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BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
I'm just wondering why even when I'm logged in, I keep getting the reminder that the site uses cookies every single time I access the site? I've clicked the "Got It" button countless times, but I keep getting the alert anyway. Can someone please fix this?


  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10501 Posts: 5,420Member
    Just script block it. Bloody hate the stupid nags. Some places remove scroll bars and do all sorts of annoying things to require some sort of action or trackable feedback. Least it isnt so bad here but can be annoying lol.
    these are the scripts, I have them blocked from some other site that nagged with a acceptance timer that was only hours long. (well they are listing as active here) My filter entry is a nasty:
    /cookieconsent so anything with that line is blocked.

    If you do not want to hunt and kill scripts, I would inspect the cookies that are set here and delete any old ones or wipe em all and relog in after. It should clear the setting as a cookie could have some junk in it preventing the site from registering your choice.
    You might need a cookie editor and manager to see the cookies as individual files/entries. I was forced to update FF and I can only see cookie count per url vs any verbose listing to help anyone troubleshoot issues. I forget if FF or other clients save each cookie as a file somewhere in the local folders or program root or if it is a encrypted junk file somewhere.
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    I'm just wondering why even when I'm logged in, I keep getting the reminder that the site uses cookies every single time I access the site? I've clicked the "Got It" button countless times, but I keep getting the alert anyway. Can someone please fix this?

    That's not how it's supposed to work. The cookie consent uses a cookie (of all things) to record that you clicked got it and should be good for months at a time. It works as designed in my end, so I'd check for cookieconsent_status in your browser. Most browsers will have it under Development tools -> Storage -> Cookies. Value should be dismiss and expiry date should be months from now. If you're using your browser in incognito mode or clearing cookies on exit, the cookie will get cleared and notification will show up every time. You can also try deleting the cookie and seeing if it sticks the next time.
    Just script block it. Bloody hate the stupid nags. Some places remove scroll bars and do all sorts of annoying things to require some sort of action or trackable feedback. Least it isnt so bad here but can be annoying lol.

    That's certainly an option, but in my defence I am kinda legally required to show you the message and have a cookie policy in place. :p

    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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