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3DThe Endless Pluto Station Thread



  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    It's there, you just can't see it through the windows :)
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Decided to do another one, to show off some of it's sparkly lights, and a more human position, standing as he is on the sail hehe

  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    God, that has more flares than JJ's movies. :P
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • MartocticvsMartocticvs444 Posts: 524Member
    Proof, I think, that in a former life, he was a magpie :)
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Looking great!
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Flares! Yeah, it's just the angle and the closeness, those lights are to light up docking ships and the boom arm.
  • ElowanElowan0 Posts: 0Member
    Looking great! Keep it up doodnik!
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Thanks Elowan! :)
  • raytridiraytridi0 Posts: 0Member
    Looks nice and shiny.

    Good works
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Looking awesome as ever. I hope you're going to release a festive Christmas Tree-esque render with all those twinkly lights.

  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    this is quite extraordinary. the most i've built is full interiors for small ships(in lowish detail) this is a whole station with extreme detail levels. really well modelled/textured/lit. awesome.
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    you at 10 mill poly yet?
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Well the last time I assembled it it was over 13 million, it'll be a lot more now :)
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    dang must need like 20gig of ram to run that lol
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Not really, lots of instancing is in there. I am not sure how many real vs instance polygons there are...
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    As everyone keeps reminding me, you don't really get any sunshine out near pluto... So here's a Pluto-sun render :D


    you'd actually get more self-illumination with the other bits loaded.. One day I will have to do a FSR with no sun :)
  • MartocticvsMartocticvs444 Posts: 524Member
    Just needs a bit of tinsel now! Nice, moody look there.
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Yup, nearly Christmasy! :)
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Stunning as always.
    Love the last render.
    If you going to go for that sort of lighting. your going to need some spotlights. ;)
  • ST-OneST-One188 Posts: 293Member
    Beautiful work, as always. :)

    The paint-chips, though; as they seem to be much more reflective than the unblemished hull-surfaces they look a bit like mesh/render-errors, especially on the side that's not in direct "sun"-light.

    In an animation they would make the station sparkle like that guy from the Twilight-movies. ;)
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Even thought the dark render looks really cool, I think it would still be brighter than that.
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    There are spotlights on it, it's not all pure radiosity, but I didn't want to overdo it, as it's only a small bit of the station. Too many spotlights and the renderer will get really bogged down!

    With regards to the brightness near Pluto, yes it's brighter than that, but I just decided to do it as an only self-illuminated version to see how it looked :)

    With regards to the paint chips, yes that was intentional, however, I will increase the roughness, so it's less like chrome, and more like a cast alloy. I'm gonna be doing a raft of material optimisations and updates soon, so I'll do it then. :)
  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member
    well done sir.
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Been making lots of little changes, not all of which I can show yet (holes and missing bits) but I decided to do a lighting test of my cargo bay doors, to see how well it worked...

  • MartocticvsMartocticvs444 Posts: 524Member
    Happy to report that your lights are indeed working! Looking good there old chap ;)
  • GlazyGlazy333 Posts: 0Member
    Awesome !!!
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Cheers. did an actual hollow light fitting, with spherical lights, rather than spotlight this time... so less cheating! Shame you can't see the glass lights I made, in that shot.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    I love this thread. Such awesome looking work.
  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    This is amazing work.

    Have a question though. If you are in space, would a light have a soft shadow or would it be a hard shadow? Just curious.

  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Soft shadows occur due to the angular diameter of the light source. The sun, on earth is 0.52 degrees (give or take) and in orbit it's exactly the same. Now out in deep space, the angular diameter shrinks... but no light source has zero dimensions... that's something that only happens in incorrect CG. :-) Hard shadows are NEVER right, they are just quick to render.
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