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My own design: the Pulsar class

[Deleted User][Deleted User]11 Posts: 4,002Member
Designed as a short range ship after the lost of the Intrepid class starship Voyager. The Pulsar's primary mission was to test out new Transwarp drives as well as to house new state of the art sensor tech.

Would love some tips and pointers on how to improve this model.

Also am looking for someone to texture it for me. IT's not properly textured.


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]11 Posts: 4,002Member
    Damn nice ship there. Perchance the kinds of weaponry it has? What's its max drive capability & specific special mission qualifications. Does it have a bar? Just kidding....
  • Daemon FortuneDaemon Fortune0 Posts: 0Member
    Love it. Although I would think that Starfleet wouldn't replace a deep space science vessel class with a short range variant. It would seem rather logical that the Pulsar would have been designed as a test bed for Transwarp, Sensor Technology Development and other technologies as they relate to developing a replacement for the Intrepid Class in the future.

    But I do love the design and would love to see more specs on her in the future.
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