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3DMagellan and Enceladus Classes

Stevie_DStevie_D191 Posts: 155Member
edited February 2011 in Work in Progress #1
Hey folks! Boy ive not been here in years and im glad to see Sfm has gone from strength to strength.

Just recently started dabbling back in mesh-making again, and got caught by inspiration when i chanced on seeing one of my old meshes on a websim website, namely the Magellen.

I always wanted it to be this sleek early 25th century concept beauty, but because i was cruder at mesh-making 6 years ago, the idea only partly came across.

Now its time to supe it up and create it properly, so without further ado!...
(and bear with me, i got screenie happy early on :) )

Im going to go into a lot of detail on this one, so early on i needed to do some escape pods..

Everything is corrected for size using my human dolls - "Standing_tall" and "Sitting_bull" :)

With a crew of about 70 or so on this 9 deck ship, im gonna try and get 8 10 man escape pods in.
I roughly based them off a John Eaves design from the Enterprise E concept art.

Being escape pods, and mostly they'll never be used nor seen, im not going into great poly-detail on em either.

Even low-poly, they should look pretty good from a close-up range distance from the ship itself.

- Most of the back half of the ship isnt smoothed, its still in the rough stages until ive finished the horseshoe nacelle and attached them together.

Despite being a bit "meh" over the new trek film, some of the details i did like - like the fact their bridge screens were also windows. I thought i'd use that in the new Magellan. Some of the interiors (like the rim windows, also seen here) will also have their interiors created, so you can peek inside. Being a 9 deck tall ship, it means i can go into this sort of detail without it becoming an insane polygon monster.

-Here's a comparison (with a few more in a minute) of a shot of the v3 Magellan from
and my new, more contoured and carefully polished version below, here...
(you might notice the entire undersaucer looks the same, thats because it is - ive not got around to the undersaucer hull yet. It's also the reason the screenies look messy with stuff in the background. Im literally deleting the old one as i go and replacing it with the new one. The blocks are mostly size comparison aids like turbolift height, deck height, thruster placement etc.

Just a shot of the back, giving more of an idea of how the main hull will sweep into the horseshoe nacelle.

Talking of box placements - to get the windows and torpedo bays, shuttlebays and other misc stuff the right size for the ship, im actually doing roughly modelled deck plans for all the decks.

To see the top 2 decks in 3d motion as they meet the hull.

At one point i just wanted to see what the ships looked like half cut out next to each other, so i took out me old viking axe...

The only part of the old mesh im using is the nacelle, which i thought was too well curved to just toss away and re-do, so i cut it out, patched it up, and began re-doing it.

The nacelle is a good example of the detail im hoping to achieve.
I did just want 2 or 3 bussard collectors inside the ramscoop originally, but arranging them so they filled both portions of the ramscoop was really frustrating, so in the end i had to go "oh well, the sovereign had 3, this is 20-30 years in the future, sod it - this has 4!"

Me preparing to attach the nacelles to the main hull (and to anyone who might remember the original, yep, the horseshoe will still detach for warp core ejection purposes!)

That's all so far. Will probably have a few more shots and a new movie in a couple o' days, now its beginning to take shape.
Post edited by Stevie_D on


  • PheonPheon0 Posts: 0Member
    Really, nice work so far. The Magellan is amongst my most favourite fan designed Trek ships, so I'm glad to see you're revisiting it.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Hey, that looks nice.
  • StarshipStarship469 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    Welcome back Steve! A lot of commom friends was feeling your missing. Nice to see youA’re still alive. :) How the RL is going?
    The new Magelan brings you back in great stylle. The new details youA’ve added does to look very interesting, and will make one of the better fan designs still better. :thumb:
  • backsteptbackstept2196 Posts: 940Member
    this ship always reminded me of a trek version of Moya :D
    lookin' good, man
  • JayruJayru1456 UKPosts: 766Member
    Nice to see you back!

    This is one of my fav fan designed ships, looking forward to seeing this new take on her develop.
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • traqtraq0 Posts: 0Member
    glad to see you back - and wow, looks like this is going to be a great remodel.
  • dwldwl0 Posts: 0Member
    Looks great! I like the change in overall scale and I'm looking forward to seeing your deck plan solution; curvy ships always make it awkward :) Your nacelle detail is good but you're right about that 4th collector. It does look a bit redundant.
  • aylaa12aylaa120 Posts: 0Member
    wowwwwwwwwwwww great work there this is a wonderful ship
  • Stevie_DStevie_D191 Posts: 155Member
    Thanks for the kind words guys. And its great to see a few familiar faces still hanging around too! :)

    Fixed the horseshoe nacelle on yesterday and spent today in battle against the evil smoothing group empire. Still lots of smoothing and kinks all over the mesh need ironing out, but im slowing winning

    As you can see from the one close up, the segment which tightly twists into the main hull is still looking like a nightmare, but another day of hammering vertices and polys into submission should do the trick methinks.

    Managed to get some detailing done on the rest of the nacelle too, so its beginning to start to look a bit more like hard hull now and less organic curved lines.

    I also took a moment to delete all my size aids and knock out a few flybys, which i must say show off her curves very nicely!

    More in a couple o' days folks! Thanks again for the positive feedback
  • JayruJayru1456 UKPosts: 766Member
    This ship has always been beautiful – it’s always evoked, and made clear, that technology moves forward.

    The revised take looks amazing, and the flyby really helps to give a good idea of the direction you’re going in. This is the sort of ship I’d want to be crew on (yeah, that may make sound a bit sad – but this is the sort of Trek design I love).

    Fantastic stuff!
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • Stevie_DStevie_D191 Posts: 155Member
    Me too Jayru, when i picture the bridge, the swish white and blue corridors and other ideas i have about this ship, i'd love to just step onto it. It's partly why im so determined to get it done. Thanks for the high praise, too! :)

    I've also for the last year or so had the occasional thought here and there to other ideas based upon the swish curves of the Magellan - If thats a 25th century scout/science ship, then what would my idea of a Explorer type be. Or maybe the first Starfleet Quantum slipstream ship.

    So as a side project, (when i get bored of detailing the Magellan - i always need a 2nd mesh to work on to keep my mind fresh with ideas) i decided to try and finally put this Explorer idea into motion. Instead of starting a new thread, im just gonna rename this one and keep it for these 2 concept ships.

    Ive begin early designing, doing rough schems with splines, fleshing them out and adjusting in perspective - and come up with this, I'm calling it the Enceladus class (after one of Saturn's moons)







    Intended to be 40 decks tall, it'll be my take of the first class of Starfleet's to make a Quantum Slipstream ship.

    The basic shape is done, but none of this mesh is going to be the final design, just guidelines to go along. The hull is definitly not the fat/thinness or curve i intend, but it fits the hole for now.

    Oh, and on TOP of that. A couple weeks ago when i first started on the Magellan, i also had a look at screenies from Star Trek Online and dispaired at how unoriginal some of the content was for their ideas for early 25th century stuff. Especially uniforms - so i knocked up my own. Im planning on putting a low poly mannequin or two near windows in the finished Magellan. Im really chuffed at them too, because they incorporate some of my fave ST uniforms (the TOS movie hangover ranks, and side zipper, and the more modern TNG era type, except with white instead of dull grey)



    (I just love the science one most, stark blue against white really comes out crisp!)

    I think they're snazzy but realistic looking (for the 25th century). Whadda you guys think?
  • traqtraq0 Posts: 0Member
    I like the Enceladus, except the front of the secondary hull. I think either further back or further forward might work, but this just doesn't seem right to me. Love it from the top, though. :thumb:
  • StarshipStarship469 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    Cool set of uniforms Steve! The blue is my fav too. :D
    About the Enceladus, I think you need to move the sec hull a little for behind. It looks a bit strange when passing ahead the middle of the saucer. I see you got a bit of inspiration for the deflector from the Discovery, IA’m right? :)
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    Welcome back! I remember you doing this ship years ago and my favorite of yours, the Excalibur (what happened to that upgrade?) Love the new look of the Magellan and the Enceladus. it is so good to have you back!
  • JayruJayru1456 UKPosts: 766Member
    Liking the Enceladus Class. Nice to see a design that brings the secondary hull forward, and really incorporate the two hulls into one shape. Be interesting to see it develop.

    The uniforms are crisp, clear – and actually quite retro as well. Again, I like! Nice touch incorporating ideas from prior uniform designs :)
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • Stevie_DStevie_D191 Posts: 155Member
    Finally needed to attach the nacelles of the Maggie to her underside before i could proceed, so yesterday i spent creating the rim phaser array and finally modelling her belly. Not much to see on it yet, but again, i tried to streamline it more than the old version. Since the underside was already the sleekest part of the ship before, i didnt mess about with it too much, just gave it a sharper angle from its rim is all.

    Still fiddling about with tiny adjustments. And like you traq, i wasnt pleased with its nose dynamics either. So i pulled and pushed, and amazingly, just like you said, when i pulled it forward and set it in motion it really did complete the curve from hull to saucer. :thumb: so great suggestion!

    I actually got a shiver down my spine when i animated it, (link below) ... the 1st shot flyby here made me think of a shark on the prowl when it came up level (no doubt its new non-circle deflector helped that thought pop into my head) :)

    I think im nearly ready to proceed and create it proper now..

    Oh, and Starship - what discovery did you mean? i googled discovery class but couldnt find any with a thin strip deflector. But to answer the question - yeah i did think of it from a design i saw in passing a couple years back. I cant remember where it was, but i thought it suited the Enceladus more than a circle would :)
  • traqtraq0 Posts: 0Member
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    It does look like a shark, I can't wait to see it come together. I forgot, do you use max, lightwave or something else?
  • BuckaroohawkBuckaroohawk2 Posts: 0Member
    I really like this design. The way the shapes flow into each other is just beautiful. I also love the fact that you're actually designing the ship with a definite scale in mind and sticking to it. That's something I try to do as well. I believe it lends tremendous realism to the ship because a viewer can imagine themselves inside the ship and understand why the deatils are placed where they are. Excellent work.
  • JayruJayru1456 UKPosts: 766Member
    Magellan -
    Looking really sweet. The new lines work well.

    Enceladus - Oh yes, here comes the shark! Looks very mean flying about...
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • StarshipStarship469 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    Rivers3D wrote: »
    ...Oh, and Starship - what discovery did you mean? i googled discovery class but couldnt find any with a thin strip deflector. But to answer the question - yeah i did think of it from a design i saw in passing a couple years back. I cant remember where it was, but i thought it suited the Enceladus more than a circle would :)

    IA’m talking about that one which the link I sent you in the last pm. ;)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I still remember the Magellan from when I used to lurk on this forum years ago, it's such a lovely sleek design! I look forward to your progress in this thread!
  • Stevie_DStevie_D191 Posts: 155Member
    Well, this week i did virtually nothing on the hull itself. Instead i spent it *preparing* to add masses amount of detail.

    I read a truck load of trek technical manuals, and studied a good 5-6 schematics, and after doing 2-3 decks of the Magellan, i soon realized i had gone down a path i wasnt going to let myself stop going down - namely planning and creating the *entire* ships layout of all its rooms, equipment, machinery, piping, ....even jeffries tubes!

    It took me an entire week, but now i have an entire interactive 3d deckplan of the entire ship on a file, and i know where *everything* has to go on the hull and how it interacts with the hull too.

    Ive never ever gone to such extremes to make a ship, but as i think i said before - being only 9 decks tall - if i was ever going to do it, it would be for a small ship like this (and BOY are small ships BIG once you realize how much stuff goes into them)

    To celebrate finishing the entirety of the ship's layout, i did a video that im intending to re-do once the ship is finished, and polish it up so it looks professional... A overview of the ship and its deck by deck highlights.

    Here it is, and the only ommission from this presentation is the piping, landing struts, and connections that made it too visually complicated. Everything else is accounted for and logistically fits in. Decks, rooms, turbolifts, and jefferies tubes.

    And if anyone is mad enough to question whether i really did do everything, below is a list of the entire ships' rooms and units, with screenies of 2 decks to prove it :)

    I officially declared myself insane today,... for going far too far in the name of authenticity.

    Expect a good few updates this coming week now i have no excuse not to place every detail.

    (PS, if anyone is daft enough to read this entire list, and notices anything i might of missed, lemme know! Im 95% sure i havent tho)

    Preliminary Final Deck Listing

    Deck 1
    Dorsal Fore Torpedo Bay
    Dorsal Aft Torpedo Bay
    Dorsal Phaser Array
    Dorsal Transporter Sensor

    Deck 2
    Dorsal Sensor Array
    Dorsal SIF (Struct.Int) Energizers
    Communications Systems
    General Science Lab 1
    Airlock 1
    Geology Lab
    Holodeck 1
    Holodeck 2
    Mess Hall
    Officer Quarters (2)
    Senior Officer Quarters (2)
    EPS/ODN Relays

    Deck 3
    Dorsal Shield Gen and Aux Deflector
    ODN Main Hub
    Library and Data Retrieval
    Counsellor's Office
    Main Computer Core (Top Deck)
    General Science Lab 1
    Impulse Engineering Support
    Impulse Engineering Supplies
    Impulse Propulsion Systems
    Senior Officer Quarters (1)
    Officer Quarters (2)
    Junior Officer Quarters (2)
    Crew Quarters (4)
    Guest Quarters (2)

    Deck 4
    Main Bridge
    Captain's Ready Room
    Operations Briefing/Conference Room
    Operations Office
    Transporter Room 1
    Science Operations Office
    Astrophysics Lab
    Stellar Cartography Lab
    Stellar Cartography
    Navigational Computer
    Turbolift Maintanence (Top)
    RnR Lounge
    General Science Lab 3
    Computer Core (Main Deck)
    Science Hazardous Supply Storage
    Education Center
    Computer Science Lab
    Airlock 2
    Impulse Propulsion D2 Storage
    Res.IPS Reactors
    Aux. Life Support
    Aft Sensor Array (Long Range) and Aft Phaser Array
    Senior Officer Quarters (2)
    Officer Quarters (2)
    Junior Officer Quarters (2)
    Crew Quarters (8)
    Guest Quarters (2)

    Deck 5
    Observation Lounge
    Hydroponic Arboretum
    Biochemics Lab
    Archeology Lab
    Xenobiology Lab
    Biophysics Lab
    Transporter Room 2
    ==Security Complex
    -Chief Security Officer's Office
    -Assistant Sec.Chief's Office
    -Mission Ops
    -Security Briefing Room
    -Sec Lockers and Duty Office
    -Tactical Simulation Holodeck
    ==Medical Complex
    -Chief Medical Officer's Office
    -Daynurse's Office
    -Medical Bay (6 beds)
    -Medical Lab
    -Intensive Care (2 beds)
    -Surgical Suite Unit (2 beds)
    -Surgical Supplies
    Port and Starboard Docking Hatches and Airlocks
    Port and Starboard RCS Thrusters (Saucer)
    Port and Starboard Lateral Sensor Arrays
    Port and Starboard IDF (Iner Damp Field) Gen
    Cargobay 3 and 4 (Top Decks)
    Primary and Secondary D2 Fuel Tanks
    Engineering Computer Core
    Main Engineering (Main Deck)
    Turbolift Maintenance (Main Deck)
    Enviromental Life Support (Top Deck)
    -Antimatter Injector Control
    1st Officer's Quarters
    Senior Officer Quarters (4)
    Officer Quarters (6)
    Crew Quarters (2)

    Deck 6
    Fore Tractor Beam
    Fore Shield Generator
    Fore IDF Gen
    Airlock 5
    Cargobay 1 and 2
    Personal Holodeck 1, 2, 3, 4
    Aux. Bridge
    Chemistry Lab
    Holodecks 3 and 4
    Aux.Computer Core
    Replicating Center
    Particle Physics Lab
    Engineering Lab
    Port and Starboard Shield Generators
    Lateral Phaser Arrays
    Environmental Life Support (Main Deck)
    Aux Power
    Cargobay 3 and 4 (Main Decks)
    Main Engineering (Lower Deck)
    Port and Starboard RCS Thrusters (Nacelle)
    Primary and Secondary D2 Fuel Tanks
    Warp Nacelle and Bussard Collector Access
    Antimatter Storage Pods
    Off Axis Controllers
    Aft Tractor Beam
    Aft Sensor Array
    Aft Shield Generator
    Aft IDF
    Escape Pods (8)

    Deck 7
    Main Deflector, Fore Sensors (LR+SR) (Top Deck)
    Personal Holodecks 5, 6, 7, 8
    Cargobays 5 and 6
    Emergancy Supplies
    EPS Main Trunk
    Transporter Room 3
    Escape Pods (8)
    Shuttlebay and Shuttlebay Support (Top Deck)
    Landing Struts Control

    Deck 8
    Main Deflector, Fore Sensors (Main Deck)
    Ventral Structural Integrity Generator
    Airlocks 6 and 7
    Junior Officer Quarters (2)
    Crew Quarters (2)
    Aux.Impulse Propulsion Systems
    Shuttlebay and Shuttlebay Support (Main Deck)

    Deck 9
    Ventral Fore and Aft Torpedo and Probe bays
    Ventral Transporter Sensors
    Ventral Sensors
    Ventral Shield Generators
  • JayruJayru1456 UKPosts: 766Member
    Let me just pick my jaw up off the floor.....

    The movie was brilliant!

    this is wonderful. The level of thought and detail - wow. Even on a ship this size it's no small undertaking.

    I doff my hat to you!
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    you are insane and I love it! That was the most detailed thing I have ever seen.
  • dwldwl0 Posts: 0Member
    Great stuff! Theres a whole lot of work in there and I think it will pay off when you come to detailing the hull. In retrospect do you think it was worth the effort?
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    Holy jumpin'!:o :thumb: That was amazing and the music was inspired. Such a work is rare I think and the fact you pulled it off just shows that you truly got inspired. The ship is pretty cool looking and now that I've seen the interior layout, I'm flabbergasted. :) I hope you decide to create the odd room and corridor so we know what the internal style is. :devil:
  • StarshipStarship469 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    YouA’re really a crazy man Steve! :o
    But I must say this is unique. Never saw a so complete work.

    I doff my hat to you Steve! ;)
  • MajesticMajestic0 Posts: 0Member
    Beautiful work mate, I love the Magellan and you're doing great things to her. :)
  • Stevie_DStevie_D191 Posts: 155Member
    Well, got some detailing started over the last few days. Got the dorsal phaser strip, transporter sensors and turbolift emergency access bits on top

    Also added the windows of deck 1 in, and tried out a rushjob interior, just so i could amuse myself for 5 seconds with a window glow test. New windows = new mesh errors, YAY! Fun fun fun! ....not.

    Added in the aft dorsal torpedoe launcher section on deck 1. They'll end up being as detailed as my transporter sensors as well.

    Ditto for the newly cut out main impulse engine. I would've got more detailing done, but for the fact i finally sucked it up and decided to bash out most of the mesh and smoothing errors left over after connecting the horseshoe to the main hull.

    It's still not there, but it's a vast improvement on what it was. Much smoother, less dents, and well on its way to being like a proverbial baby's backside.

    My flatmate was watching an old Voyager episode yesterday when i came down to make dinner (Equinox), and i thought "hmmm, the Nova class is only 8 decks, the Magellan is 9... SIZE COMPARISON TIME!"
    I get SO sidetracked sometimes...:rolleyes:

    So i DLed a few ships around the Maggie's deck range size, and ...using my deck height measurement plank, knocked out these piccies.
    (Based on the known info, that Intrepid Class is 15 decks, Nova 8, and that controversial deck height of the Defiant i read so much about is 4 and not the other 50% of defiant lovers who say 5)





    More detailing winging its way on friday, folks!
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