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Retrieving corrupted mesh. Possible?

NightShadowNightShadow10 Posts: 0Member
Okay, here's the situation: my HD crashed quite some time ago. I was able to resurrect the drive and copy everything over, but SOME of the files don't want to open up for me anymore. In particular, I am trying to open up my Starbase 77 mesh. Everytime I try to open the file I get the following message:

File open failed: <name and directory of file>

The size of the file is 18.6 MB. I use 3DS Max 8. I can't import it, can't view it with Deep Exploration or interact with it in any way- the file simply won't open. Now... my question is simple and, therefore, the answer should be simple:

Is it possible to re-open this file or somehow extract the objects within it?

I dearly hope and pray that someone has an answer or solution to this maddening problem.
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