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3DSurak w Warp Sled



  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    edited July 30 #62
    Hey everyone!

    So a big day, huh? Just as STLV is about to get up and running, OTOY release a new video on the Roddenberry Archive and... it's the first time that my shuttle/sled appears. Over the moon. I so wish that I had been asked to come on board FT, but eh... not to take away.

    That project is the reason why v1 became v2, and I then built v3 for myself. Then a v4 and with new info and ha! just getting a couple more kits in today (as well as building a practical replica with a very damn good former ILMer) well, v5 will be underway shortly. Yes, you read that correctly, I'm building a filming model replica as well.

    I know a number of folks here are involved in the project (ah, if you've got any clout with HR cough cough, yes I'm looking) and so a 'Good on ya!' to everyone involved.

    Post edited by vfxart on
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
    edited August 2 #63
    Way to go guys. I apologize I missed the Vulcan Warp Sled. Very nice.
    Post edited by Brandenberg on
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    v5 is officially underway. It has to take a backseat to the MM and the job hunt... which has gone absolutely nowhere.
    But it is underway. Lots of small stages for it, and I'm hoping for a full upgrade over the next month or so, 60-80 hours is probably about right. While I'm at it, I'll be looking into doing one or two other similar shuttles, based on the various looks that this ship had while under construction at Magicam. There will be variation in surface detail and paint/markings. Since there was no formalization of the script on the ship, it'll be up to me to devise something and not half-ass it. Should be fun.

    On the Roddenberry Archive- it's a bit of a slippery slope 'donating' assets over, as there would be questions around exclusivity. They would likely prefer it not to be in a portfolio etc and definitely not used in other media. But technically, they can only claim full ownership of v2, the only asset that they paid for. Having these to show in a portfolio right now is more important. v3 was gifted, if you will, as I can't stand the thought that what they have and is out there for everyone to see and study is less than what it could be. Unsure how I'll feel when v5 wraps. But I tend to lean towards absolutely wanting them to have the best work as an option, even if it isn't used... and if it is used, they had better turn the #!@$% running lights on. ;-)
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