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Render to texture - Issue

SolCommandSolCommand172 Posts: 0Member
- Software 3d max

It's been more than 10 hours now since I finished texturing my model and I still can't solve this problem:

I textured my model using 16 maps and now I'm trying to make a single texture map out of all .... seems easy or so I thought. I go to "render to texture" dialog, set it up exactly as I saw in the dozens of tutorials i watched today and hit "render" ....... now I get a single texture in 2048x2048 resolution .... all cool till here. I save my model in .obj format and apply the texture but the texture looks like crap, here's what I mean:

the model before "render to texture"
and after


Why does it show up like this , any ideas ? Since the texture is fairly detailed:
Note that the texture fits perfectly with UVs in the "Edit UVWs" window.

It's the first time I try to do a single texture from multiple ones so maybe I'm missing a setting or something dunno.
Post edited by SolCommand on


  • japmejapme12 Posts: 0Member
    What are using?

    My guess is that your either missing an option when you save to OBJ. Have you tried other formats?

    I'm not sure, but I think that some programs you have to "lock" the UV's before they will export correctly, but I may be wrong in about the whole "locking" thing.
  • SolCommandSolCommand172 Posts: 0Member
    3D max ........ thing is the same happens in max also, not only obj. I open the "blank" model in max (no maps), load the texture and it looks exactly the same as in obj format. You saw how the texture looks in the link I posted .... well, when I load it in max it shows up very "downgraded", if that's a good word ... I mean, it's like I see every pixel in the texture, it's not smooth as it shows up outside max
  • SyklonSyklon0 Posts: 0Member
    Does your proper version with the separate maps tile the textures it uses? Assuming it is, seems like the messed up version is somehow sampling the texture like it isn't tiled somehow. The strips around the central area with the circular vent texture shows it really well, as it goes from having tons of little holes in the proper version to just a couple in the messed up version.

    Not sure why it would be doing that though...
  • CoolhandCoolhand289 Mountain LairPosts: 1,298Member
    yep i think its a material id or a uv problem, can't be more specific right now but you need to check or uncheck some option so that it doesn't make its own coordinate set.

    alternatively, or perhaps additionally, it might be as simple as dragging the old material back onto the ship, since RTT can make a new 'baked' material and apply it automatically unless you tell it not to.
  • SolCommandSolCommand172 Posts: 0Member
    I've been up all night long trying to figure it out .... it's past 6 am now and gotta go to work. I will try again when I get back home but I doubt I'll find anything.
    Here's the file if you guys wanna check it out. I wanted to texture this model for a game mod but I see faith is not on my side:

    2shared - download proiectu.rar

  • SyklonSyklon0 Posts: 0Member
    Well I tried, but couldn't open the max file. You using 2010 or something? I got an error message about missing a
  • SolCommandSolCommand172 Posts: 0Member
    Yes 2010, sorry forgot to mention.
    I saved the model in obj format with all the maps now so u should be able to open/edit it with no problems.
    2shared - download Ghoul_3dmodel.rar
    Today at work I spent all my day trying to figure this thing out and have made little progress. I tried to uv map it myself now by using point to point seams and I noticed something weird that may be the culprit. Wile in the "Edit UVWs" window, if i select let's say a wing element and move it around ..... the texture on my model's wing in the viewport moves also .. ?? The same for scaling it. If I scale the wing element down a number of times the texture on the model starts to practically zoom in into the texture looking very pixel-like. So when I hit "pack UVs" in the "edit UVWs" window it automatically scales down all the parts and moves them around to fit them all in that square with black boundaries (dunno how it is called) ... as such the texture on the model moves from the right position and zooms-in alot and looks basically like in the picture i presented in the first post, you can almost see the pixels in the texture.
    Is there any way I can turn of this feature ? I mean so I can freely move and scale the objects in "edit uvws" without affecting the position of the texture on the model itself.
  • CoolhandCoolhand289 Mountain LairPosts: 1,298Member
    but thats exactly how the uv editor is meant to work.

    following tutorials is one thing, but you're clearly lacking some fundamental knowledge which is well covered in the manual. You need to research the UV editor and texture baking a little more... look into map & UV channels also. this should give you the knowledge you need.
  • SolCommandSolCommand172 Posts: 0Member
    Thing is m8 I do not why this doesn't work on my model when i see it works so easy for others. I follow the instructions by the letter and all is ok till the texture is baked , after that, when it comes to applying it to the model, for them it works (the ppl with the tutorials) and for me it doesn't. For them it looks great and for me ... sucks.
  • CoolhandCoolhand289 Mountain LairPosts: 1,298Member
    from what you're saying, i can tell there are some big gaps in your knowledge, so its not surprising its not working. when you follow a tutorial, you should attempt to understand why you're doing a certain thing at certain time in a certain sequence.. and how the tools work - tutorials rarely go into great detail as to why you're doing something. Chances are you missed something along the way, or the tutorial assumes that you have a certain level of knowledge anyway.

    i'd recommend that you go back and try something simple, like a cube and try baking 2 textures into 1 map. if you try something easier to deal with then it'll be easier for you to understand whats happening and see where you're going wrong. once that works you should be able to diagnose your problem, though i've already told you where the problem is and thats most likely to do with your map / uv channels.
  • SolCommandSolCommand172 Posts: 0Member
    I solved the issue.
    Thx for the replies.
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