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Any Cinema 4D texture help out there?

jasko1179jasko11790 Posts: 0Member
Hey everyone. I'm quite new to Cinema 4D (and 3d in general) and I was playing around with the modeling tools and I made this really random spacy-thingy mesh. Then I realized I have no clue how to texture it. Anyone out there who has any advice on how to get started??

Here's the untextured

Any help would be appreciated greatly.

Post edited by jasko1179 on


  • jasko1179jasko11790 Posts: 0Member
    Yes I've read that one. It's a bit complicated for a noob like me, but it's a good start. Thanks.
  • cuyacuya174 Posts: 55Member
    It was for me too, i started using just the box projection mapping feature. i scoured google and then finally it kind of clicked. still learning though. I think the key is to manually select the polygons and place them about the page.
    You do get a lot of polygons so you get lost. i usually render the top bottom sides etc, using sketch and toon that way i get a clean surface to overlay the messy one in photoshop. not sure if any of that helped. just keep twiddling, you will get it
  • jasko1179jasko11790 Posts: 0Member
    Will do, thanks!!
  • magyareaglemagyareagle0 Posts: 0Member
    Actually, I use the external program unfold3d, which I have found to be indespensible since I've started using it. Great program, easy to use, and very friendly. Simply export your ship as an .obj file, map it, and reimport it into cinema 4d and paint it. It is a genuine lifesaver.
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