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Turret Animation Help

[Deleted User][Deleted User]11 Posts: 4,002Member
Over the past view weeks I have been trying to teach myself 3ds MAX and I found a tutorial for making a turret with animation unfortunately it is in maya and i havent found anything for 3ds max and i dont like to work in maya.
Anyway to my question i have made a turret and i am using a lookAt constraint to force it to follow my point and it works right for up and down but if i move the point left or right it doesnt work right.
Attachment not found.
How do I force it to rotate the gun piece up and down and the control arm left and right.

Also what does anyone think of my chain gun :)
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • citizencitizen171 Posts: 0Member
    Remove the lookat from the gun. FK the gun to the turret, then create a dummy object centred horizontally at the turret pivot, and vertically at the gun pivot. Assign the dummy to be bound to the lookat. Bind the horizontal rotation of the turret to the dummies horizontal rotation, and the guns vertical rotation to the dummies vertical rotation.
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