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3DTrident Frigate

Klavs81Klavs81224 Posts: 197Member
edited September 2011 in Work in Progress #1
Back to really hard sci-fi here. I know, I'm all over the place today.

Can't really call it a Cerberus Frigate without thinking Mass Effect these days, but it does still kind of have 3 heads, so let's call it Trident and leave it alone.

Started texturing, and the design is pretty much finalized. Until I decide to restart again!

I left off the external tanks for now, I kind of like the clean, slender look without them. Might even go back to giant missiles, you never know.

Final weapons count is 6 (2 big, 4 little) laser turrets, and the missile bay with launcher.
Post edited by Klavs81 on


  • FlankerFlanker0 Posts: 0Member
    looks interesting and good amount of detail. It does look fragile but then again that makes the design stand out. I also like the shuttle design.
  • nyrathnyrath0 Posts: 0Member
    Hot stuff! It's gorgeous! And that shuttle is solid enough to walk on.
  • EndeavourEndeavour331 Posts: 0Member
    Very cool design. I'd also like to see more of the shuttle.
  • ChanurChanur191 53.33° N / 10.00° EPosts: 305Member
    really great stuff!! :)
    What program are you using?
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Looks quite intersting.
    Though I have to say the thin neck is like a SHOOT HERE sign.
  • madmattmadmatt0 Posts: 0Member
    Excelent models,,,keep to post...

  • Klavs81Klavs81224 Posts: 197Member
    The original Cerberus Frigate is now available for download. No textures, sorry.
  • J.WildeJ.Wilde0 Posts: 0Member
    Do the radiator panels on the ship extend out for double sided emissions, or do they lie flat against the hull?
  • Klavs81Klavs81224 Posts: 197Member
    J, they are 2 sided, but the insides can be turned off when folded inboard. If you need to cool the radiators in a real big hurry to get them folded in for maneuvering or combat, you can flush the coolant into space.

    Also, added large missile racks, and the manipulator arm has been moved back to the spine. It can reach the exterior of any part of the ship by crawling around and anchoring to various points around the ship like a giant inchworm.

    It's also split into 4 "bodies" so you can have 3 anchor points and 1 manipulator, or 1 anchor points and 3 arms, etc...
  • nyrathnyrath0 Posts: 0Member
    Klavs81 wrote: »
    The original Cerberus Frigate is now available for download. No textures, sorry.

    Phooey. When I click the "Download" button, it says I have insufficient permission to do that.
  • nyrathnyrath0 Posts: 0Member
    Klavs81 wrote: »
    J, they are 2 sided, but the insides can be turned off when folded inboard. If you need to cool the radiators in a real big hurry to get them folded in for maneuvering or combat, you can flush the coolant into space.

    Also, added large missile racks, and the manipulator arm has been moved back to the spine. It can reach the exterior of any part of the ship by crawling around and anchoring to various points around the ship like a giant inchworm.

    It's also split into 4 "bodies" so you can have 3 anchor points and 1 manipulator, or 1 anchor points and 3 arms, etc...

    I'm loving this design. The manipulator reminds me of the "christmas bush" from Robert Forward's FLIGHT OF THE DRAGONFLY
  • CifuCifu0 Posts: 0Member
    Excelent desing Klavs!

    The large "tail" behind the crew blade are what for?

    Actually as i remember last time the Cerberus redux desing exchange the radar dome and the rail gun, seems to be the Trident share this change. :)
  • wminsingwminsing171 Posts: 0Member
    I don't know how you do it, but every time you dust off this design it gets better and better!

  • Klavs81Klavs81224 Posts: 197Member
    Well, I'm at it again, this design is always a WiP, and I doubt It'll ever be done, but I sure do enjoy dusting it off from time to time.

    Trying to go for the look of Thermal blankets stretched over a framework in some spots, to give it a lightweight kind of feel. I'm also trying to build it in modules, thinking about how it was all assembled in orbit, launched up from earth or built on Luna and sent into orbit from there.

    And I've stopped trying to explain what the "nose" section is. It's the one thing on the ship that doesn't make any sense, but I really like the ship's prow sort of look it gives it, so I'm just greebling the hell out of it and calling it good!

    Cheers everybody for all the comments!
  • Mikey-BMikey-B0 Posts: 0Member
    Reminds me of a flying battleaxe. Nice!
  • alleyviperalleyviper0 Posts: 0Member
    I like it. And that shuttle looks like something right out of Nasa's workshop. Toss me the keys.
  • wminsingwminsing171 Posts: 0Member
    Still in love with this design (and all her prior iterations)!

  • Klavs81Klavs81224 Posts: 197Member
    Quick update. I've added some Triton style engines, I'll probably add more plumbing, but right now each individual engine/reactor can be ditched out the back of the engine module in case of trouble.

    Also added are various cargo modules. Note that almost all of them have doors. When there are international treaties against weaponizing space, it pays to have discrete cargo modules, that could theoretically be carrying anything. Yes?

    The "message laser" (weapon) system is an openly accepted exception to those pesky international treaties as a necessary defense against "micrometeorites" and as a long range signaling aparatus.

    Oh, and the antennas are on a rail system so they can be retracted if necessary.

    And the "head" is now a little asymmetrical, because I like the jumbled look of a ship assembled and improved from many many modules.
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    Halberd class.
  • wminsingwminsing171 Posts: 0Member
    Interesting! So I see this sort of an attempt to return this to the 'armed rescue cutter' concept the design started as. I do the like the idea- a space warship that isn't supposed to be one!

    This also allows me to reconcile your previous designs together- the versions with more weapons are later blocks of the same design as the 'space weaponization' treaties become defunct. :)

    Design looks good, as always!

  • Klavs81Klavs81224 Posts: 197Member
    Thanks guys, I'm a bit upset to see the original Cerberus frigate entered in a contest here:

    with the world's worst texture job.

    Has anybody ever successfully had art taken down at Deviantart? They ignored my violation report, I don't expect this guy to win anything, but it's a little annoying, to say the least.
  • salsasalsa171 Posts: 0Member
    I'm sending one in as well. I'm actually a member and hope that maybe they'll listen to me. But as a member I have other ways to raise a fuss. If you're the only one who sent one in, then they already closed the case.

    One of the myriad of problems with DA is that art theft is very pervasive. The mods won't do anything to curb it and no actions are taken. I really hope that they don't ignore this too.

    Is it a bad thing that I kinda hope that someone DOS's the servers until the site crashes into fiery oblivion? The only reason I'm on it is because I have some friends from another site on there.

    Also, the new Trident frigate is looking good.

    Edit: Okay I just did some looking and the little **** entered another ship into the same contest and didn't even change the textures. I reported it and if no action is taken I'm going to raise hell over there.

    Seriously, what's wrong with the mods over there?
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    I'm a member overt here too, and I reported the submission a week ago or so, it's taken them this long to send me this automated response (I explicitly selected that I am not the creator!)
    Please file a DMCA takedown notice with us at [email protected]. If you are not sure how to file this, we will be able to help you through the process after you have come into email contact with us.

    Why would they send this to me, and not you?
  • salsasalsa171 Posts: 0Member
    Because the mods are bloody idiots?

    Sorry, I just have a vehement hatred for the kind of people that do this. It's even worse when the people in charge don't give a crap. I am seriously considering raising hell in the forums over there, Care to join me?
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    It's these sort of people that make artists not want to publicly release models.
    I commented on another deviation of his where he used Jason's Ark ship from Foundation3d...but all thats gonna do is make him disable comments.

    You take the first shift, I'll see where its at tomorrow :P
  • lennier1lennier1917 Posts: 1,286Member
    In case you need a template for the wording of a DMCA takedown notice:

    It's mainly just bureaucratic bullsh!t to have you report it again, just in a slightly different shape.
  • salsasalsa171 Posts: 0Member
    Uh, I already sent the email, with links to the offending work, the original, and the original creator's profile. I guess I just better hope that's enough.

    And consider hell raised.
  • lennier1lennier1917 Posts: 1,286Member
    salsa wrote: »
    And once again they managed to turn a blind eye. They really manage to turn that place into a second Turbosquid where plagiarism is concerned.
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Well unless you are "authzorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner" they will probably ignore your mail :/

    The guy also has a picture of Jason T's Ark Ship from foundation3d in his gallery, he didnt even render that one himself, just photoshopped the pciture from f3d...of course uncredited.

    Your thread's been closed.
    I find the "we aren't ignoring anything" post by that mod/guy a little strange, considering it took them more than a week to send an automated reply.
  • lennier1lennier1917 Posts: 1,286Member
    Melak wrote: »
    Also, what the hell? I don't have permission to post in that forum O_o
    Sure it's not just because they closed that thread?
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