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3ds Max 2008 64-bit: default textures suddenly too bright...

spudmonkeyspudmonkey0 Posts: 0Member
Hi all,

got an odd problem that's just suddenly started happening. This effects all scenes, even old ones, so I'm not sure where to look.

The following image shows the problem:


The left-hand side is how the scene should render. The right-hand side is what I'm suddenly getting. I've not changed the scene at all, so it's something fundamental that's changed

The ambient is set to 0, so it's not that. I've tried resetting the materials (which now appear much brighter than they should in the material editor too) but it stays the same. The render is made with scanline and no lights at all, so it can't be the lighting rig as there isn't one! I've also checked and the default light settings for both the viewport and the texture haven't changed either.

This one has me completely stumped, though I could do a clean and reinstall...

Any ideas?
Post edited by spudmonkey on


  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Have you changed some sort of color profile settings in windows? I know they affect photoshop, so they might affect 3ds max just as well.

    You could also try messing with the Gamma and LUT options in max itself.
  • lennier1lennier1918 Posts: 1,286Member
    Do you mean the global ambient color (pressing "8" should bring up the environment menu) or just the one in the material itself?
    The first one once caused me some problems because an import from an older Max version once switched it from black to white.
  • spudmonkeyspudmonkey0 Posts: 0Member
    Worked out what it was... I had enabled Gamma/LUT and assumed it was a per scene setting instead of a global setting

    Got there just ahead of you Melak, but thanks to you both for replying :)
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