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Sound/Explosion Effects

[Deleted User][Deleted User]11 Posts: 4,002Member
Hi all, I was curious to know any good place that would provide me with good sound effects for space effects/Star Warsy type, but not specificlly. Just general aircraft effects that sort of things, I have had a look but generally i found you have to pay, and if i did what can be recommended to me?

Exlosion effects other then Detonation films? same questions for them, For the moment i have been toying around with hypervoxels in lightwave, ive seen some good stuff done that way but i wanted a chance to toy with specially created effects, or looking for a general opinion on that?

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  • ZibblsnrtZibblsnrt0 Posts: 0Member
    There was a lot of lateral thinking involved in getting the sound effects for a lot of Star Wars stuff. A lot of the spacecraft were propeller-driven aircraft (this is especially obvious in Episode III on some of the warships), I think the Millenium Falcon's engine was a malfunctioning air conditioner in a hotel room someplace, etc.

    You might have better luck hunting for sound effects in general; you could find some perfect sounds in totally unexpected areas.
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