and crits. I quickly blocked out my level today, and took a screenshot. Constructive criticism is more than welcome please :)

I have sorta hit a mind blank as to any more details/meshes i can add in to give this room a more sci-fi sorta look to it, any help here? What can i add/change to make it look like a real sci-fi room?

The room is meant to be a briefing room for marines before they are teleported to the front lines in case a background for the room helps you guys help me.


So what do you guys think?
Post edited by biggest_kid on


  • cuyacuya174 Posts: 55Member
    I like the rounded roof/hangar type shape. However it feels more like someones office/bar with the round seat (if it is a seat.) I would include a podium by the screen and rows of chairs facing it, think of the scenes in Blackhawk Down, Top Gun, Avatar, Star wars and etc, when they are being briefed. The desk should be facing in to the room, as the operator is probably feeding the breifer info, and so should be looking at the screen, or crowd. Just my 2 cents
  • biggest_kidbiggest_kid0 Posts: 0Member
    Ok added in a speakers desk, still tossing up whether to make it a raised podium or not.
    Also included a bot for scale comparisons. At this point i am considering bringing the ceiling and walls down as the room currently looks extremely vast when compared to the player, as if he was standing in an aircraft hangar, when really its meant to be a room on a small ship. Would you guys agree?

    What else can i add in to make it look more sci fi?

  • Jimi JamesJimi James0 Posts: 0Member
    I agree about making the desk face in towards the center of the room; however I would make it more like a console/computer work station rather then a modern looking desk. I would include work stations for numerous people, in addition to a teleporter operation station, as well as some sort of main Situation Table for the person running the briefing room. I would also build the teleporter into the back wall, rather then center it in the middle of the room, and place the Situation Table in the center of the room, thus making the center of attention the person delivering the briefing, rather then the people receiving the info.

    Also, more displays. In any sort of fight, information is key and can make or break the battle. You want to give your group of marines, every possible bit of information that the people working in this room can possibly get their hands on, from the people they are fighting and the weapons being used, down to the weather where the fight is actually taking however you do it, whether it be in the form of some sort of holographic tactical map with corresponding data overlays of specific tactical points of interest, or a more traditional and modern flat panel screen....there is nothing wrong inmy opinion with going low-tech and using things people know and can easily recognize...think along the lines of new BSG and the CIC aboard the Galactica. It all really depends on how the specifics of the story are laid out.
  • biggest_kidbiggest_kid0 Posts: 0Member
    Ok did some more work on it, heres what i have so far.
    I realise the desk is now too big, and im going to make a podium for people to stand on so it can be looked over. I am in the process of turning the desk into a computer console/panel, and will now put a briefing table in the middle of the room. I also adjusted the height of the ceiling/walls so that the room does not look so big.

    I also wanted to show you guys a pic of the teleporter i am modeling, and get some ideas as to where i can go next.
    As you can see i have the main unit done, with some door like things folded back inside the main unit. I also have two large boxes, presumably generators or something of the sort beside the main unit. What else you guys suggest i add to make it look like a convincing teleporter?

  • hazendhazend171 Posts: 0Member
    Definitely more displays on the wall as well as a few "standalone" smaller units on a desk perhaps? Also if this is a jumpoff point for marines entering a combat zone how about adding a few weapons racks along a wall.
  • biggest_kidbiggest_kid0 Posts: 0Member
    Well im going to have some displays coming off the console there infront of the big holographic screen, this is just a blockout before i start going into TOO much detail. And ive decided to change it more into just a general briefing room, where tacticians and officers gather to receive/give info and formulate strategies and plans. I decided to keep the teleporter as a way of transporting between any command posts on the front lines and the ship.

    Anything else i can add? How is the teleporter?

  • AardwolfAardwolf171 Posts: 82Member
    Perhaps some 'vaulting' on the roof (not sure if that's the right term)? Like, big metal hoops every few meters, which support the arch. With light fixtures, ventilation, etc.
  • biggest_kidbiggest_kid0 Posts: 0Member
    Ok added some pipes, a ventilation duct, some ceiling lights and a big briefing table in the middle which will have a holographic projector on it too.

    Hows it looking so far?
  • biggest_kidbiggest_kid0 Posts: 0Member
    Ok guys implemented a vaulted ceiling, scaled down the door to fit proportions better, and finished off the high poly model for the briefing table's hologram.

    As you can see though, the wall near the door is incredibly bare. What would u guys suggest i add there to take up some space? (Remember that this is warhammer, i need to make it look a bit more wh40k-ish, so preferably ideas from wh40k thanks)

    Thanks, big
  • PagrinPagrin171 Posts: 0Member
    Give it's 40K. I would say a standard is called for. Maybe the Imperial Eagle.
  • biggest_kidbiggest_kid0 Posts: 0Member
    Ok tried a new light model to give it a more wh40k-ish feeling. I went for a sort of electric powered gothic light hanging by chains. Im also playing around with the vaulted ceiling to make it look better.

    What do you guys think of the new lights? What else can i add/alter in this scene to make it look better?
  • biggest_kidbiggest_kid0 Posts: 0Member
    Ok sorry for all the double posts, but i got a question. Which lights do you guys think look better and will fit the wh40k universe/theme better?
  • PagrinPagrin171 Posts: 0Member
    The one on the left.
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    I'd advice to make that speaker's desk a little bit smaller. If you compare to the ones in our time, all they need to contain is a lamp so that people can read their scribbles or a screen from which they read them and can control the presentation. Wouldn't hurt if it's a bit more elevated either...

    As it's a briefing room, the holoprojector doesn't really make sense, unless the whole room is centred around it because you want people to see what they're up to. As such, perhaps it's best to make it into a pit-projector like the one in Star Wars, which I've looked-up for you right here.

    Oh, and for next time, please use a light color instead of that blocked stuff? It's so uneasy on my eyes :(
  • biggest_kidbiggest_kid0 Posts: 0Member
    Do you mean the hologram on the table? Or the holographic screen on the wall borgman?
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    The hologram on the table. To me, it would sound more logical to display something on the table than the screen, but that in turn means a massive rebuild of the complete room: making it round will facilitate an optimal use of such a device :)
  • biggest_kidbiggest_kid0 Posts: 0Member
    Hmm no i dont think ill be making it round, i like the base shape as it is now.

    And i am displaying something on the table, it is going to be a hologram of the terrain of a planet, i just havnt worked out how to achieve a hologram effect in the UDK yet.
  • biggest_kidbiggest_kid0 Posts: 0Member
    Hey guys after a break decided to come back to modeling this room, need some ideas as to what i can put on the far wall as its currently looking quite bare and lonely. Any suggestions?
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