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3DStargate: Dead in the Water

boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
edited May 2010 in Finished Work #1
Second to Cut and Dried, better.


I hope some of you members comment on this because I am feeling very unwelcome here. It seems I'm ridiculed constantly and some members don't understand that the artwork is finished and not going to change. So why are you posting drag comments on my work? especially when that's all I'm getting. I don't know, it might just be me but I believe this is the last thing I'm going to post in the gallery.
Post edited by boberth2o on


  • omnipotentomnipotent658 SwedenPosts: 466Member
    well you already know that i like it ;) :thumb:
  • NanoGatorNanoGator1 Posts: 0Member
    It is very dark, I can't see too well what is going on.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    ^ Agreeded.
  • Davide_sdDavide_sd4 Posts: 0Member
    boberth2o wrote: »
    I hope some of you members comment on this because I am feeling very unwelcome here.

    No, you are welcome!!!!
    boberth2o wrote: »
    It seems I'm ridiculed constantly and some members don't understand that the artwork is finished and not going to change. So why are you posting drag comments on my work? especially when that's all I'm getting. I don't know, it might just be me but I believe this is the last thing I'm going to post in the gallery.

    Don't you want to improve your skill/artworks? just write in the initial post, with a big font):
    "Please i don't need any critics".

    Btw, the pic is a bit dark, but it's better then some your old work.
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah but generally people criticize and then walk away offering no help. "Really, you want me to make it better but you don't say how or why? Thanks"
  • NanoGatorNanoGator1 Posts: 0Member
    Have you asked them questions about what they meant or what they'd suggest?
  • Davide_sdDavide_sd4 Posts: 0Member
    boberth2o wrote: »
    Yeah but generally people criticize and then walk away offering no help. "Really, you want me to make it better but you don't say how or why? Thanks"

    lets start: so the pic is a bit dark. now, every image manipulator (such as photoshop, gimp...) have a tool: "Brigtheness and contrast". Try to play with the brightness value! or you can use an higher intensity value in your light in the scene.
    The background stars looks too blurry compared with both ships...seems like you take a smaller pic and then you resized it. My best advice is to search for a starfield tutorial in deviantart (there are many good tutorials) and then create a good starfield, lets say 3000 x 3000 pixels.
    The lighting on the pic is not so good. seems like you used only a direct light...yeah of course, space is dark and cold and blablabla, but if the astists that produce tv series and films would used that thought, believe me, nobody would see that films or tv series...
    So, lighting is very important to take the attenction of the watchers. In your pic i would create a simple sky light with low value of intensity, to get a sorrounding light that makes visible and interesting the ship. you can also improve the final pic by adding at least one ambient occlusion pass. You should search on the web some tutorial to make an ambient occlusion render with your application.
    The ship on the left seems like it has only one color for textures...that's a bit boring to see, it deserve a good texturing work; try to add some weathering textures, just to have some nice color variation...of course you can also add some dirts-damage on your textures, that would look really cool.
    probably i'm sounding a bit harsh, but it's not my intention. you should really try to improve your skill!!!
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