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3DU.S.S. Centauri

cazman101cazman1010 Posts: 0Member
edited May 2010 in Finished Work #1
Basically I started this project over a year ago now with the basic Idea of making a multi pupose ship and went on from there. I got out my sketch pad and started doodling until i came with a design i liked, then set about building the ship. There is also a short video on you tube under the title "Star trek Centauri" that i made for the ship showing it changing over Pods.

Hope you Like it

Post edited by cazman101 on


  • kuckuk333kuckuk333178 Posts: 209Member
    so the turbolifttunnels run through the warp-nacelles and the nacellstruts? seems a bit dangerous to me. don't know if it could be done from the technolical point of view. the warpplasma isn't kept away from organic matter for nothing.
  • cazman101cazman1010 Posts: 0Member
    No the weapons pod is an unmanned unit similar to the one on top of the Reliant. There is a service tunnel that runs through but is only used when not at warp.
  • Mister KMister K171 Posts: 0Member
    looks like a tos version of the steamrunner class. a very good idea and a very good job! :D
  • Polaris 004Polaris 004199 Posts: 752Member
    Okay, I was going to compliment you on the fine look of your model, and then rip into you for the concept. I didn't buy the whole "unmanned pod" concept, and thought you were just going for style over substance. But I checked out your video and I came to your way of thinking. The video completely sells it. I couldn't see from the pics how small the deflector pod really was.

    The clip was REALLY well done. It's the sort of think I'm working toward eventually being able to do with Blender. What software did you use to make the model and the clip, and how long did it take you to put the model together.

    My only criticisim of the movie was the texture you used on the interrior of the dry dock where the ship was swapped out. That looked really hurried and not really appropriate to the rest of the starbase complex.

    Anyway, thanks much, and I will look for more form you.
  • cazman101cazman1010 Posts: 0Member
    I completely agree the inside texture for the space dock was from an old texture i had it was the one thing i wish i had spent more time on but I had to get the vid finished for viewing and had stupidly put it off for about 2 months and couldn't really put it off any longer. The video took 3 weeks to put together and the Centauri's general shape came together quite quickly just following the sketch I had done. However finesse it and getting it to the final stage was quite a bit longer getting the textures to look the way I wanted was probably the longest time I spent.
  • Polaris 004Polaris 004199 Posts: 752Member
    Which program did you build it in? And did you use any other programs to put the video together? (I use a video editor program to cut the scenes together an put transitions and titles in, though I've read that purists like to do everything with the 3d programs themselves.)
  • cazman101cazman1010 Posts: 0Member
    I use 3ds max for the model building and animation but the editing was done in Wax 2.0 and the music was written by myself and tranfered by a friend using cubase to the correct file type for the final edit. Unfortunately and I don't know why but when I uploaded it to you tube it clipped the last 2 seconds it doesn't sound much but it really doers make a difference.
  • cazman101cazman1010 Posts: 0Member
    Just to show another aspect of the ship heres the bridge I built for it. Its still a work in progress.
  • cazman101cazman1010 Posts: 0Member
    for the past couple of weeks I haven't posted anything new mainly due to to PC attempting suicide. Now things are getting back to normal hopefully I'll do some more updates on the ship to post up and others I'm working on.
  • IronscytheIronscythe0 Posts: 0Member
    I really like the idea of interchangeable pods, and there's nothing wrong with an unmanned deflector/weapons pod. It would even make the process of going to the deflector to modify it into a something-or-other beam that much more dramatic, having crewmen climbing through access shafts and catwalks.
  • cazman101cazman1010 Posts: 0Member
    I was just looking through this post and I realised I hadn't posted any pics with its other pods. So heres some other pics of the ship

    The first three pics are with the hospital pod in place and the last one is without a pod with the auxiliary deflectors exposed. the other pods include a shuttle transporter, a long range sensor pod, a colonisation module and a dry dock station (folded up and packed away of course). I 'll post up more pics of the other pods ASAP.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Sorry; I'm sure someone's mentioned it 50 times somewhere else, but with what software are you creating these images?
  • cazman101cazman1010 Posts: 0Member
    the software I use for model building and rendering is 3ds Max and for video editing I use Wax 2.0.
  • deg3Ddeg3D0 Posts: 0Member
    Cool stuff, dude, way to go! :)

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Can I just say how embarrassed I am that I didn't notice your answer to that very question just one page back? I must have simply been too busy admiring the images :) Thanks for your patience.
  • david1david10 Posts: 0Member
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1192 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,633Member
    Nice... I like the bridge!
  • Kmpr´rakKmpr´rak171 Posts: 12Member
    Uncommon idea, but cool artwork. :)
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