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How does Fractal do it?

JAGsterJAGster0 Posts: 0Member
OK I've tried searching here and on the web but to no avail. I've tried messing with volumetrics, volume lights etc... but can't get it to work. Can anyone tell me how to create engine glow like fractalsponge!?

Thanks for your help!
Post edited by JAGster on


  • CoolhandCoolhand289 Mountain LairPosts: 1,298Member
    looks like a pretty straightforward, stretched omni, volume light
  • JAGsterJAGster0 Posts: 0Member
    Hey Coolhand, I appreciate the reply.

    I must be an idiot but I tried volume light amongst others, but my results looked pathetic. Could you give any insight on the setting of such a simple "stretched omni, volume light?" I spent some time trying out many settings and could not get anything close to the look of fractals image!

    Thanks again.
  • CoolhandCoolhand289 Mountain LairPosts: 1,298Member
    make an omni light and stretch it (scale) then make a volume light effct and tell it to use the omni light... tweak the settings until you have something you like - fractals looks pretty much like the default settings.
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Could you link directly to an image of fractals? can't find one with an engine glow following that link :S

    I've found one of the disadvantes of using omnis + volume light to be the angle of the light cone. at best, you'll get a straight one, mostly though one that grows larger as the distance increases...nerver liked the look of that.
  • JAGsterJAGster0 Posts: 0Member
    Malak its post #1812 in Fractals thread. but see below.

    OK so here's what I get compared to fractals. that's the point of the question I can't seem to get anything close to the look of fractals image!?
  • JAGsterJAGster0 Posts: 0Member
    OK Coolhand your nonchalance is understandable now. After some more tweaking tonight I got much better results! I spent 2 hours last night with not much better results than the previous image??

    Any other lighting tips would still be appreciated though!


    BTW thats Fractals MAX 6 ISD model.
  • CoolhandCoolhand289 Mountain LairPosts: 1,298Member
    you could do with more colour in the attenuation and make it thinner... by that i mean less opaque.
  • wjasperswjaspers332 Posts: 0Member
    Crank up the multipier.

    Judging the cone from Fractals lights, he used spotlights.
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