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Starship Movement

jasko1179jasko11790 Posts: 0Member
I've found it reasonably simple to animate a large freighter or a battlestar or a star destroyer in Cinema 4d, but is there any help on animating the smaller fighters?? I can't seem to put my finger on how to get all the turning and banking down. I've tried key framing, but it always comes out awkward. Am I missing something?? Ayyone know of a good resource? I've purchased several c4d books, but have gotten little help on this matter.
Post edited by jasko1179 on


  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    I would suspect you can make them follow splines/curves, and let them bank automatically.
    You could also try to use a particle system to make a "flock" of fighters follow a a spline loosely.

    Unfortunately I dont know C4D so I can't tell you how to do any of that.
  • Andrew BoultonAndrew Boulton0 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah, I usually align-to-spline.
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