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Lightwave: creating a convincing wheel

Chris VickersChris Vickers0 Posts: 0Member
I'm stuck on the wheels of the Landed Combat Mode gear for the vessel I'm working on. Can anyone help out with a tut on that?
Post edited by Chris Vickers on


  • spudmonkeyspudmonkey0 Posts: 0Member
    You have posted this in the wrong forum. There are hundreds of wheel making tutorials out there on the web. Search for 3d car modeling and you will find loads of different techniques
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    this forum is for member tutorials, not for tutorial requests

    moved to Q&A
  • JeffrySGJeffrySG321 Posts: 477Member
    Can you post a pic of what you are trying to build? or what section of it is giving you trouble? We can prob. offer some suggestion for a modeling solution then...

  • Chris VickersChris Vickers0 Posts: 0Member
    I did this version on Blender, and there are several errs on the model. I am open to nitpicking and other criticism on it.
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    ok you still haven't said what's wrong, use your brain a bit - we can't help you if you don't tell us what you're having trouble with, I can't barely see any wheels on that anyway

    and what app are you actually using LW or blender
  • Chris VickersChris Vickers0 Posts: 0Member
    OK, the fact that they're barely visible was one err. Thanks, sir.

    I was using Blender initially, but switched to LW because its interface is a bit easier. TBH, I'm used to max, but since my hard drive crashed in October 2006, I haven't had a decent working copy, and after discovering its asking price, I probably never will again.

    I guess the main problem was to make the entire apparatus convincing enough, but detailing isn't exactly a strong suit as yet. Hell, I have yet to put windows on the ship's hull still.

    Problem 1 aside from the apparatus all but concealing the wheels (there are 2 on this mechanism) is the wheels themselves. It's probably a detailing mission, but making them to where they're not only visible but convincing enough to hold up a cruiser, when multiplied enough to fit 5 to a wing. I suppose the idea is to convert the cruiser into a convincing battle tank when called for.
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    TBH, I'm used to max, but since my hard drive crashed in October 2006, I haven't had a decent working copy, and after discovering its asking price, I probably never will again.
    it's in the rules that you don't discuss warez on the site
  • Chris VickersChris Vickers0 Posts: 0Member
    Sorry about that. I won't do it again, I assure you.

    I've figured out how to correct the problem of the wheels being barely visible. First off, two were way too tiny for that apparatus. I should probably go with only one per LCM unit. Second problem is making this apparatus convincing enough to make ppl believe that it'll hold up a cruiser of this size. The Missouri is classified as a medium cruiser (the new CRM prefix kinda gives that away). The five units would also be something of a problem. Any suggestions there?
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