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2DThe Renewed Valor from Andromeda the series

universaltimuniversaltim0 Posts: 0Member
edited March 2012 in Work in Progress #1
Hello everyone! For my fist post of an image, I thought I'd start out with something from Andromeda the series. A while back, someone posted drawings of ships from that show, but for the life of me I can't remember his name. I've checked, and it would seem that noone else can either. His name was something like primeavenger, or primeval, or primethepump...I don't know. Anyway, I found some of his stuff I saved and what I did was redraw the Renewed Valor from the episode "Angel Dark, Demon Bright" in MSPaint. I touched it up here and there and gave it some color from the handrawn original that this guy did. It's by no means finished, and I hope to get some orthographic views going on later, but it will take some time, since I have other things to tend to. Still, I hope you all like it, so enjoy!
Post edited by universaltim on


  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    quite nice start... A bit of less details, but let's see what it's going to...
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    yeah, very nice design you got there, tho I might suggest some shading.

    something along those lines: shading.png
  • universaltimuniversaltim0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks guys! Yeah, I want to shade it and add more detail to it, but right now I'm just trying to get the right look to it. the screencaps I have aren't as helpful as I would like. Plus, my skill is still hovering around "slack jawed novice" right now. some time in the future, I'll have more stuff to post for it.
  • MorgenroeteMorgenroete171 Posts: 0Member
    I'm a huge fan of Andromeda ships, specifically Commonwealth Warships.

    You did a great job here, if you ever get a chance try to draw the "Million Voices" commanded by the A.I. Mila. Or maybe Triumvir's ship "Machinery Of The Mind"

    Huge props on your effort.


  • universaltimuniversaltim0 Posts: 0Member
    Those are some good one! I hadn't even thought about those. I have a design sketch of the Triumvir's ship, so that one would be a little easier for me to do (screencaps with sufficient detail is hard to find for most of the ships). Another one I want to try is the Balance of Judgement (Wrath of Achilles...or what ever those big killers were called). I tried doing a Neitzschean destroyer, but it didn't turn out very well, so I'm going back and reworking it (in my spare time which isn't so spare these days). I'm glad you like it so far. I'm afraid That it's slow going right now, but in the next few weeks I should have some more stuff, and maybe a couple of other ships to post as well.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    yay, looking forward for the Wrath of Achilles/Balance of Judgement... (We know, what ya mean...)
  • count23count23367 Posts: 785Member
    always a fan of andromeda, didnt like the direction it went in the later seasons but the designs were always unique and fun to look at. Keep it up, looks good so far.
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • bsg reconbsg recon0 Posts: 0Member
    Nadesico wrote: »
    always a fan of andromeda, didnt like the direction it went in the later seasons but the designs were always unique and fun to look at. Keep it up, looks good so far.

    i agree was a unique design of a ship
  • MorgenroeteMorgenroete171 Posts: 0Member
    I loved the ships of Andromeda, they were so artistic and inventive, really at the very edge of design.

    Unfortunatly the writers sucked and the cast was pretty bad, with the exception of Lexa Doig.

    I got these sketches from the official Andromeda website.

    The Million Voices

    I always thought the Wrath of achillies and the Balance of Judgement looked more like Pyrian vessals. Maybe you could draw a Pyrian torchship, AG mass packets was such a cool idea for a weapon.

    I'm still waiting for someone to make toys of the Ships in Andromeda


  • GalenGalen0 Posts: 0Member
    what was the story behind the Renewed Valour? Cant remember when she appeared in the show. Same goes for the Million VOices.
  • count23count23367 Posts: 785Member
    The Renewed Valour was the first high guard ship to arrive at Witchhead after Commonwealth command ordered a last stand. Dylan Hunt wanted to bring the ship to the future when Andromeda escaped but the neitzicheans appeared and blew the ship away while it's flank was exposed, Andromeda escaped, crippled the fleet and sodded off back to the future before the high guard fleet arrived.

    The Million voices was a ship captured during the war and held in a "detention centre" near a brown dwarf because it's AI refused to work for the nietzcheans.
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • universaltimuniversaltim0 Posts: 0Member
    Nadesico, I couldn't have said it better myself, thank you. Morgenroete, I got those images too. The Triumvir ship looks like it'll be fun to draw, but now I just have to find time to sit down and attempt it in detail. And yes, I always thought the Pyrian vessels and the Wrath of Achilles type ships looked way too similar. As for the entire cast sucking, I thought they did a decent job. I mean, when you're given a steaming pile and told to act with it, you can only do so much.
    As for other Andromeda series ships, I want to do them all, but it takes time. I want to add detail, but my abilities only take me so far, and I have many other projects I'm working on. I'm really glad that there are people here that like these ships and want to see more, because I will have more. I was attempting to do more with the Renewed Valor, but I think I'll stop right where I'm at and start on Wrath of Achilles next instead. Afterward, I'll try to do side/front views of the ships. Hmmmm, I need more hours in a day...
    So many ships, so little time. I can't help it, I really like spaceships. I even did a version of the ship you use in from the old Starflight games series (one of my favorites by the way). After the big test on Monday, I'll have a little more time to devote to drawing. After that, I'll conquer the universe! (You can have the world...) :devil:
  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    If you decided to do the Andromeda Ascendant herself maybe this pic might help
  • cooloneinca 2224cooloneinca 22240 Posts: 0Member
    cool :cool: keep it up
  • miragemirage0 Posts: 0Member
    Looks good!!! I always was a fan of the ships from Andromeda and spent some time scouring the net for images, but never had much luck. Keep up the good work and I look forward to updates and future projects.
  • MorpheusMorpheus0 Posts: 0Member
    Nice, Andromeda has a nice ship design. I wanted to see the Genites carrier, its been along time since I watch this show. Which reminds me, the Magog world ship....thats probably the biggest ship/station in any sci-fi history...:confused:
  • MorgenroeteMorgenroete171 Posts: 0Member
    In the same episode that featured Triumvir's Machinery Of The Mind they also showed small little destroyers that had the look of andromeda but smaller. If anyone has those images they could drop em here?

    I think they would be good for drawing too.


  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    I kind of like the Triumvir's flagship the Helsions Promise (I think that was its name)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    In the same episode that featured Triumvir's Machinery Of The Mind they also showed small little destroyers that had the look of andromeda but smaller. If anyone has those images they could drop em here?

    I think they would be good for drawing too.

    found these:
  • MorgenroeteMorgenroete171 Posts: 0Member
    Very good job chrisbarnett20.
    The ship I'm talking about is the bottom right ship on the 8th picture and the ships surrounding the Androemda on her fore abaft, port starboard in the 6th picture.

    They were only used once but I think they are a fantastic looking ship. Especially when commonwealth *new commonwealth* ships look like a group of pirates im transport ships.


  • universaltimuniversaltim0 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah, that ship was usually used by the Collectors at first. I always thought it was kind of neat...well I thought that about most ships on that show. And by the way, I'm really sorry for taking my own sweet time posting any updates to my pictures. I don't have alot of freetime to draw as much as I want these last few weeks. I am beginning to work on the Balance of Judgement, so we'll see how that turns'll just be a little while longer than I planed.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    well i look forward to the BOJ.
  • PokemonFleetPokemonFleet0 Posts: 0Member
    For those who don't know about Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda that it was once originally as Series V for Star Trek. What is your opinion on that?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    ^ what?
  • universaltimuniversaltim0 Posts: 0Member
    I only know bits and pieces of many rumors out there that I just sort of glaze over these days.

    And yes, I will post more work, but I need to take care of personal stuff right now. Not enough time in the day between school, work, life, and then trying to draw. Sorry guys, but I will have more stuff, I just need some time. However, what I have done with the balance of judgment turned out badly, so that's why I didn't post what I have done...I'm embarrassed. But have no fear, my archaic and barely noteworthy art will be on here again soon...uh, hopefully. I'm still trying to catch up with everything else.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Any chance of an update?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Come on!!!
  • nunonuno0 Posts: 0Member
    Andromeda's ships look great. Please continue with the updates. :)
  • universaltimuniversaltim0 Posts: 0Member
    Sorry everybody. I Know it's been way too long, but I just haven't had time to work on any of this stuff for a very long time. :( Work has kept me busy, and there have been numerous things which took precedence. Maybe in a couple of weeks when things start getting back to normal (hopefully), I might be able to post the Balance of Judgment that I started working on a long time ago. Again, sorry for the delay.
  • look forward to it.
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