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3D2112 - UNS DESTINY ... Battleship of the year 2112

[Deleted User][Deleted User]11 Posts: 4,002Member
edited May 2010 in Work in Progress #1
This is a concept of a UN-Battleship in the year 2112. Armed with rockets for long distance fights and Precisionlaser for antirocket and close distance fights.

Here are some techn. data:

L/H/W : 500 m, 60 m, 450 m
MaxSpeed: 1/16 Lightspeed
Operationtime: 4 months
Crew: 14
- 2 Officiers
- 1 Doctor
- 4 Seargents
- 7 Soldiers
- 8 Rocketlauncher
- 12 Precisionlaser
- 1 Heatshild at the front
- 12 Precisionlaser
- Magnetshild
Defend the UnitedNations-Controlled Space arround Earth and the Moon.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • CifuCifu0 Posts: 0Member
    Quite nice! Love the over desing and the shape.

    Just one side note: the pictures are very dark, some of the (the first two, and last) are barely can see. If you mind, make a little brighter renders. :D
  • StarshipStarship476 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,985Member
    Looks interesting!
    As a side note, I canA’t recognize the ship used as your avatar... Can you post a bit of info? :D
  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
    Good question. That ship also looks to be a good design for a space-based solar powersat used to beam energy to a starwisp.
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