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JoeMcMullenJoeMcMullen81 Posts: 13Member
So I decided to dig out the Charleston and get her transferred over to Modo (so long, Lightwave). It's a good opportunity to learn/relearn some Modo, update some texturing, try some new things, maybe even post regular updates.
First thing I did was try to find and fix all the little geometry errors, then I messed around with lights for a little bit.

rojrenevil_genius_180Lizzy777ashleytingerraztovcool65Mustang13Camaro68StarCruiserlennier1Atolmand 7 others.


  • EBOLIIEBOLII206 Posts: 363Member
    Hello details How you been? ..... Looks great!
  • count23count23367 Posts: 785Member
    Holy crap, welcome back joe. And what a way to hit the ground running...
    Formerly Nadesico.

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  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804745 Posts: 11,267Member
    That looks outstanding.
  • StarshipStarship476 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,985Member
    Welcome aboard Joe! How you doing?
    It´s good to see this old, charming and beautifull lady to make a come back. Keep posting!
  • lennier1lennier1918 Posts: 1,287Member
    It's great to see one of the best fan-made Trek ships of all time arrive in a new detail era.
    Loved it when she got decent screen time in the final Hidden Frontier episodes.
  • JoeMcMullenJoeMcMullen81 Posts: 13Member
    Awwww, thanks!

    Update! I worked on the Warp Engines first; lots of back and forth between Modo and Photoshop, tweaking colors and values and rebuilding the arrowhead banner in Illustrator (I had originally built all the decals in Lightwave, long long ago). I realized after rendering that I hadn't enabled Sub-D on the Warp Grills, so they look a little crunchy.

    evil_genius_180ashleytingerraztovrojrenStarCruiserAtolmAdmiral156Lizzy777JESlennier1and 4 others.
  • dcomprimedcomprime195 Posts: 123Member
    I have to say, all of the designs of this concept of a starship...this is the best one... it's so different I love it.
  • dcomprimedcomprime195 Posts: 123Member
    what kind of texturing are you using?
  • JoeMcMullenJoeMcMullen81 Posts: 13Member
    How do you mean? I'm using regular old image maps, with PBR (and some Principled) materials.
  • JESJES408 Posts: 196Member
    Dude, you were one of the inspirations that influenced me into trying 3D modeling using Blender myself! I didn't even know you were on here! I just love your stuff!!!

    In my opinion, these newer images show off the Wanderer's many details better than previously existing ones!

    I have no idea how much time you hand to spend on this bad girl until she was finished (and I'm not sure I want to know, because I'm sure the Sovvie I'm working on will take at least as long!), but whatever it is, it shows! I don't know how many subdivisions you had to put in to get all of those hull panels and what I assume are structural field integrity generators, but it must've been a lot!
  • Admiral156Admiral156200 Posts: 88Member
    Unique design, especially the inset bussard collectors on the nacelles, love it!
  • srspicersrspicer395 Posts: 339Member
    Really like the warp engine design!
  • JoeMcMullenJoeMcMullen81 Posts: 13Member
    @JES No way, really? Now I feel pressure :smiley:

    I have been working on this ship, off and on, since at least 1996 (and I know some design elements started several years before that).
    There have been 3 or 4 "completed" versions. I think I did the 2nd big remodeling in 2009(?), the big retexturing in 2015 or so. She's the gift that keeps giving.

    Okay, next up is the AWACS platform. While texturing this Modo started instacrashing on render, so I had to detour for a while and deal with that. It ended up being the forcefields around the maintenance bays on the back of the AWACS. I turned those materials off for now, and rendering seems to be fine.
    I also added in various porch lights and did the windows (but I may eventually circle back around to those and make some actual window boxes).

  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    Okay.... That's not a man's job, that's God Tier, if I may say so, well done, sir.

    Also, welcome back sir (salutes)
    AW Fanon Wiki — — — DeviantArt — — — AW Discord (EN)
  • lennier1lennier1918 Posts: 1,287Member
    Still hope one of these days someone will team up with you to develop it into a model kit.
  • japetusjapetus2984 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    Love it, I'm just discovering this! Can be very rewarding getting back into an ancient project and updating it. Looking forward to this texturing
  • lennier1lennier1918 Posts: 1,287Member
    japetus wrote: »
    Love it, I'm just discovering this! Can be very rewarding getting back into an ancient project and updating it. Looking forward to this texturing

    You might enjoy that a short-lived spinoff of the old Hidden Frontier fan film series even used it as its hero ship, though obviously an older iteration of the design. Just took a look for a dose of nostalgia and it was weird to see my old sickbay model in it. 😁
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804745 Posts: 11,267Member
    lennier1 wrote: »
    japetus wrote: »
    Love it, I'm just discovering this! Can be very rewarding getting back into an ancient project and updating it. Looking forward to this texturing

    You might enjoy that a short-lived spinoff of the old Hidden Frontier fan film series even used it as its hero ship, though obviously an older iteration of the design. Just took a look for a dose of nostalgia and it was weird to see my old sickbay model in it. 😁

    Heh, I remember both Hidden Frontier and that spinoff. Seeing this ship actually made me nostalgic for those old fan films.
  • admiral hortonadmiral horton201 Posts: 145Member
    i can wait to see this finish
    and full orthos
  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
    That design really keeps the eye moving…we need more of that.

    Not everything needs to be a lozenge
  • dcomprimedcomprime195 Posts: 123Member
    How do you mean? I'm using regular old image maps, with PBR (and some Principled) materials.

    I think that is what I mean...I just noticed that the texturing looks much better than my work...maybe it's the lighting...not sure.
  • JoeMcMullenJoeMcMullen81 Posts: 13Member
    Started working on the engineering section and phasers. Lots of little bits and bobs yet to do.

    rojrenSCE2Auxscifiericevil_genius_180StarCruiserwolfmanBolianAdmiralpubliusrraztovJESand 3 others.
  • SCE2AuxSCE2Aux1038 Posts: 202Member
    Those are some really intricate textures, I'm liking the look of this.
  • count23count23367 Posts: 785Member
    Are the nacelles staying variable geometry? or are you making them hard fixed into the upwards position?
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
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  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann741 Posts: 1,368Member
    I don't know how I missed this but I'm really digging the texture on this.
  • seanrseanr1452 Brooklyn, NYPosts: 641Member
    edited May 2023 #27
    Personally, I'd make that dark blue much lighter, so it's just a bit darker than the rest (and maybe desaturate the lighter blue a good bit), but if that's my oly tweak, you're doing a damned good job. 😀
    Post edited by seanr on
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann741 Posts: 1,368Member
    I'm digging the blue, might be a specific livery, maybe it's science/medical but I could also see it being Starfleet Naval, supporting Starfleet missions that focus on primarily oceanic planets.
  • JoeMcMullenJoeMcMullen81 Posts: 13Member
    I might experiment with the blue just to see what it looks like, but I do like it as it is.

    @count23 Yes, the nacelles are still variable geometry; I just like them better in the up position. My handwave is that the flat position is just for high warp cruising, or something like that.

    Next update: I added the vroom-vrooms! (also the escape pods, the SIFs, the transporter pads, and other miscellaneous details)


  • JoeMcMullenJoeMcMullen81 Posts: 13Member
    I can now show you the first test animation of the Charleston's Advanced Flapstream Drive.

    Really cutting edge stuff, I'm sure it's going to be widely adopted.
  • lennier1lennier1918 Posts: 1,287Member
    Flappy Starfleet Bird - The Sequel
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