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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    Yay there was a cake and i have some updates on the Severus and final change to its size hope u all like oh and btw i put a serpent in there under the right hanger and just to let you know it ain't indestructible it does have a number of weak spots just so it ain't OTT :)
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I really like the design and I think that size is perfect for it. It's just got a "don't f**k with me" kinda look to it. Sorta reminds me of the big Dominion battleships from Star Trek DS9, very imposing if you see what I mean. Is there a 3d version of this in the works anywhere? I thought I remember somebody saying they were making one unless I was thinking of something else
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    thank you for the liking my design and yes Scootes has been very kind and making me a 3D version
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Ah yes. So is there any updates on that then?
  • DrawerDrawer0 Posts: 0Member
    This is an awesome idea. I'm a huge fan of SG-1 and Atlantis too, but since I'm still learning how to mess around with Maya, it'll take me sometime to come up with something computer based in 3D. As the name says, I'm a drawer. I just draw the old fashioned way...... ;)

    But I'm learning. I'll get where you guys are someday, I hope. :rolleyes:

    This newbie says hello to the board with this post. :cool:
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    We have our first new poster of our second year, let's hope there's many more before our 2nd birthday! Welcome to the madhouse Drawer.
  • DrawerDrawer0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for the welcome, scorpius. I was thinking about starting up with something smaller and simpler than a ship. Something like the mimic device from the episode Foothold (SG-1 season 3). Would that be OK for this thread? Well it's SG-1 based.... :confused:
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    tadz wrote: »
    Yay there was a cake and i have some updates on the Severus and final change to its size hope u all like oh and btw i put a serpent in there under the right hanger and just to let you know it ain't indestructible it does have a number of weak spots just so it ain't OTT :)

    Nice design, although you knowing their are weak spots is a bad thing, as the designer you should try and eliminate them.

    What are these weak spots anywho?
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Drawer wrote: »
    Thanks for the welcome, scorpius. I was thinking about starting up with something smaller and simpler than a ship. Something like the mimic device from the episode Foothold (SG-1 season 3). Would that be OK for this thread? Well it's SG-1 based.... :confused:

    I'd say anything Stargate related is more than welcome here, Drawer.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    To celebrate the birthday. My Daedalus is 95% finished.
    Amazing this thread has been going for 1 year nonstop.


  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Drawer wrote: »
    This is an awesome idea. I'm a huge fan of SG-1 and Atlantis too, but since I'm still learning how to mess around with Maya, it'll take me sometime to come up with something computer based in 3D. As the name says, I'm a drawer. I just draw the old fashioned way...... ;)

    But I'm learning. I'll get where you guys are someday, I hope. :rolleyes:

    This newbie says hello to the board with this post. :cool:

    yes yes, Indeed Welcome to the thread. Well, this thread is, in the WIPS section, and it's does say "Calling ALL Stargate fans". Not just the ship nuts like me, Scorp, Tadz, Scootes,Casperhead, Dallidas, SGA-3D and all the rest of us loons. LOL!!!! Besides, you'd be doing a 3d item, just in a 2d medium, IE paper. But then again, a computer screen is 2d too. So you are in the right place. Just watch your bum, someone keeps sneaking a pinch of my bottom every now and then. LOL! J/K!

    Only suggestion I have is, if you do hand drawn items, having multiple views would be helpful. You never know, someone might step up and partner with you to make a 3d version of your drawings. Who knows. Frankly, I think it'll be a nice addition to the thread's family to have non-ship items included.

    I just STILL can't believe my baby is one year old now! It's grown and almost taken on a life of it's own now. The drool is still there though. Can't help that.

    Told ya we were a bunch of loons. LOL!!!

    On a side note, I've been monitoring the visits to the thread a little, checking in now and then, and it seems that there has been quite a lot of people visiting today, much more than normal. Is there something I missed, like a stickie or note or something?
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Not that I know of. Maybe one of the powers that be could put us on the header for a while, only temporarily I expect. Short of that a stickie or something to draw a bit of attention to it.

    Here's my present to the thread. Go easy on me as this is the first time I've ever tried doing an animation from start to finish. It's only incredibly simple just to give an idea of my plan for the starbase. The rotation is probably faster than I'd have it in the end but, again, just to give an idea. It would maybe be even less than half the current speed.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Looking good!
    Will there be more beneath the spinning part?
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I hadn't planned there to be, except the pyramid type shape which I was planning on making glow and having it as a sort of power core or something (proper acceptable technical jargon to come later). I don't want to make it extend too far down. What would you suggest? By the way, since I made this animation I've made a few slight changes, mainly the front bay pod things are now a bit wider (I merged a copy of my Valkyrie class, which is supposed to be near as damn it the same size as the daedalus, and found it only JUST fit in width-ways, and if a ship that size can't fit in with a bit of room to spare they're kind of pointless).
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Gatefighter v 0,1

    I was boring today so why not to try to desing something. Because Ancients should be tougher in my so-called writer's eye, I was trying to create something military and frightening. Since gatefighter is frightening as glass of milk, take it as prototype. Fighter is supposed to fit to Pegasus era of Ancients, same design as Atlantis or Jumper/Gateships. Comments are welcome.

    Technically it's my first work so... be gentle :-)
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    I hadn't planned there to be, except the pyramid type shape which I was planning on making glow and having it as a sort of power core or something (proper acceptable technical jargon to come later). I don't want to make it extend too far down. What would you suggest? By the way, since I made this animation I've made a few slight changes, mainly the front bay pod things are now a bit wider (I merged a copy of my Valkyrie class, which is supposed to be near as damn it the same size as the daedalus, and found it only JUST fit in width-ways, and if a ship that size can't fit in with a bit of room to spare they're kind of pointless).

    I was just thinking it could do with a set of... somethings... on the bottom or the top. I suppose just three or four different sized large spikes on the bottom(Like the spires that hang from the ceiling of the cave containing Gus Gorman's Supercomputer in Superman III?), and maybe some protuberances coming from the top?(Like the subspace radio masts on the top of Ops in DS9)

    Just thinking out loud. Feel free to disregard.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    starburst wrote: »
    Nice design, although you knowing their are weak spots is a bad thing, as the designer you should try and eliminate them.

    What are these weak spots anywho?
    i had people saying it was OTT and a guess there the same weak spots as the Daedalus has, for instance if they get a ship like the serpent (my small bomber class) into the hanger and shot at the back they will blow that hanger to pieces but not the whole ship. The reason it blows up is the engines need a large amount of power so if the enemy shots at the right spot and "BOOM" there goes most of the hanger. Unless someone can tell me some more about how the ION engines work in Stargate then thats just how i think it would happen :) and 1 last thing for now how much do u think my spelling has improved everyone?
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Ok, couple of things here to do.

    1.) Sorpius, if you really want to get technical, then the rotational rate should be 6 degrees of rotation per second. That would give you 1 rpm. The maximum rate humans can tolerate is 3 rpm, any more than that and you'd feel it and wouldn't be able to function properly.

    Simulated earth G = 9.78m/second squared
    RPM = 1.335536639847039
    diameter = 1000 meters

    The greater the diameter, the slower the rpm will be.

    2.)I have finally gotten something done with my A-100 Razorback. I've thought about the name, and decided I don't like it. Gonna have to come up with something else. Suggestions?

    Anyways, like I said, I redid the entire thing except the gatling guns. I think it looks better now. I still have a LOT to do on it, but it's a start. What do you guys think? C&C??
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Casperhead wrote: »
    To celebrate the birthday. My Daedalus is 95% finished.
    Amazing this thread has been going for 1 year nonstop.

    95% Finished eh? Did you forget to put the toilet paper on the rolls again? You know, of all the things, THAT is the most important 5% to have. :lol:


    I'm just kidding. I like to be funny. It is an extremely nice model. It's done very well, especially the texturing. But, what still needs to be done? I can't see anything missing from it. And, what did you do it in? Max, LW?
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    nice i like it but sorry no name suggestions i am out of those, u could always name it some sort of flying dinosaur.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Damn you Real Life! Damn you for keeping me from my 3D ships....:lol:

    Anyway... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CASF, Here's to many more!

    And a new shot of the Puddlefighter-

    that^^ might be the last time it's in it's ancient guise... i'm considering making this a present-day Tau'ri ship based on a design found itn the Atlantis Database.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    Does anyone know how i can make GIF images because i am trying to make one but dont know how so any help?
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    tadz wrote: »
    Does anyone know how i can make GIF images because i am trying to make one but dont know how so any help?

    Do you mean an animated GIF, or just a regular gif? Otherwise, GIF is just an image format, like jpg's and tif's and bmp's.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Ok, couple of things here to do.

    1.) Sorpius, if you really want to get technical...

    I didn't :p But I have changed the rate of rotation so it now rotates 6deg every 30 frames. Course that's now pushed the time it takes to rotate completely to 1800 frames rather than the 300 I had it at before lol, never mind!
    freekzilla wrote: »
    2.)Anyways, like I said, I redid the entire thing except the gatling guns. I think it looks better now. I still have a LOT to do on it, but it's a start. What do you guys think? C&C??

    I think it's improved. One thing that's kinda throwing me off (and it's something I realised I was doing which I've stopped now) is the majority of it is straight lines, but the wings appear to be chamfered. I realised I did that on a few things on my original Argo and started doing it on the revised version but removed it all. My personal taste would have the cockpit slightly narrower, but that's just me. As for the name, I suppose you could look at ancient fighters and see if anything fits, I can't think of any off hand.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    95% Finished eh? Did you forget to put the toilet paper on the rolls again? You know, of all the things, THAT is the most important 5% to have. :lol:


    I'm just kidding. I like to be funny. It is an extremely nice model. It's done very well, especially the texturing. But, what still needs to be done? I can't see anything missing from it. And, what did you do it in? Max, LW?

  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    yer i mean animation GIF's
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    What do you want to make a gif of?

    You need to use a program which allows you to create the animation frame by frame, Ive found Fireworks pretty easy to use but theres a few free programs around.

    Obviously the more animation you want the harder it will get to animate
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    tadz wrote: »
    yer i mean animation GIF's

    Far as I know, you'll need a program to do that. There are a bunch of trial ones you can temporarily use. That's not something I am real familiar with anymore. Used to have a animated gif program on my old Mac, but that was a long time ago. Sorry.

    Hey Casperhead, didn't I make you laugh? I thought it was funny.:(:(:( Just tryin to make people laugh. :(:(
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    it was a decent joke:)
  • ElitenovaElitenova0 Posts: 0Member
    Can anybody design a A-10D Thunderbolt 3 with all of F-302 technology.
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