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3DTwo ships in earth orbit

Mycroft MaxwellMycroft Maxwell0 Posts: 0Member
edited May 2010 in Finished Work #1
After Polaris suggested it to me, I decided to post some renders up. THese are meshes by Madman. This is part of my ongoing experament to try to blend screenshots with meshes in renders. The background is a screenshot from TREKXI, hd. Screencap courtesy of (and yes i asked permission). Tell me what you all think.

EDIT: I forgot to note, that this setup was imspired by an image i saw of Gabe Koerners Enterprise in low orbit in the sunset. So the credit for the idea goes to whoever made that render. Man I wish his ship was available for blender. I could have a Connie Parade.
Post edited by Mycroft Maxwell on


  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Nice pic's, though I have to say that I perfer the oringal Ent over Ryan Chruch's.
  • Mycroft MaxwellMycroft Maxwell0 Posts: 0Member
    I prefer MAdman's over Ryan Church's. I prefer Gabe Koerner's over Ryan Church's . They could have done a whole lot better with that design. Speaking of Gabe Koerner, I really wish someone would convert that mesh to blender.
  • madman1701amadman1701a339 Posts: 366Member
    Glad to see these here... They look good. :)

    As far as I know, is Gabe's Enterprise available anywhere? I didn't know he ever released it. If it's out, I wouldn't mind doing the conversion. :)
  • Shadowknight1Shadowknight10 Posts: 0Member
    Those are nice pics...and I must be the only one who prefers Church's Enterprise over Koerner's. I like Koerner's and all, but it's a bit too...greebly for what was needed. Church's ship is nice and smooth.
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