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3DFederation fighter ship (the X-wing from Star Trek)

Nell 3DNell 3D375 Posts: 125Member
I have always been fascinated by Star Trek and Star Wars equally, and the X-Wings seemed analogous to the Federation shuttles. However, they are not the same, so I thought, what would a Star Trek fighter ship be like? Watching the new series that have come out from both franchises, I felt brave enough to share my idea of this model. I present to you
iuque,' named after a bird from my country (Chile).



  • Nell 3DNell 3D375 Posts: 125Member
  • Nell 3DNell 3D375 Posts: 125Member
    As you can see, it has no windows or visible access panels, only a simple hatch on the underside, as seen in the image. This is due to massive armor and an intimidating appearance (as Tom Paris would say). Let's remember that it is a fighter ship.

  • Nell 3DNell 3D375 Posts: 125Member
    I will provide the schematics for a better understanding.

  • Nell 3DNell 3D375 Posts: 125Member
    Of course, it comes loaded with an insane array of weapons of all kinds, lethal and non-lethal, camouflage systems, stealth mode, 17 different teleportation systems, and an external replicator to replace vital systems (not suitable for everything).

  • Nell 3DNell 3D375 Posts: 125Member
    edited December 2023 #6
    Post edited by Nell 3D on
    Lizzy777evil_genius_180Warp Propulsion Laboratorysrspicer
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972337 Posts: 1,215Member
    That looks awesome. Some views, especially the front, look like a baby Battlestar.
    Nell 3D
  • Nell 3DNell 3D375 Posts: 125Member

    Vortex5972 wrote: »
    That looks awesome. Some views, especially the front, look like a baby Battlestar.

    hahahahahaha, a baby Battlestar!!!!! That image will accompany me all day!

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804745 Posts: 11,267Member
    This is one of the coolest Starfleet designs I've seen in a long time. I can see the design influences from both the "speedboat" shuttles from Voyager and the Defiant-class. And, there are some unique things going on here too. I really like the nacelles. To me, it looks like a "mean" shuttle, which is what you'd expect a Starfleet fighter to look like. We've seen a few fighters in Star Trek canon, but none were as cool as this one.
    Nell 3D
  • HelotHelot391 Posts: 164Member
    Very cool execution. I like the lethal look to it and it seems you could pack a fair number of them into a starship. I've never liked what passed as a fighter in ST, you've fixed that.
    Nell 3D
  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
    I see they harvested a few of Krall’s bees
    Nell 3D
  • Nell 3DNell 3D375 Posts: 125Member
    publiusr wrote: »
    I see they harvested a few of Krall’s bees

    I got lost with the thing about Krall's bees, what are they?
  • Nell 3DNell 3D375 Posts: 125Member
    Helot wrote: »
    Very cool execution. I like the lethal look to it and it seems you could pack a fair number of them into a starship. I've never liked what passed as a fighter in ST, you've fixed that.

    I had the same opinion, that's why I designed this, now I'm going to make it into a physical model (scale model).
  • MikkiKashiwagiMikkiKashiwagi360 StuttgartPosts: 133Member
    :o :3 B) Great & cool Designwork.. more please.. it's inspired me..!! :o B) ;)
    Nell 3D
  • StarshipStarship476 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,985Member
    Hey, welcome back Nell!
    It´s a long time since the USS Amadis. ;)
    I loved the concept fighterl!!
    Nell 3D
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2112 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    Oh wow! That's an amazing design!
    Nell 3D
  • commandersozocommandersozo511 Posts: 633Member
    wow, i really like this ship. it's a "real" starfighter concept and doesn't look like some aircraft with warp drive abilities. great work!
    Nell 3D
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    Nell 3D wrote: »
    publiusr wrote: »
    I see they harvested a few of Krall’s bees

    I got lost with the thing about Krall's bees, what are they?

    the swarm ships from Star Trek Beyond

    Really great texturing job here!
    Nell 3D
  • SATRSATR256 Posts: 413Member
    Nell 3Dpubliusr
  • SATRSATR256 Posts: 413Member
    Similar to my ship
    Nell 3D
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    SATR wrote: »
    Similar to my ship

    Not really that similar. Looks faster and meaner to me. Also, did you make this one yourself or was it a commission, because historically this has been an issue?
    Nell 3DVortex5972
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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  • SATRSATR256 Posts: 413Member
    It was a comission in 2014
  • Nell 3DNell 3D375 Posts: 125Member
    SATR wrote: »
    Similar to my ship

    It's a great job; however, I don't see it as similar, mainly due to a scale issue. My ship is approximately 6 meters long, but the 'Proteus NX-52014' seems to be more like a ship with multiple decks and quite large. I'm very excited to see more of your work, but in reality, it doesn't resemble it, not even in silhouette.
  • SATRSATR256 Posts: 413Member
    Neil 3d can i email you?
  • Nell 3DNell 3D375 Posts: 125Member
    My name is not Neil but Nell, and my email is posted on my profile
  • SATRSATR256 Posts: 413Member
    Sorry hadnt got glasses on. This is all i can see, i cant see your email
  • Nell 3DNell 3D375 Posts: 125Member
    SATR wrote: »
    Sorry hadnt got glasses on. This is all i can see, i cant see your email

    How curious, I remember being there. My email is [email protected], but I might take a while to reply; I don't use it much

  • SATRSATR256 Posts: 413Member
    Ok thankyou
  • SATRSATR256 Posts: 413Member
    Ive just sent
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    You can see your email (and birthday and some other things) when looking at your own profile, but they're not visible to other members for privacy reasons.
    Nell 3D
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
    Join our fancy Discord Server!
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10155 Posts: 5,373Member
    Not to mention you could just DM (PM) another member with that Message button, this keeps it private as far as the board is concerned and not revealing emails publicly as bots just pick those up and spam it.
    Nell 3Dpubliusr
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
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