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3DOne Great Ship

satnambollsatnamboll0 Posts: 0Member
edited June 2010 in Work in Progress #1
Hello there.

I've been doodling in Maya alot, and along with writing my stories, have been learning a little bit more about 3d. For one of my stories, I'm writing about the ancients journey to the milkyway galaxy, in one great ship. So, I thought about it, and decided to put it into perspective.
So, here it is after about 8 hours of modelling. I'm still not finished, as I am learning about texturing as well, so it will be a little while.
check out the links, and tell me what you think.


Post edited by satnamboll on


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Nice, I really like the start to this, and will lurk through this as it progresses.
    this is really what Atlantis should have looked like. :thumb:
  • StarshipStarship469 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    Nice start.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    ship? Station I'd rather call that...
    Anyway it's a nice .. uh ... thing...
  • satnambollsatnamboll0 Posts: 0Member

    I wasn't sure anybody would like this design and idea, so I took the chance anyway.
    The whole concept is about the ancients journey to the milky way in one great ship. As the ancients like doing things big, why not an absolutely massive first city ship?
    I call this the crystal city. It was a city on a planet in the ancients home galaxy (now the ori home galaxy) and those of the scientific philosophy took refuge here, and afterwards they undertook the great journey, whereupon thousands of years later, they came upon the milky way, a new galaxy, and this ship provided them with everything, until it was left to slumber. they didn't think they would ever need it again, but they didn't want to destoy it.
    The ship is still there (in this story) and it contains the entire logs of the entire journey from everybody who was on the ship, and I do mean everybody.
    The logs also contain the entire navigational charting, from the exodus, to the influx into the milky way, and the galaxies that they passed along the way, stopping off points, and colonies as well.
    This ship is old ancient technology. No zpm tech, but it taps subspace directly, and it uses these absolutely massive engines, on the underside of the entire city. i did think about black hole tech, but it might just be a little cliched.
    This city was the basis for atlantis. It's shielding and it's galactic drive provided the template for atlantis and its shielding and galactic drive. Tech which has never really changed so much for the ancients. It was the first, and thus its value is not just based upon it's tech, but the knowledge and thoughts of all the people who lived and died on that ship.
    Size wise..100k? maybe? It had to be big enough to take all of them, and have enough supplies for the journey. Along with lots of space to live in, and to be occupied during transit.
    What do you think? 100k too big?
    I'm thinking there were millions who had to leave perhaps billions. Or maybe half a billion. Who knows?
    I will definitely be updating this ship. I'm still learning to texture, but I will definitely make an effort to texture this. It wont be easy, but I will try.

    Thanks for reading!!

  • satnambollsatnamboll0 Posts: 0Member
    Hello again!
    I have an update of sorts. 3 new pics for those of you who are interested in this ongoing effort of mine to learn 3d, and of course, this design and it's evolution.

    Please check these out and tell me what you think so far. I'm getting there very slowly, but it's getting there!


  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    now that's really damn cool... But you should be careful... The newer image give it a very organic imapression and that's wrong... They where highest-tech... And the organic look is off Wraith...
  • satnambollsatnamboll0 Posts: 0Member

    Yeah, your right. It was a little organic. Figured I'd try and pull it to see what happened.
    Ancients were definitely highest I guess it's back to the squares and lines.
    Another update later..maybe tonight or tomorrow...

  • satnambollsatnamboll0 Posts: 0Member

    I have an update of sorts. I'm pretty much done with the design I'd say, barring any further changes etc. I'm going to start next on small changes here and there. My machine is actually having difficulty with this one. It's 30k polys and counting. Tried a reduction, it went all wrong. So, I will keep it like this.
    Tell me what you think.

  • spudmonkeyspudmonkey0 Posts: 0Member
    To be honest with you, I'm really not liking the details you have added to the arms. They all seem a little confused and could do with a lot of tidying up. Hopefully that's the "small changes" you alluded to
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    hmh... general outlines, pylon-end superstructures and some other structures still look too organic...
    Basically the superstructures at the end spots of the pylons are okay, they mostly match... But at the arms themselves they should only match vaguely...
  • satnambollsatnamboll0 Posts: 0Member

    I debated for 2 days as to what to do with the arms. Maya crashed several times whilst I was doing it. Not much fun.
    Which parts don't you agree with? I'm guessing the parts on the arms themselves? the small buildings?
    The angle is this is all they had when they left. It had to accomodate everybody who left, and it had to provide pretty much everything they needed. Those largish parts towards the edges of those arms are the manufacturing and production parts of the ship. It does look a little wierd, but they serve a purpose. I will clean everything up, it will just take a little time. I want it to be perfect. As I am crap at texturing, it will be a little while!
    Anyhow, thanks for looking.

  • satnambollsatnamboll0 Posts: 0Member
    real life is killing me, so work has been slow. i did try a lighting test, which didn't work out. so, i did the ship in the cosmos, and it actually worked out much better.
    the model looks okay (i think anyway) and cleaning it up may take a little while. please do check it out, and tell me what you think.

    by the way, if there is anybody who knows how to do those cool greeble things in maya, then please tell me.

  • satnambollsatnamboll0 Posts: 0Member
    Hello once again!!

    I've decided to stop on the current model, and start again from scratch, taking what i have learnt using maya so far, and applying it to this model in particular. there have been some design changes, but what i am now going to do, is take it all a small step at a time. i will make sure it's detailed and cleaned up first, before moving on to the next point, adding and chopping and changing.
    here are some links for you to check out and tell me what you think.


  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    no matter what you do, it's nice...
  • satnambollsatnamboll0 Posts: 0Member
    Aresius wrote: »
    no matter what you do, it's nice...

    It's been a little while, as I have been splitting time between this and my son who is taking up a lot of time.
    Played around with the lighting, and checked out a little ambient occlusion. Tell me what you think of the lighting, and the general colour of the naquadah, which I think is close, but it still needs a little work.

  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    pretty good, I'd say... it's a bit dark though, but basically already good...

    Well man, I know what you mean with the family... But therefore you have something unique... ;)
  • satnambollsatnamboll0 Posts: 0Member

    a late so behind on my uni work, something had to give..did some testing of some other building work, but will probably go in a different direction..
    but i did do this building test..please tell me what you think...

  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    it looks very good... Though the edges seem a bit to sharp...

    But the shape's nice... :)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    i cant see any of your pictures. i get server resets and timeouts for everyone
  • GlazyGlazy333 Posts: 0Member
    Dallidas wrote: »
    i cant see any of your pictures. i get server resets and timeouts for everyone

    I can't see any either,get the same timeout you're getting !
  • satnambollsatnamboll0 Posts: 0Member
    Dallidas, Glazy..

    sorry guys, but i just can't replicate the issue that you are having. i posted the links so everybody can see them; so, i surfed through to the forums as a guest, and clicked on all the pictures..the smoothed out ones i deleted, as they look too organic..every link i clicked on seemed fine..i then logged on as a member, and they worked fine..

    I'm really at a loss as to explain how they are not working..the only other things that come to mind are basic support stuff..check this, check that etc..but i'm sure everybody has done that..
    transfer limits are fine..webspace within limits...
    i really don't know what else i can say or do..
    is anybody else having this problem? Aresius, are you seeing everything fine, and with no problems?

  • AlnairAlnair181 Posts: 255Member
    Any progress? It's a good start for a beginner. The superstructure is too uniform . You should try to build a more citied shape without copying the appearance of the original Atlantis from the show too closely. Groups of superstrutural parts should suggest functions which can easily recognised by the viewer. This would give your mesh a greater visual diversity.
  • satnambollsatnamboll0 Posts: 0Member
    Hello again!!

    It's been so, so, long..operation, autodesk messing around with me and not giving me my new licence file until just a few days ago..and I've only been able to use maya for about half an hour...
    but please do check this's an impression of what could be the final picture..but it could change..i did this whilst attempting to visualise the final structure..

    tell me what you think..


  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member

    Now that got some pads!!!!
  • satnambollsatnamboll0 Posts: 0Member
    Aresius wrote: »

    Now that got some pads!!!!

    how do you mean? I have to admit i haven't got a clue what you are on about..
    so what do you think of the odd visual design?

  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    I mean the style, the look, of the pads. They're unlike Atlantis, smaller and have longer shafts. This stations looks actually bigger than Atlantis.
  • Mark HarrisMark Harris0 Posts: 0Member
    I think you're tower may be too complex, If you look at atlantis the buildings are almost always fairly plain on the outside, all pretty much straight. I like your pads :)
  • satnambollsatnamboll0 Posts: 0Member
    I think you're tower may be too complex, If you look at atlantis the buildings are almost always fairly plain on the outside, all pretty much straight. I like your pads :)


    I was actually going through remodelling, when I realised that the central tower may actually be too complex, and thought about re doing it again.
    I'll give you the info.
    This is the One Great Ship that the ancients left their home galaxy in. Being older ancient tech, it doesn't use zpm's or black holes. The whole thing had to be big enough to house all the ancients who wanted to leave, and provide everything that they might ever need in their search for a new home. It housed pretty much many millions of their kind. which was all of them.
    The central tower is one massive subspace tap (and this is what gave them the idea for zpm tech) the next buildings to go up will be the facilitators of such subspace energy, and hence they have to be really big. these house the conduits that provide power to pretty much everything else.
    the pre-complete visualisation was just to see how it might look. I have since experimented with a massive city ship, with a number of adjoining smaller city chips that pretty much slot in to the great ship. getting there, however, is not easy. The sizing just doesn't seem to work. connecting it all in 3d is so much harder. i can see it in my mind, but i'm not yet experienced enough with maya to get that look right, hence the experimentation.
    But i will get there.

    I am thinking about starting it again, and leaving the central tower until the base is done, but i'm still in two minds. I'm going to try to make it work first, before re-starting.

    size wise, i'm still debating. 100km high central tower seems okay, as the ancients liked to do everything big. the resulting diameter of the whole ship i'm estimating at 500-750km. absolutely massive? oh hell yes. but with this ship containing every single ancient facility that you can think of (including manufacturing and production facilities for almost any vessel) it needs to be big.
    the piers are massive. the shafts are long, but very much wider than anything that has ever been seen before. atlantis is big, but no way near big enough. this great city provided the template for atlantis. when the plague hit, they pretty much all died. this great city is still there, just waiting to be found. getting it right, just that much more difficult.

    i'm glad you and aresius like the pads. they do look kind of nice..

    thats enough ranting from me. I need to go and actually do some work.

    thanks for reading.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    i like the idea and i see this the other day and i thought it was good but man its stuck in my head and how much of a good idea it would be to do a spin off of startgate about just the ancients anyways my input

    from watching the series of oth stargates i would have thought the original designs of the ancients would be a lot more like the ori's ships a lot more sleek and elegant rather then there more modern ships which have sharp edges. only saying this is because at the time they would have left they were a single race so the designs would be very much the same until they develop it further but dont get me wrong you cant do it all like that as then it would be more ori but making it more smoother (buildings and such) would have a more i dont know erm realistic appeal for that time period.

    also im not sure they would be using energy tapped from our subspace as this would be deifficult and beyond there current technological abilitys (2x06 "Trinity") at that time it would more likly be some kind of fission, prehaps a varient of a zpm but tapping energy from something else rather then an artificial region of subspace

    but im watching this thread for updates i hope you aint gona abandon it because its dropped off the first page though
  • satnambollsatnamboll0 Posts: 0Member
    MasterWong wrote: »
    i like the idea and i see this the other day and i thought it was good but man its stuck in my head and how much of a good idea it would be to do a spin off of startgate about just the ancients anyways my input

    from watching the series of oth stargates i would have thought the original designs of the ancients would be a lot more like the ori's ships a lot more sleek and elegant rather then there more modern ships which have sharp edges. only saying this is because at the time they would have left they were a single race so the designs would be very much the same until they develop it further but dont get me wrong you cant do it all like that as then it would be more ori but making it more smoother (buildings and such) would have a more i dont know erm realistic appeal for that time period.

    also im not sure they would be using energy tapped from our subspace as this would be deifficult and beyond there current technological abilitys (2x06 "Trinity") at that time it would more likly be some kind of fission, prehaps a varient of a zpm but tapping energy from something else rather then an artificial region of subspace

    but im watching this thread for updates i hope you aint gona abandon it because its dropped off the first page though


    I was working on some lighting for this ship model, when I checked out the forum..

    hmm..some valid concerns..I'm going to have to re-do the base model..well, try to at any rate..I need to get this balance right..
    In my view, as the ori ships are more recent, the 50mil+ ancients from long ago, would have had a ship that could provide them with everything that they could possibly ever need. there will be some smooth lines etc here and there, but overall, there will be sharp edges..something that the ancients never could really get rid of..
    the central column is a giant subspace angle being that this was the forerunner for zpm technology..the tower is habitable, apart from the middle to top..where only scientists and engineers would venture..
    the subspace tap is completely different from that episode, they tried to tap vacuum energy from our own space time continuum..and it was just too unpredictable...this is older, and more stable..
    i did consider the possibility of a lost form of hyperspace power taps..but it seemed too cliched...
    black hole tech? maybe..but not really needed...
    so sub space tap it was..

    and i wont be abandoning this thread because it dropped off the first page..i will come back soon with a new lamp design for lighting the outside of the city..hopefully it will fit in very nicely..

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