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2DHuman Republic Rank Insignia

[Deleted User][Deleted User]11 Posts: 4,002Member
edited April 2010 in Finished Work #1
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These are the rank insignia of the RSF, worn on the left breast as a badge. Technically this should probably go in 3d as I did actuallty model them but oh well.

Ranks are mostly the same as they are now but with a few differences. Group Captains command one capital ship and a squadron of smaller vessels. Fleet Captain was created to distinguish between two types of Commodore. A Fleet Captain commands their own vessel and can also command small fleets of several capital ships. A Commodore is the same rank, but does not have direct command over their own vessel. Commodre has seniority over Fleet Captain. Additionally there are now three Fleet Admirals that, together with one general each from the Republic Terrestrial Army and Republic Stellar Marine Corps, form the Republic High Command.

You may notice the colour progression isn't consistent, I was going to have a set rule for that but then I just fiddled around and settled on what looked better.

I designed the logo years ago(long before I saw a single episode of battlestar galactica, I'll have you know!:)), though as I have in fact only just now remembered, it was originally meant to be the other way up, and all ranks would have the extra bars. Also originally the back peice would also change colour, but I decided to keep it gold throughout this time. A variation of the Fleet Admiral logo wasa to be the symbol for the Fleet itself / the Human Republic.
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  • commandersozocommandersozo505 Posts: 631Member
    nice work. like the simplicity of the whole concept.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Thanks. At some point I intend to do the whole uniform.
  • Kmpr´rakKmpr´rak171 Posts: 12Member
    Cool work, and nice idea to make A’em! Uniforms, would be excellent to see this together! :cool:
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Okay so here's my first attempt at doing a uniform, using the same template everyone around here seems to for their starfleet ones.


    This guy's a captain as you can see by the badge and sleeve(more on that in a mo). The Shoulder patch is where the ship's shield goes. It's been left blank in this case. Not all ships will use that greek-style shield but Kingfisher patrol cruisers (the mainstay of the fleet at the story's start) do. If they're not on a ship they'd wear whatever the symbol of where they're assigned is, for example someone assigned to Fleet HQ would have the fleet logo(may or may not be fleet admiral badge). Actually I'd probably want the shield on the other shoulder and something else - maybe an HR logo, maybe a rank thing - on the left, but until I decide what goes there I'll put the shield where you can see it. At one point there were going to be epaulets and collar pins but I decided to keep it simple, not least because I couldn't decide on details.:)

    Marines were the same basic uniform except in grey, with their own badges. One shoulder has the ship shield, the other has their marine symbol. Most marines are simply marines and have the marine logo, some enter more specialised unit - for example the Bluebacks* are specialist snipers, Nightcloaks* are stealth, Spartans are heavy weapons hit-and-run guys etc. Special forces units each excel in certain areas but they aren't limited to those - they're selected from general marines so Bluebacks may be best for sniping missions but they're just as good at other stuff. Of course half the time marines are wearing armour, while Fleet almost always wears these(not counting dress).

    Army again wear a similar uniform, this time in dark green.

    Next up are the sleeve ranks:


    Originally I was going to have seperate, smaller bands as rank increased, and then the higher ones woul have a more complicated design, but in the end I decided simpler was better. Although the ranks themselve are a fusion of Royal Navy(Hey I AM British:)) and US Navy, I decided to stick with my badge theme of colour change with high rank addition rather than simply having everythin gold and adding more and more bars. They look okay at lower ranks but later on it just gets ridiculous.:)

    Oh and like the badge, I decided on colour and shoulder shields depending on ships long before BSG. In fact I was quite annoyed when I saw their uniforms. This is another reason I didn't put collar pins on actually.:)

    *Dress uniforms have cloaks attached. Infact sometimes so will armour, though in that case the cloaks have micro-circuitry in them that disrupt sensors, disperse energy weapons, and change pattern for cammo.
  • Kmpr´rakKmpr´rak171 Posts: 12Member
    Looks very good, nice idea! :D
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member

    This is actually quite an old pic but it shows the shield of the HRS Copernicus.
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