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3DAnother TARDIS and Console Room design

calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
edited May 2010 in Work in Progress #1
Hi everyone. I've been watching the new series of Doctor Who and it's inspired me to have another crack at designing my own TARDIS. I've tried this before (see link below) and I kinda liked the results.

Anywho, I thought it was about time for a revamp, so here's my new version.

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Flying through the vortex
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And a couple of other shots
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Sketchup Link
Post edited by calamity_si on


  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    And, so far, this is what the console room looks like. I'm still not happy with loads of bits on this one, but it's early days yet. I've figured out the basic layout but I need to do much more on the console itself. I wanted to go for a much more futuristic look, paying homage to the older series colour scheme of predominant white. I tried to use the trasparancy tool in Sketchup to create holographic dispays but I don't think these are working very well.

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  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    What I've come up with so far on the console room

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    And the TARDIS lights colour scheme in orange...

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  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    More on the console room. Some feedback would be nice guys?:rolleyes:
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  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    *wonders where all the resident Whovians are*

    Anyway, nice work. Good to see an alternative look on the TARDIS thing. Though, I keep wondering if all TARDISes look the same inside. I mean, judging by the changes it underwent from the first Doctor to the tenth (haven't yet seen anything of Smiths new TARDIS), it changes all the time. I ask myself if these changes are the same for all Type 40 TARDISes (or for all TARDISes at all)...
  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    Cheers Aresius, I love how I can always rely on you for a good response. I don't know why this post has been so quiet! I thought that with the new series on air, the Whovians would be out in force. But so far this hasn't really generated any interest. :-( Oh well, KBO as Churchill used to say... As for Tardis interiors, they are all different and can assume any configuration their owner desires. The Master and The Rani have both had their own versions and in an animated adventure, Professor Chronitis disguised the interior of his tardis as his office.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Then it's just your preferrence to use an interior design based on the Doctors TARDIS?
  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    Uh...yeah! :cool:
  • PagrinPagrin171 Posts: 0Member
    Well the inside of a TARDIS can vary a lot but not always. (mostly depending on the budget for the year I guess.) There were several stories where the masters TARDIS looked the same as the Doctors, as well as others where they were different. However there are a few consistent elements which seem to be true for all of them from the TV show at least.
    They always have a center console of some sort with a time rotor in the middle of that. The control room has always been just inside the main door although not always with the main door being directly in the wall of the Control room.
    There has normally been a single door leading to the rest of the TARDIS, although there were time at the start where it seemed more like a continuation of the control room.
    Most have a had a circular wall pattern as their outer walls.
    Most have has a hexagonal center console large enough for six people to stand around. Or more importantly about 3 people to work at one station and sill keep their faces in camera.

    I like your new design. It has a true otherworldly aspect to the look of it.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Having just read several pages of Doctor Who Magazine talking about this very topic I'm (a) slightly cross-eyed and (b) interested. I can see a "serious-minded" Time Lord travelling in something like that, and the console room is a nice mix of Davies and Moffat era rooms.
  • PagrinPagrin171 Posts: 0Member
    I don't get the magazine Craig, but can you please let me know which edition that's in. I'd like to read what they say. or post a link to an online version :-)
  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    Hi all. I've changed the interior ever so slightly again. It's now available to download here.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Pagrin wrote: »
    I don't get the magazine Craig, but can you please let me know which edition that's in. I'd like to read what they say. or post a link to an online version :-)

    Sorry for the delayed response! It's a two-part feature, with issue 420 looking at the role of the TARDIS in the series while issue 421 (the current one) discusses how the set and prop have changed over the years.
  • PagrinPagrin171 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Craig. I'll have to go hunting :-)
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