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3DAmphibious Assault Group

[Deleted User][Deleted User]11 Posts: 4,002Member
edited May 2010 in Finished Work #1
A Royal Netherlands Navy Amphibious Assault Group, ready to launch a Marine Brigade on enemy shores, posing in fleet formation.


I've been working on a line of ships. Already finished my patrol boat, frigate, destroyer, cruiser, battleship (battleship for teh luls) and LHA. No idea what to do next.

Current project; LHA, done.


Finished projects:
Patrol boat.
Type: Offshore Patrol Boat
Displacement: 580 tonnes
Length: 61m
Beam: 9.4m
Draught: 2.3m
('2 × Waterjets
('4 × gas turbines, total rating 16 MW
('2 × diesel engines, total rating 2.6 MW
Speed: 35+ knots
Complement: 30
Sensors: 3D surveillance radar, APAR air and surface search, tracking and guidance radar, IRST and optical surveillance and tracking system, Hull-mounted sonar
Armament: 1 x 75mm dual purpose cannon, 2 x Bofors 40mm dual purpose gun (in 1 turret), 4 x Mk.41 VLS, typical load out is 4 x ESSM (in one tube) and 3 x Harpoon ASM, 2 x M2 .50 HMG.
('1 x RHIB.

Type: Multi-purpose frigate
Displacement: 3700 tonnes
Length: 119m
Beam: 22m
Draught: 4m
Propulsion: 2 propeller shafts, controllable pitch propellers
('2x diesel engines, 8.4 MW each
('2x gas turbines, 18.5 MW each
('4x diesel-generators, 1650 kW each
Speed: 28kn
Complement: 120
Sensors and processing systems:
('1x SMART-L long-range air and surface surveillance radar, 1x APAR air and surface search, tracking and guidance radar, 1x Scout (Low Probability of Intercept)surface search/navigation radar, 1x IRST long-range infrared surveillance and tracking system, 1x optical surveillance and tracking system, 1x hull-mounted sonar, medium frequency, 1x MK XII IFF system.
Electronic warfareand decoys: 1x Sabre ECM suite, 4xSRBOC MK36 launcher, 1x AN/SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo decoy
Armament: 3×8 Mk41 VLS Standard armament: 8× 4 ESSM SAM, 8x SM-2 SAM, 8x Harpoon ASM.
('2x MK32 torpedo launchers with MK46 torpedoes
('1x 127mm/54 dual-purpose cannon
('4x 40mm Bofors gun (2 turrets with 2 guns each)
('4x M2 .50 HMG, remotely operated.
Aviation facilities: Hangar and flight deck for 1 medium helicopter.


Type: Air-defense destroyer.
Displacement: 6,500 tonnes
Length: 160m
Beam: 19m
Draught: 5.3m
Propulsion: 2 propeller shafts, controllable pitch propellers
('2x diesel engines, 10 MW each
('2x gas turbines, 24 MW each
('4x diesel-generators, 1650 kW each
Speed: 30+kn
Complement: 180
Sensors and processing systems:
('1x SMART-L long-range air and surface surveillance radar, 1x APAR air and surface search, tracking and guidance radar, 1x DECCA NAV navigation radar, 1x surface search/navigation radar, 1x IRST long-range infrared surveillance and tracking system, 1x optical surveillance and tracking system, 1x hull-mounted sonar, medium frequency, 1x towed array sonar system, 1x MK XII IFF system
Electronic warfare and decoys: 1x Sabre ECM suite, 4x SRBOC MK36 launcher, 1x AN/SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo decoy
Armament: 10× 8 Mk41 VLS, Standard armament: 8x 4 ESSM SAM, 56x SM-2 SAM, 8x SM-3 ABM and 8x Harpoon ASM.
('2x RAM CIWS.
('1x 127 mm/54 dual-purpose cannon.
('2x 2 40mm Bofors guns (2 per turret).
('6x M2 .50 HMG, 4 remotely operated, 2 manual.
('2x 2 MK32 torpedo launchers with MK46 torpedoes
Aviation facilities: Hangar and flight deck for 1 medium helicopter.


Type: Guided missile cruiser.
Displacement: 11,500 tonnes
Length: 180m
Beam: 20m
Draught: 10m
Propulsion: 2 propeller shafts, controllable pitch propellers
('2x diesel engines, 15 MW each
('4x gas turbines, 16 MW each
('6x diesel-generators, 1800 kW each
Speed: 30+kn
Complement: 220
Sensors and processing systems:
('1x SMART-L+ long-range air and surface surveillance radar, 1x APAR+ air and surface search, tracking and guidance radar, 1x DECCA NAV navigation radar, 1x surface search/navigation radar, 1x IRST long-range infrared surveillance and tracking system, 1x optical surveillance and tracking system, 1x hull-mounted sonar, medium frequency, 1x towed array sonar system, 1x MK XII IFF system
Electronic warfare and decoys: 1x Sabre ECM suite, 4x SRBOC MK36 launcher, 1x AN/SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo decoy
Armament: 17× 8 Mk41 VLS (15 on the forward deck, 2 on the superstructure), Standard armament: 16x 4 (64) ESSM SAM, 80x SM-2 SAM, 24x SM-3 ABM , 8x Harpoon ASM and 8x Tomahawk cruise missile.
('4x RAM CIWS.
('2x 2 127 mm/54 dual-purpose cannon (2 per turret)
('2x 2 40mm Bofors guns (2 per turret).
('8x M2 .50 HMG, 4 remotely operated, 4 manual.
('2x 2 MK32 torpedo launchers with MK46 torpedoes
Aviation facilities: Hangar and flight deck for 1 medium/heavy helicopter.

Sea Denial and Command Ship (Battleship)

Type: Sea Denial and Command ship (Battleship).
Displacement: 25,000 tonnes
Length: 265m
Beam: 33m
Draught: 11m
Propulsion: 2 propeller shafts, controllable pitch propellers
('2 × K15 pressurised water reactors (PWR), 150 MW each
('4x diesel engines, 15 MW each
Speed: 33+kn
Complement: 400
Sensors and processing systems:
('1x SMART-L long-range air and surface surveillance radar, 1x APAR air and surface search, tracking and guidance radar, 1x DECCA NAV navigation radar, 1x surface search/navigation radar, 1x IRST long-range infrared surveillance and tracking system, 1x optical surveillance and tracking system, 1x hull-mounted sonar, medium frequency, 1x MK XII IFF system
Electronic warfare and decoys: 1x Sabre ECM suite, 6x SRBOC MK36 launcher, 1x AN/SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo decoy
Main battery: 4x 2 10 inch cannons, 2 per turret
Secondary battery: 4x 2 127mm/54 dual-purpose cannon, 2 per turret.
Tertiary and CIWS battery: 12x 2 40mm Bofors, 2 per turret, 8x RAM CIWS
Missile battery: 10x Mk.41 VLS, normal load out: 8x 4 ESSM SAM, 16x SM-2 SAM, 16x Harpoon ASM and 32 Tomahawk cruise missile.
Aviation facilities: Hangar and flight deck for 1 medium helicopter, flight deck for one heavy helicopter.

Amphibious Assault Ship.

Type: Amphibious Assault ship.
Displacement: 40,000 tonnes.
Length: 252m (flightdeck: 253m)
Beam: 35m (flightdeck: 46m)
Draught: 9m
Propulsion: 2 propeller shafts, controllable pitch propellers
('2x gas turbines, 52 MW each
('4x diesel engines, 15 MW each
Speed: 22+ Knots
Complement: 950 + 2000 marines, support equipment and vehicles
Sensors and processing systems:
('1x 3D long-range air and surface surveillance radar, 1x APAR air and surface search, tracking and guidance radar, 2x DECCA NAV navigation radar, 1x surface search/navigation radar, 1x IRST long-range infrared surveillance and tracking system, 1x optical surveillance and tracking system, 1x MK XII IFF system.
Electronic warfare and decoys: 1x Sabre ECM suite, 4x SRBOC MK36 launcher, 1x AN/SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo decoy
('1x Mk.41 VLS cell with 8x 4 ESSM SAM, 6x RAM CIWS, 2x 2 40mm Bofors (2 per turret) 8x M2 .50 HMG remotely operated.
Aircraft carried: Normally: 6x AV-8B Harrier (Harrier to be phased out for the F-35B after 2016), 4x AH-1Z Cobra, 12x NH-90, 6x MV-22B. Maximum: 8x AV-8B Harrier, 8x AH-1Z Cobra, 18x NH-90, 6x MV-22B. Sea Control configuration: 24 AV-8B Harriers and 6 NH-90.
*Aircraft and helicopter models are not mine but downloaded from the SketchUp 3d warehouse.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I like the style, you've gone with a lot of modern thinking on ship design and made something that's still cool and unique...they'd make excellent miniatures.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    intersting designs so far, looks nice.
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