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3DSCE2Aux' Scifi Work

SCE2AuxSCE2Aux1038 Posts: 202Member
edited November 2022 in Work in Progress #1
Hi, I'm SCE2Aux and I'd like to share some of the 3d stuff I'm working on. This is a Star Trek ship a made around 2019, which I modified after my skills got better about a year later. I dusted it off for a second time this year and have nearly finished adding the further texturing and modelling detail. It's meant to represent a very early human warp-capable starship.

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Here are some kitbashing ideas combing the above ship with another one I've done. At some point I think it would be fun to expand on this into a little fleet:

When I first modelled the ship, I intended to come up with some interiors to go with it, but never got around to starting it. This is a WIP image of where I'm at with the bridge right now. Still needs displays, buttons/controls, and texturing though:

Lastly I want some environments for this ship to be in, so I've started some work on some things for that:

I think asteroids would be fun to make too.
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rojrenBolianAdmiralxiaorobearashleytingerRekkertwibbleBillynom8scifiericStarCruiserWarp Propulsion Laboratoryand 11 others.


  • trekkitrekki981 Posts: 1,435Member
    Nice 👍
  • wibblewibble1374 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 613Member
    Impressive work. I like the bridge concept. It's a bit like Star Trek meets The Expanse.
  • rojrenrojren2621 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 2,015Member
    I like your design esthetic. It's kinda like removing the traditional, smooth Starfleet hull, and finding the working bits underneath.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    wibble wrote: »
    Impressive work. I like the bridge concept. It's a bit like Star Trek meets The Expanse.

    EXACTLY what I was thinking!

    LOVE this!
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    This is BEAUTIFUL work!
  • SCE2AuxSCE2Aux1038 Posts: 202Member
    wibble wrote: »
    Impressive work. I like the bridge concept. It's a bit like Star Trek meets The Expanse.

    I'm a huge fan of The Expanse, and of more real-life inspired scifi technology in general. Whilst I didn't have that show's look specifically in mind when I started out on this set, I definitely wanted a more nuts and bolts design language compared to other Star Trek bridges (nx-01 excepted.)

    I initially wanted another row of consoles to evoke a mission control sort of vibe, but when it came to blocking out the room shapes, I couldn't really fit it all in. I've done some spaceship interiors before, but this is my first proper bridge set, so I learned a lot as I went along.

  • xiaorobearxiaorobear719 Posts: 175Member
    Definitely buy those ships as a precursor to something like the Olympic class - the modeling and greeble details look amazing! Beautiful planet too, I love the backlit rings shot.
  • srspicersrspicer395 Posts: 340Member
    Very nice work and very believable ST designs!
  • Warp Propulsion LaboratoryWarp Propulsion Laboratory915 BrooklynPosts: 324Member
    Great work! I'm getting a real "Event Horizon" vibe from your designs. Welcome to the forum!
    Please visit my YouTube channel!

    Formerly furswift
  • wibblewibble1374 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 613Member
    SCE2Aux wrote: »
    Whilst I didn't have that show's look specifically in mind when I started out on this set, I definitely wanted a more nuts and bolts design language compared to other Star Trek bridges.

    Well I guess the things we like most always find a way to sneak in our projects.
  • Hunter GHunter G1927 Posts: 544Member
    I love these precursor style ships! And beautifully detailed and textured
  • mishasiegfriedmishasiegfried215 Posts: 75Member
    These are brilliant. It feels very much like a 22nd centruy NASA/Starfleet thing. Your greeble details are fantastic!
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    Nice. I enjoy the lowtech (for Star Trek) look a lot.
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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  • johnl2112johnl211248 Posts: 54Member
    This is quite excelent! I really like the "this could be something built 60 years from now" vibe it gives off.
  • SCE2AuxSCE2Aux1038 Posts: 202Member
    I've been concentrating on the buttons/controls for the bridge this week:

    Also finished some modelling work on the back of the main seats. I took some inspiration from ejection seats as a starting point for the overall shape of these seats.
    wibblesrspicerHunter GashleytingerLizzy777LeoBerlincaveat_imperatorRekkertjapetusStarshipand 3 others.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    Oh I REALLY dig these, reminds me a bit of Stargate with "what if we built a starship with the tech we have right now?" and I'm here for it.

    Dig the control panels as well as the standalone pieces, but I'd say be sure to keep things in a feasible positions, the screens on the sides on the center console don't make as much sense since the user wouldn't normally be looking in that direction, save it for knobs/switches... things that an be "felt." I might actually have those little square screens with the button sides being on armatures like monitors or lights. That way they can be pulled forward when they need them and pushed back when they don't need them.
  • publiusrpubliusr561 Posts: 1,763Member
  • SCE2AuxSCE2Aux1038 Posts: 202Member
    edited July 2022 #19
    Oh I REALLY dig these, reminds me a bit of Stargate with "what if we built a starship with the tech we have right now?" and I'm here for it.

    Dig the control panels as well as the standalone pieces, but I'd say be sure to keep things in a feasible positions, the screens on the sides on the center console don't make as much sense since the user wouldn't normally be looking in that direction, save it for knobs/switches... things that an be "felt." I might actually have those little square screens with the button sides being on armatures like monitors or lights. That way they can be pulled forward when they need them and pushed back when they don't need them.

    I like the idea of using armatures for side-monitors a lot, it makes sense and will also help balance out the main workstation screens which look a bit lonely right now, thanks!
    publiusr wrote: »
    Maybe something External Tank based for pre-Daedalus ships?
    Could be worth thinking about if I make more ships in this early era. I basically kitbashed a space shuttle payload bay as the upper cargo bay area for this ship, so I'm certainly not averse to using shuttle-era stuff for these ship designs. :)
    Post edited by SCE2Aux on
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    I love the mix of Expanse/Trek you've got going on with this. So so good.
  • caveat_imperatorcaveat_imperator7 Posts: 11Member
    Great work! I personally wish the ships from Enterprise leaned more towards your designs, with some Earth ships with nacelles and others with ring warp engines.
  • SCE2AuxSCE2Aux1038 Posts: 202Member
    I wanted a change from bridge modelling for a bit, so I've been adding panel detail to the old shuttle model that was made along with the original Reliant mesh.
    caveat_imperatorashleytingerStarCruiserHunter GLizzy777LeoBerlinpubliusrStarshipJESHundredand 1 other.
  • publiusrpubliusr561 Posts: 1,763Member
    Kliper was to look a bit like that
  • commandersozocommandersozo578 Posts: 651Member
    coll stuff. thnx for posting.
  • SCE2AuxSCE2Aux1038 Posts: 202Member
    edited July 2022 #25
    publiusr wrote: »
    Kliper was to look a bit like that

    I hadn't considered that, but you're right that there is definitely a resemblence. The soviet/Russian space programs had a ton of interesting ideas, always ruined by budget squeezes and mismanagement. I always liked the idea of the fly-back boosters as an upgrade path for the Energia rocket.

    My shuttle is a sort of miniature Spacex Starship, in that it will reorient during the final descent and land on its tail - seems like a good solution for landing on unprepared surfaces.

    I'm still currently bogged down on the controls for the bridge this week. I've added peripheral displays flanking the main screen on each work station, and spent some time putting linear white boarders around the various groups of buttons, with associated labelling of what each group does - the sort of thing you see in the cockpit of real-life aircraft cockpits. I've only done this for the three consoles on the right side so far, but it adds some realism when closer in. I can't wait to get this all modelled and on to the texturing stage - had enough of modelling right now haha


    A lower resolution close up of the consoles with the additional detailing.

    Post edited by SCE2Aux on
    wibbletrekkiLizzy777StarCruiserpubliusrsrspicerRekkertMustang13Camaro68LeoBerlincaveat_imperatorand 3 others.
  • trekkitrekki981 Posts: 1,435Member
    It all looks very good. 👍 The small monitors on the sides are from the NX-01 or ? 😂😂
  • SCE2AuxSCE2Aux1038 Posts: 202Member
    trekki wrote: »
    The small monitors on the sides are from the NX-01 or ? 😂😂
    Oh for sure - in the future, all monitors will be small, blocky 4:3 aspect ratio devices with 480 pixel interlaced displays. None of that 4K Ultra HD OLED rubbish!
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Is this ship using the Expanse version of gravity where it's only "on" under active engine thrust or has it already got grav-plating?
  • SCE2AuxSCE2Aux1038 Posts: 202Member
    Is this ship using the Expanse version of gravity where it's only "on" under active engine thrust or has it already got grav-plating?

    Funny you should mention that, because I thought about this a bit when I did the initial modelling pass of the ship exterior. My line of thought is that because there have been a couple of episodes depicting pre-warp ships that have artificial gravity, I shouldn't be too hung up over whether this one has it too. However I think artificial gravity throughout the entire ship would be a bit of a stretch, so maybe the technology is confined to the bridge and the crew hab/quarters. The rest can go zero-g.

    I've been thinking that the bridge lighting is looking a bit even and TNG-like, so I've spent a bit of time trying to address that issue:
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Love LOVE the dust in the lights. Very cool.
  • SCE2AuxSCE2Aux1038 Posts: 202Member
    Pretty much finished the modelling on this one, now onto the texturing phase:

    Some lighting practice - not my strongest suit, so I try to experiment in lighting my ships in different ways to see what works:
    wibbleRekkertashleytingercaveat_imperatorrojrenStarCruiserLizzy777raztovwolfmanJESand 4 others.
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