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3DUSS Grandeur - Final Version



  • VektorVektor332 Posts: 0Member
    More dorsal and secondary hull details:

  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    so impressive.
  • VektorVektor332 Posts: 0Member
    Some revisions to the secondary hull detailing:

  • VektorVektor332 Posts: 0Member
    By the way, anyone care to take a guess at the current poly count?
  • BlobVanDamBlobVanDam0 Posts: 0Member
    I believe the answer is "all of them".

    Or if you wanted a number, I'll guess 5 million.
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    Looking great, I can't guess what the poly count is but I bet it's high. I doubt it's as high as Pluto Station mesh but I bet it's large.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    Nope, not guessing. ;) It's looking fantastic. I really like the paneling pattern you have so far on the underside of the secondary hull.
  • VektorVektor332 Posts: 0Member
    Nowhere NEAR Pluto Station and certainly not 5 million. Believe it or not, it currently stands at a little less than 250,000 polys.
  • BlobVanDamBlobVanDam0 Posts: 0Member
    Well dang, looks like I went the wrong way on that estimate. :lol:

    Not bad at all given how much detail there is. Granted there are still details to add like windows, but it's so smooth and sexy.
  • HelotHelot391 Posts: 164Member
    250K!? Geez, I would have never guessed that low. Looks amazing.
  • VektorVektor332 Posts: 0Member
    Okay, this probably isn't the update you were all expecting but I have a feeling it will generate some interest regardless.

    A while back, Darren Sexton, the originator of this project, asked me to do up some illustrations of some Avalon class sister ships for various Grandeur related literary projects he has going. These were to be variants of the Grandeur design with standard Starfleet commissions and various individual backstories.

    The first of these was the U.S.S. Merlin, an Avalon class upgrade that was stolen out of drydock three days before its refit was completed and presumed lost. Years later it was discovered that Section 31 absconded with the Merlin and rechristened it the U.S.S. LaFay, NCC-90666. They heavily modified it with advanced technology, some of unknown alien origin, such as signal dampening fields, Borg-like cutting beams, a cloaking device, and a crew consisting almost entirely of holograms.


    This is the first of three Avalon variants that I'll be posting over the next few days, and I should be back to some Grandeur updates around the first of the month.
  • psCargilepsCargile417 Posts: 620Member
    My awesomon detector is registering over the threshold.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice. I like the ideas.
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    if it was stolen and operating independantly as part of section 31 why does it have a starfleet registration? name change i can understand (though merlin would be a good name for a ship operating under section 31) but they would hardly give it an official registration
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    The name and registry were done that way purposefully as a mocking element in the upcoming Starship Grandeur story called, "Lo The Giant Has Fallen". In the plot of the story, the USS LeFay captain previously served as a Starfleet officer who was a Maquis informer for years. When a Starfleet task force, including the USS Avalon, put a grisly end to that uprising, it infuriated her and she vowed to get revenge one way or the other, eventually joining Section-31 to do that.
    Remembering the USS Avalon who killed many of her Maquis friends, and knowing the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, which the Avalon Class Starship Design Project was named for, she insisted that the name of her hijacked USS Merlin be changed to the USS LeFay. Morgan LeFay is the female relative in the old tale that is responsible for tricking Merlin (a reason she hijacked the Merlin) and eventually brought down Arthur Pendragon. In the story she initially ambushed the USS King Arthur and it just so happened that Grandeur and crew were in conference with the Arthur's captain at the time and unexpectantly got involved. The registry ending in 666 is just an additive by her to enhance the mystery and possible fear element that she wanted everyone she killed to die remembering.
  • VektorVektor332 Posts: 0Member
    On to the second Avalon class variant, the U.S.S. Guinevere, adorned with the teal livery of the Science and Exploration division. Based on the same spaceframe as the Grandeur but with a different main deflector assembly and bussard collectors, no Wyvern cannons on the bow, and numerous other differences.

  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    why would section 31 take in someone in who wants to destroy the federation? section 31 is rather focused on defending the federation frankly from people like her? the only reason section 31 would sanction the destruction of a starfleet ship was if it had a greater purpose and caused the downfall of some alien threat not jsut as part of some random revenge agenda

    section 31 is the tal shiar or obsidion order of the federation they are just better than both
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Okay, let's just look at the pretty ships. :)
  • VektorVektor332 Posts: 0Member
    And now we come to the last of the Avalon class variants, the U.S.S. King Arthur, bearing the blue and gold livery of the Scout/Reconnaissance division.

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