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3DCyborg of futures past

mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
edited May 2010 in Work in Progress #1
I'm working on a project where i need legs like these. So i thought it'd be interesting to re-develop this guy.

So far i reworked his textures upped the polys where necessary and readied him for rigging.

more very soon..
Post edited by mikeb on


  • fluxfirefluxfire181 Posts: 604Member
    Nice duder
  • al3dal3d177 Posts: 0Member
    now that looks wiked man..:)
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    And here is the first go at the legs walking..
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Very Cool!

    Now let see the rest of him animated.
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    As always with these little pet projects i'm getting all excited and thinking of a 1000 things i could do..

    Someone mentioned it was very Return to caste wolvenstien, so i thought i'd have a dabble with making him a little more grusome..

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Really nice stuff
  • strangemanstrangeman0 Posts: 0Member
    For me, the first version is better. And this flag looks a bit like the Kriegsmarine flag... you can try with other versions of the iron cross, etc... add something on the helmet too :)
  • HundredHundred268 Posts: 1,021Member
    Very nice.
  • BEMEUPBEMEUP171 Va BeachPosts: 0Member
    Nice stuff, very cool project!!
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    What is the 'NaziBot' guarding there, the ark of the covenant? :D
    Looks great, and quite mean, I like both heads, while the first one looked more robot-like. the walking looks and sounds great, though a tiny bit jagged when the feet liftfrom the floor.
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    Very cool! :thumb:
  • cooloneinca 2224cooloneinca 22240 Posts: 0Member
    cool that is a WIP
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    very cool! i prefer the first head over the human one. You could always make skin peeling off revealing a robot head :D
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    I'm thinking of making two robots, to compliment each others armaments, but i'll go into that later.

    Here is where i'm upto with the walk cycle so far..

    p.s. i have just figured out why the legs are very twitchy, i've put the tip goals and the up vector as children of the feet instead of the hips?!
  • BEMEUPBEMEUP171 Va BeachPosts: 0Member
    You might be right on the twitch, I haven't messed with rigging in a while. The animation look is very cool! Nice work on the ol' boy...
  • gpdesignergpdesigner203 MontrealPosts: 323Member
    I wish I knew something about animating figures since I don't I can't offer any thoughts but what you do have at the moment is pretty good. It may be a little jerky but then when I saw the clip it looked as if the cyborg was just getting his land legs. In some way it didn't look to out of place but I guess you are trying to get a smooth fluid motion.

    Anyway keep at it, this should be interesting.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Looks good, at some point I really should learn how to IK rig in C4D.
    Only crits would be to make it less twitchy (although it looks like you've already figured that one out) and don't make it too fluid, having it jolt a little bit with each step would look more natural ;)
  • gonk droidgonk droid0 Posts: 0Member
    this looks very close to a modified SDK quake gladiator model.

    looking forward to more.
  • TitonTiton0 Posts: 0Member
    Nice work!

    Return to Castle Wolfenstein was one of my favorites.

  • AethernautAethernaut0 Posts: 0Member
    Sweet retro-cyborg! The result of one of Dr. Mengele's fiendish experiments no doubt!

    One teeny-tiny nitpick, the swastika in the middle of the iron cross is backward compared to actual NSDAP Hakenkreuz (did I spell that right?).
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    I'm still not sure on whats going on the chest plates of the robots.

    Firstly I have slowed down the animation as he's a big old robot (and it helps me to check how the animation works). I have also worked on the legs and given te head a bit of life, the feet are still a problem though..

    Next up i'm setting out on making them a little less (h)armless, fitting both droids with weapons..
  • JeffrySGJeffrySG321 Posts: 477Member
    very slick looking stuff here!! I really like the look and feel of the renders!

    I like the small amount of motion blur (or DOF) in that first render, looking very photoreal, and it def. has that first person shooter type of look!
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    I'm going to come back to the feet a little later..

    For the moment i've started sketching what sort of weaponry my two droids will be carrying.

    Firstly i am thinking of them keeping functional left hands, while having heavy armourment on their right arms, keeping them multi functional. I'm also thinking that one of my cyborgs will be more cautious than the other, and that difference will be reflected in their weponry.

    I would like to fit double gatling guns to the first cyborg as well as a cannon (not sure about the caliber yet).

    For the second droind something more thought out. These droids were built to be self suficient and with fingers the size of books, simple things like reloading a gun would prove very difficult. So i came up with an arm that has 3 weapons bays that can hold and fire any guns the cyborg may find on his travels (3 mp40's in the sketch).


    Over the next few days i'll make these in 3d and see what they look like..
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Nice, I like the human head, it makes it more dark.

    Could this be the first version of Robocop. :lol:
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    Robocop you say, 20 years young this year (scary eh..)..


    I was making robocop a while back (as no-one seems to have done it justice (excuse the pun)), but it turned out to be a much bigger endevour than expected. Maybe i'll come back to that project soon..
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    So here is the first version of the right arm, from the older of the two machines..

    The 1 cannon is attached and it's ammo is loaded into a chamber in the arm. The other 3 guns are detchable and he can rearm (excuse the pun) them using his left hand (see above post).
  • LarsenLarsen171 Posts: 0Member
    Very nice work man... I really like how you can see those old german machineguns in there:thumb:... gives it a real retro feel!

    I have to admit tho, that the helemt dude, makes it look like you just stuck a german soldier in a suit... I think the bald guy was way more scary... mayeb some hoses that flex when he walks:D

    Just my two cents... cool project man, keep it up:thumb:
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    The last image was just a joke, he has robocops head.. I like the idea of hoses, maybe chains as well.. All in good time..

    Finishing up the right arm for now i thought i'd have yet anther go at muzzle flames.

    Over the last few years i have experimentd with so many different attempts, though some looked okay i've still never been completly happy with any of them-

    Here is what i have so far for my cyborgs arm..

    Has anyone else experimented with muzzle flames? (apart from post production)
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    LOL I love the Robocop version.
  • mikebmikeb172 Posts: 66Member
    Serve the public trust mate :)
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