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3DRestoring the lost...



  • allyngibsonallyngibson2 Posts: 2Member
    I like the changes to the Clarke -- the shorter (in terms of height) nacelles look good, the neck looks fine. The only thing I wonder is if the docking port on the torpedo assembly needs to be moved forward; a skilled pilot will be able to navigate around the nacelle pylon, but it looks "tricky."

    It's a good looking ship. Why not an arboretum? I've been thinking about what this ship is for, and I keep thinking it's more of a light cruiser than a science ship. It can operate independently, it can explore, it can do colony support missions, it can patrol shipping lanes. Probably not super-fast -- with the smaller warp engines, it might top out around warp 6 -- but it can throw a punch above its weight when necessary. Her crew (150, more or less?) is going to need a place to unwind.
  • JayruJayru1489 UKPosts: 779Member
    I definitely think you should add it. It looks great! Love seeing what everyone does with theirs!

    I love what you did with yours and the detail you go into. I'm trying to keep this low poly... But yes, I did build in a lot of the details of the rooms behind the windows last time. The current ones are all lightboxes - the textures are from a simple set I built. The Arboretum is coming along nicely, just rendering it up :-)
    I like the changes to the Clarke -- the shorter (in terms of height) nacelles look good, the neck looks fine. The only thing I wonder is if the docking port on the torpedo assembly needs to be moved forward; a skilled pilot will be able to navigate around the nacelle pylon, but it looks "tricky."

    It's a good looking ship. Why not an arboretum? I've been thinking about what this ship is for, and I keep thinking it's more of a light cruiser than a science ship. It can operate independently, it can explore, it can do colony support missions, it can patrol shipping lanes. Probably not super-fast -- with the smaller warp engines, it might top out around warp 6 -- but it can throw a punch above its weight when necessary. Her crew (150, more or less?) is going to need a place to unwind.

    Thank you - and yes and arboretum is coming. I've been doing a lot of thinking about what this ship can and can't do. She is big - bigger than the original I built. Crew wise? 300ish sort of fits the frame (and the time). I agree she's probably not the fastest ship in the fleet. Can prob do warp 9 on the old scale at a push, but average out at warp 7 or 8. Weapons wise she has the same load out as a refit Constitution - no aft torpedo launcher though. Shield wise... well I did build forcefield coils into both the primary and secondary hull. So she may have better shields, which would fit with the exploration side of things and the boarder patrol role as well, but the same fighting capacity? Maybe not. I might pull some of her teeth so she's not too overpowered.

    Yeah, the torpedo docking ports are bugging me. She has seven of them in total, so I may remove the ones on the torp bay. Something to think about.

    More very soon :-)
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • JayruJayru1489 UKPosts: 779Member
    Now with arboretum :-)


    It's better than the one I did for the Horizon, so I'm going to redo that one.

    Also -
    ... The only thing I wonder is if the docking port on the torpedo assembly needs to be moved forward; a skilled pilot will be able to navigate around the nacelle pylon, but it looks "tricky." ...

    Totally agree. I've covered it up for the time being, as said before - the ship is well catered when it comes to docking ports, so it can lose those two;


    Comments welcome, more tomorrow!
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • JayruJayru1489 UKPosts: 779Member
    Morning all!

    Time for a scale render to show how small/big this 'lil ship is;


    Both ships are rendered to scale with each other - so the cat is out of the bag as to the scale of this baby. I kinda wish I had done this at the start, so I could have recaptured the small ship I crafted before, but... Here we are, and I think the size works.


    Deck layout is holding - although I have noticed something that is off. A row of windows on the saucer is off. Not sure why at this stage, so I'll be looking into that.


    Should give an idea of the layout - and yes, the trop docking rings are back, and have been moved forward :-) Giving this ship the seven ports I originally had on her;


    Comments welcome, more soon!
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • JayruJayru1489 UKPosts: 779Member
    I've been playing around with the scale of this ship, and have managed to shrink her to a length of 206 meters, which fits better IMOO, although comments are welcome on that score. I also moved the saucer forward by 10 meters to give her a sleeker look;


    This still works well with the deck layout I have;


    leaving the layout better;


    Which allows for the beginning of an MSD :-)


    and a first look at the bridge layout;


    Comments very welcome, more soon :-)
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • JayruJayru1489 UKPosts: 779Member
    Just a little perspective on the crew number - here's 350 people;


    Here's the same 350 people to scale with the ship;


    Comments and thoughts welcome, more soon!
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • JayruJayru1489 UKPosts: 779Member
    Ok, this may upset a few people - but I've pulled some the Clarke's teeth. She's an 18 deck 206 meter long ship, she shouldn't have the same phaser loadout as a Connie (to my way of thinking). I'll keep two torp tubes as it still makes sense that these would be used for launching probes as well.

    Old on the left, new on the right;


    Comments welcome, more soon.
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Makes sense that the Clarke wouldn't be as loaded for bear. I like the lower phaser arrangement too
  • JayruJayru1489 UKPosts: 779Member
    Makes sense that the Clarke wouldn't be as loaded for bear. I like the lower phaser arrangement too

    Thank you, it's getting closer to the original :-)
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • JESJES413 Posts: 198Member
    edited May 2022 #71
    If it's alright with you, I'm going to pretend that USS Clarke, McCaffrey (nice class name! Surprising how little the names of science fiction authors are used), & her ilk were loaded to bear during the height of the Klingon-Federation Cold War. Organians notwithstanding, the loss of Grissom probably settled matters, and turned the class into a Light Cruiser. I've always thought that the Oberth class looked like it would make a nice little warship. The inherent modularity of the design makes it perfect for modification, and might explain why they stuck around as long as they did, as well as the Springfield class.

    Then the Khitomer Accords are signed, and the Council gives Starfleet two options: mothball the McCaffrey class, or downgrade their armament. Ironically, I could see the surviving members later getting uprated in armament during the height of the Dominion War, where they'd prove to be about as effective as the Miranda class.

    All of that little backstory out of the way, it's as much of a shame that the original model was lost as much as the Ingram.

    Like I said, I've always liked the Oberth's stocky configuration, and feel that it works well for a medium-sized starship. You're not the only fan who has made a design based off of USS Surak from that comic (Bernd Schneider's Newton Class), but I feel that yours is better refined. I also like how the shuttlebay is in the aft of the primary hull-a preview to the Ambassador and Galaxy classes. I also liked how well armed she was, but it's understandable that as a science vessel, and because even the Constitution class lacked that much in the way of aft weaponry, she would realistically only be lightly armed except in times of war.

    I also absolutely love the TMP shuttlecraft-because of the boxy design that makes her look like a successor to the Type-F, especially with the nacelles.
    Post edited by JES on
  • JayruJayru1489 UKPosts: 779Member
    Hi JES,

    Pre 2018, when I built the original mesh/ship she was the USS Clarke, NCC-901 lead ship of the Clarke Class. With the advent of DSC and the inclusion of ships from STO in PIC, we now have a canon USS Clarke, NCC-1661 (DSC) and Clarke Class (PIC). Authors - sci-fi authors that is, get used a lot for class names. But oddly enough the female authors are not touched, so it was easy to find a well known one. Yes, I am a fan of McCaffrey's work, so I know her and her place in sci-fi history. Although in saying that, there is a (canon) Shelley Class. So a precedent exist, lol. Shelley was the first female sci-fi writer!

    As for the rest -

    The phaser loadout was carried over from when the model was scaled to be a lot bigger than she ended up. I put the phasers on before I rescaled the ship, a mistake I wont make again. Given her scale and size, the current phaser loadout makes perfect sense. All those phaser banks take up internal space as well, so to achieve the crew load I needed to change it. And thanks to the old WIP thread on Treknographics I was able to pull the specs of the original ship and apply them here - this is one ship I am trying to recreate ;-)

    Their is an argument to add armament to the frame for those used in guarding the Federations boarder - that discussion happened and is one I thought long and hard on. When you add phaser banks to the hull, it means you take away something else internally - so ships of that ilk would have smaller crews, and not have all the science abilities that would be standard for the rest. You want a full torpedo loadout? You have to reduce or remove the probes you are carrying, because space on these ships is finite. It's a case of give and take. But given that Starfleet has dedicated classes for boarder patrol maybe the Clarke and her sister ships were left to do the science thing. And hey, at least the USS Clarke could take on a Klingon Bird of Prey and bite back, unlike an Oberth, lol

    The shuttlecraft is something that was based off discussions aridas sofia and I had. I'm not sure what he thinks of where I have gone with it, and I am still unsure as to whether I will use or the other shuttle design I have. Again, an argument exists for both types to be in service.
    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771425 PNWPosts: 767Member
    Jayru wrote: »
    Shelley was the first female sci-fi writer!

    Not quite. She was the second, though her intent was to write a horror story as part of a challenge in 1818.

    Margaret Cavendish wrote the book, The Blazing World, considered today to be the first known science fiction story back in 1666. In Blazing World, Cavendish imagines a utopian kingdom that is only accessible via the North Pole. She writes herself into the fantastical tale where she becomes Empress of the kingdom. This book has been referenced by modern science fiction/fantasy works, such as Alan Moore’s The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and China Mieville’s Un Lun Dun.
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • JayruJayru1489 UKPosts: 779Member
    Lizzy777 wrote: »
    Jayru wrote: »
    Shelley was the first female sci-fi writer!

    Not quite. She was the second, though her intent was to write a horror story as part of a challenge in 1818.

    Margaret Cavendish wrote the book, The Blazing World, considered today to be the first known science fiction story back in 1666. In Blazing World, Cavendish imagines a utopian kingdom that is only accessible via the North Pole. She writes herself into the fantastical tale where she becomes Empress of the kingdom. This book has been referenced by modern science fiction/fantasy works, such as Alan Moore’s The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and China Mieville’s Un Lun Dun.

    I think her work is considered more proto-science fiction, but yes... She was ahead of the curve. Shelley's Frankenstein is considered to be more the template on which science fiction was built. But what's considered the first in the field is changing all time. Wasn't that long ago that Verne and Wells were considered the creators of science-fiction. Either way - female names for classes in Star Trek is woefully lacking!

    The watcher in the tower... Waiting, hour by hour...
    - Mike Oldfield
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