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LED lights in Maya

lordofardalordofarda0 Posts: 0Member
So I've been making Johnny 5 for the past few days and I've come to my first wall. I'm rubbish with texturing and lighting and I haven't the foggiest how I'm to make the LED lights in his "mouth"

I tried doing a google search but that didn't bring up anything. Tried searching the forums here, but the search function wont let me use the term LED saying it's too short or common.

I tried using some simple glass shader with a point light in it, but that looked horrible. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Post edited by lordofarda on


  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    I don't know maya, but I hope this may help you anyway.

    It's always helped me looking at a picture to identify exactly what I want to achieve:



    When you take a closer look there isn't much more to it then using a fallooff or gradient to fade from bright red to a White or yellow in the middle.

    A red glow could also contribute to making it appear bright instead of just a solid color :)

    Here's a quick test I did in max:
  • Pic-A-CardPic-A-Card0 Posts: 0Member
    Is there a reason why you can't just use a texture of LED's like in the above images? I had to make some LED readouts and found that the easiest way is to just sample images. You can even mix and match to make different symbols.
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