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3DThe Old Astronomer

FenniusFennius188 Posts: 82Member
Right here we go, a full animation worthy enough to not be called a test:

Still a little janky in places, especially as what seemed a nice smooth pace in the previews in blender turned out to be waaaay too fast, so I had to selectively slow bits, messing with the frame rate, but I've started messing with davinci resolve for some basic editing and it seems to have worked out acceptably.

There's a couple of small changes to the ships actually, I ever so slightly tweaked the depth on the hull texture and added a rough clearcoat so it catches the light better, I slightly darkened the red of the bussards, and I fixed the vane rotation glitch (although with the frame rates slowed you can't actually see it in the flyby scene :D - next time!).

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