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Texture Maps Need help.

<:K.I.S:><:K.I.S:>0 Posts: 0Member
Hi all i was wondering if some of ou could point me into the direction of some good texturing tuts that are similar in what we might do for starships and what not.
As i have been searching google and many have come up but not to the critieria that i need.

Any help will be much appreciated
Post edited by <:K.I.S:> on


  • Howard DayHoward Day632 Posts: 434Member
    Hey- Howdy! So I can't point you towards any specific tutorial, since you don't mention what programs you're using - Photoshop? 3dsMax? Anyhow, all I can give you till we know those specifics, is a link to a site that is highly helpful for source material - [CG Textures] - The worlds largest free texture site - it's free for limited downloads, but you can plainly see some of the awesome textures available. Assuming you have Photoshop, my suggestion is to grab a bunch of these and blend them together in interesting ways.
  • <:K.I.S:><:K.I.S:>0 Posts: 0Member
    Oh yeah i forgot to add those details in . IM using Photoshop CS3 and MAYA
    Thanks for the link Howard i will look into that
  • Davide_sdDavide_sd4 Posts: 0Member
    well i don't really know much about texturing, i'm trying to learn too.
    I'm reading a book about texture creation:
    "3D Game Textures Create Professional Game Art Using Photoshop" by Luke Ahearn. It's a great book in my opinion, even for a newbie users of photoshop (like me). He give a lot of suggestions about the creation of textures, and with a lot of step by step tutorial he explain how to obtain amazing effects in PS.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
  • StarshipStarship472 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    Here it goes a good one: drs_main
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