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Finished Work Forum Information

GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator

Welcome to the Finished Work forum!

This forum is for sharing your finished artwork with the community.
Thread thumbnails are generated from the first picture of the thread.


A couple of pointers:

Use the prefixes
There are currently prefixes for 3D, 2D, Practical, Animation, and Photography. If your work falls mainly in one category, pick it from the dropdown, when making the thread. If you need more prefixes, you can request them on the support forum.

Include an image
Including an image will generate a thread thumbnail on the forum index. The forum grabs the first image of any given thread. It will work with img tags and attachments. If you're posting videos, please include a still image.

Consider our bandwidth
Please keep your images at a manageable filesize, especially for the first image which is used for the thumbnails on the index. You can host nice big uncompressed ones yourself and link to them. All videos should be hosted on one of the many streaming platforms, and embedded.

Expect feedback
The primary reason to post in this forum is to get feedback on your work. That certainly doesn't mean you're obligated to follow or agree with it, but it does mean that you shouldn't get annoyed by it, even if it is not what you wanted/expected.

That being said,
Give useful, actionable feedback
Any feedback you give should be constructive, and in case of criticism, actionable. If you point out a problem, you should be able to suggest a solution. Keep in mind that whatever your solution is, it's merely a suggestion. If they choose to go another way, you shouldn't get annoyed by it, even if it is not what you wanted/expected.

Stay on topic
SFM is a scifi 3D art forum, but you can post non-scifi and non-3d images, though. Just remember what the focus is.

Fanboyism is frowned upon
Blind aggressive devotion to anything is not really a good look. Avoid at all times.

Credit, where credit is due
If you didn't make something, make sure to mention who did. Even if the license terms don't require attribution, it's nice to mention.
Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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