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3D2012 Ship

I found a picture that was posted by Hunter G. This is my humble attempt at making it 3d.4ygi18f0sqsx.jpg
Lizzy777Hunter GAel'srojrenMcCSoul Screamsrspicer


  • Vortex5972Vortex5972338 Posts: 1,216Member
    Damn! That's looking rad.
  • Hunter GHunter G1927 Posts: 544Member
    Wow, I forgot about that design! It's looking great though, I'm glad someone decided to model it!
  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    That's definitely a ship (and artist) i'm gonna follow !
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  • Captain AdamCaptain Adam115 Posts: 15Member
    Thank you for compliments. Hunter this is the second one of yours I have modeled. I want to do your Galaxy style. Need some more pics of that one.
  • shipfishershipfisher371 Posts: 115Member
    Lovely design and great modelling so far. Combines elements from a few eras very well.
  • publiusrpubliusr561 Posts: 1,763Member
    Oh hell yeah!

    Japme did an NX-01 candidate by Eaves…I hope you bring that one to life as well
  • Captain AdamCaptain Adam115 Posts: 15Member
    Been working with materials and lighting. I have never done either before. e8h08gbb3h54.jpg

    rojrenLizzy777Ael'sSoul Scream
  • shipfishershipfisher371 Posts: 115Member
    I like the color choices. If you're going to have those nifty, Sovereign style bussards humming along with a visible discharge just above infrared, then why not have things dialled up to just under ultraviolet at the coils?
    I have to say that when TNG was about to debut, I pictured something similar to this beauty in my mind's eye before seeing the actual 1701D. It looks like something an iteration or two down the line from the 1701 movie refit, but more closely following the design lineage.
  • Captain AdamCaptain Adam115 Posts: 15Member
    Been playing with the ship alot. I have added a lot of geometry. The sensor dome is probably my favorite.ck7bi3cm1j3g.png
    Lizzy777Ael'sSoul ScreamHunter Gsrspicer
  • Captain AdamCaptain Adam115 Posts: 15Member
    Really been working on some details. I changed the plating on the secondary hull. I also added some RCS Thrusters. The bridge will be coming soon. Not sure if it will a Defiant style or a dome like in the original picture.nl192vfzp0yj.png
    Hunter GSoul ScreamLizzy777Ael'spubliusrsrspicer
  • Hunter GHunter G1927 Posts: 544Member
    Looking good my friend!
  • Captain AdamCaptain Adam115 Posts: 15Member
    Hunter do you have a suggestion for a name.
  • anthscoanthsco365 Raleigh, NCPosts: 87Member
    Looking fantasti
  • srspicersrspicer395 Posts: 340Member
    ^^^DITTO^^^ B)
  • mishasiegfriedmishasiegfried215 Posts: 75Member
    The detailing on this model are killer. Very very nice!
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