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Hi Res Moon Texture

tobiasrichtertobiasrichter334 Posts: 0Member

I am looking for a really highres moon textures. All I could find are 8k x 4k textures. That is fine, but I need to get real close to the moon, so 16k or even 32k would be perfect. Any idea where I might be able to get those?

Thanks in advance
Post edited by tobiasrichter on


  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    I could have sworn I've seen a lot of good looking moon closeups on your website, were those really all done with 8k or 4k textures?
  • tufytufy0 Posts: 0Member
    The best that I know of are Clementine probe's shots, composed into lunar map, but it's not perfectly seamless. If you're still interested, you can check here:

    USGS Map-a-Planet: Explore the Earth's Moon

    Click first map (greyscale V2, it's Clementine map V2), then open Advanced Options, set image size to 16384 x 32768 (or whatever else you'd like to use), then submit changes. No map will be generated, because it's too large, but you can order it for personal use anyway. Click the order button, fill up the form, submit and wait a few hours. Voila, your very own moon map :)
  • tobiasrichtertobiasrichter334 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks - I have seen this site, but it does not seem to produce images higher then 4000x8000 - even via order :(
  • tufytufy0 Posts: 0Member
    And I guess John Van Vilet's map on Celestia Motherlode couldn't be put together seamlessly? I didn't try, it's 600 MB worth of textures, but looking at one file, if you upped contrast a bit, it should work well and seems to be 32k. Alternatively, there's whatever resource Google Moon is using (though as much as I remember, that's Clementine too and a bit blurry at that).
  • tobiasrichtertobiasrichter334 Posts: 0Member
    The current texture I use is from the Celestial Motherlode site. I did try to download the supposedly higher res stuff - there are 16 tiles, each 512 pixels wide. Thats again "only" 8000 pixels. Even if it would be higher, it would be quite some work to piece them together.

    Well, if anyone else has any tipps, IA’d be thankful. Otherwise the 8000 pixel texture will have to do...
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