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AnimationStar Trek Fan TOS intro with a scifieric enterprise

Paul MoechnerPaul Moechner541 Posts: 126Member
edited January 2023 in Work in Progress #1
Thumbnail for this thread: j41soloalmtb.png

I recently spent 91 days, going through scifieric's tutorial on how to 3D model/texture the 1701 Enterprise, for the purpose of all the 3D modeling/texturing skills I would develop in the process, and I learned a LOT! Thanks Eric! It was the perfect 3D modeling/texturing exercise for a rookie like me.

I am now working on another "exercise" in which I'll be learning whatever I gotta learn in order to create a good quality, fan version of Star Trek's TOS intro. The idea and motivation behind all of this, is that I will be developing the skills needed to function as part of the AsteronX youtube production pipeline, and also to develop CAD related skills I will be using in the future to design real aerospace craft and space craft for AsteronX (an earth and space project I volunteer at in Mexico) some day.

I've chosen to document my daily'ish progression of this new 3D modeling/animation exercise on my art station profile. I'll be learning a lot of things such as learning how to create space HDRI's, volumetric clouds for nebulae, etc.

Just finished taking an xmas break from learning and I'm now already on day 2 of this exercise.

Today I finished learning how to create a very basic fly-by animation. My next goal is learning how to make the blades in the bussard collectors spin, the lights within the bussard collectors blinking in correct sequence, as well as the red/green navigation lights to blink. I'm using a combination of scifieric's animation tutorial, other tutorials I can find online, and a lot of personal tutoring from friends of mine at AsteronX who are experienced in Blender, and Gimp.

Here's a link to my animation:

Here's a link to scifieric's animation tutorial that I'm using:
Post edited by Guerrilla on


  • Paul MoechnerPaul Moechner541 Posts: 126Member
    I posted a link to my animation because I honestly don't know how else to post a video here. If anybody knows a better way, please let me know.
  • trekkitrekki966 Posts: 1,419Member
    Very good.
    A happy and successful new year =)
    scifiericPaul Moechner
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    I posted a link to my animation because I honestly don't know how else to post a video here. If anybody knows a better way, please let me know.

    A lot of forums do not generate an image from a link. So, what the rest of us tend to do is to post an image, and then associate a link with the image. But posting a link gets the job done! Well done!
    Paul Moechner
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    edited January 2023 #5
    There is a [vid][/vid] tag you can use, but it's not very well advertised since it's a custom tag and there's not button for it.
    Works like this:
    [vid]URL to your video[/vid]
    which should look like this:
    Post edited by Guerrilla on
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    Guerrilla wrote: »
    There is a [vid]tag you can use, but it's not very well advertised since it's a custom tag and there's not button for it. Works like this:[/vid]
    [vid]URL to your video[/vid]
    which should look like this:
    I never knew that! Nice!
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