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EffectsSmoke/cloud volumeteric collisions in Blender 3.0

mishasiegfriedmishasiegfried215 Posts: 75Member
So, I'm trying to recreate the JJ Abrams "starship rising up through clouds" effect in Blender. I've watched a few tutorials on using Quick Smoke and setting up colliders, but I cannot for the life of me get the shot to happen. Has anybody tried experimenting with this? Does anybody have any pointers?

Image from Star Trek (2009) for reference. oqnp6yw2c0w8.png
Post edited by Guerrilla on


  • ProviFXProviFX162 Posts: 78Member
    Following. This would be awesome to see! I'm not a blender user, so I can't help, but this is something embergen or storm could do very well also. You could import the simulation as a vdb sequence into blender.
  • mishasiegfriedmishasiegfried215 Posts: 75Member
    ProviFX wrote: »
    Following. This would be awesome to see! I'm not a blender user, so I can't help, but this is something embergen or storm could do very well also. You could import the simulation as a vdb sequence into blender.

    Storm seems pretty cool. Have you tried it at all? Or Embergen? Any opinions or thoughts?
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