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External TutorialArticle on Digital Actors

ZabieglyZabiegly176 Posts: 0Member
edited January 2015 in Tutorials #1
If you always wanted to know why in all recent films that have digital actors they don't look that convincing you might be interested in this read:

A bright shining lie - Synthespians, why we don't like them and their future role in cinema

I'm talking about digital actors in a way they appear in the Final Fantasy movie or Beowolf. A full substitute for a human actors. Digital stuntdoubles are not so much the focus of the article.

Hope you enjoy the read.
Post edited by Zabiegly on


  • gishzidagishzida0 Posts: 0Member
    The link is no longer valid.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804745 Posts: 11,269Member
    Well, the thread is over 6 years old, so that's not surprising. What I don't get is why you bumped a thread this old just to tell us that.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Not everyone looks at a timestamp the first time a link doesn't work...

    I recommend the thread gets locked...
  • gishzidagishzida0 Posts: 0Member
    Well, the thread is over 6 years old, so that's not surprising. What I don't get is why you bumped a thread this old just to tell us that.

    For courtesy's sake. I have a home web server that's been up for about that long and don't mind getting nudged when some thing goes wrong.

    Zabiegly's site -- where the file was linked to -- is still up. I made the error of thinking that he might still be visiting this site and was unaware the link to that file was dead.
  • ZabieglyZabiegly176 Posts: 0Member
    Here you go.
  • gishzidagishzida0 Posts: 0Member
    Zabiegly wrote: »
    Here you go.
    Thank you!
  • ldoldo0 Posts: 0Member
    They work better where you donA’t need close-up detail. E.g. the crowd scenes in the Lord Of The Rings movies were computer-generated.

    The days of A“A Cast Of ThousandsA” are past...
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